Shot 8

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Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like❤

Swara faint in his arm. Sanskar become shocked seeing her like this. Her bleeding  arm making him panic.

Sanskar : ( shouts) Swaraaaaaaa!!! ( he pat her cheeks) Swara open your eyes. Open your eyes please Swara. ( crying seeing her like this).

Suddenly listen laughing sound. He lift his eyelashes which is wet see Parineeta laughing evilly seeing Swara faint.

Parineeta : ( evilly) Finally which I wanted that happened. My revenge from this Swara is fulfiled now. This love story of SwaSan will never complete. ( laugh evilly).

Sanskar : ( shouts angrily)Parineeta...

Parineeta : ( smirk) Don't shout Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. Now yours time of going in heaven. On this earth it's impossible of SwaSan union so continue your love story in heaven. ( laugh evilly raise gun on him pull trigger).


Sanskar become shocked.

Parineeta put palm on her chest see blood fall on platform bleeding. Police inspector shoot her on time. She died on spot. Sanskar become shocked seeing her died then think its only her punishment which God decided for her.

Sanskar : ( see Swara faint patting her cheeks) Swara please​ open your eyes. Please don't tease me Swara. Please open your eyes. (Crying).

Sanskar is crying seeing Swara faint in his arm patting her cheeks to make her get up.

Inspector : Mr Maheshwari take your wife to near city Hospital. Rest we will manage.

Sanskar nod yes  pick Swara in arm run from there for Hospital.

Outside of Ward!

Sanskar sitting on bench all numb. Their happy moments are revolving around his mind. He remembered when Swara first time fall on him on couch. He remembered when he pull her hand first time and she land on his chest. He remembered when they share chocolates.   when they shake hands and become friends. He remembered when they work together in tent. When Sanskar tried to on stove. Their teasing to each other. Their mutual love confession. Their gerua date. Their picnic date. Their ice pack moment. Swara 's kiss on his cheek. Their consummation. Their lip lock. Their all romantic moment. Their care for each other. Teasing. Everything is revolving around his mind which bringing tears in his eyes.

His heart forming fear of loosing her. He is sitting numb. Suddenly listen unbolted sound. He immediately get up seeing doctor.

Sanskar : ( hurriedly asked worriedly)Hows my Swara? She is fine na? ( teary eyes).

Doctor : She is absolutely fine Mr Sanskar Maheshwari​ bullet didn't hit her. It's just pass from her arm. So nothing to worry just little wound.

Sanskar : ( take sigh of relief smile in tears) Thank God my Swara is fine.

Doctor : Yes Mr Maheshwari. Your wife and baby both are fine .

Sanskar smile in tears nod yes just then realized his words become shocked. He registered his words baby.

Sanskar : ( shocked) Baby?

Doctor : ( see him shocked) Yes baby. You don't know your wife is one month pregnant.

Sanskar become shocked listening him. His Swara is pregnant with his baby.

Doctor : I have some work. You can meet her. ( go from there leaving Sanskar in shock).

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