Shot 4

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Hey friends!

Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like❤

In Morning!

Swara come in room with tray of their breakfast see Sanskar who is reading a file sitting on bed all ready for office. He looks and find she is wearing red anarkali but  today she didn't hide her marriage sign. He  shift his gaze from her on  file pretend he was not seeing her.

Swara : ( call) Sanskar!  ( feels dizziness and tiredness) Sanskar first have your breakfast. ( faint voice).

Sanskar see her find her face pale and tired.

Sanskar : what happened to you?

Swara : ( trying to compose herself) I am fine. You have your breakfast. ( place breakfast on table stumble when her head spin).

Sanskar hold her hand before she fall. He make Swara sit on bed who is feeling weakness and tiredness.

Sanskar : May be because of wounds you are getting weakness. Come lets go hospital.

Swara : No No! I am fine.

Sanskar : ( stone face) Okay fine!

Swara : ( sadly) You have your breakfast.

Sanskar nod yes sign her to eat too. Swara nod yes smile in tears seeing his care. Both complete their breakfast. After breakfast Swara take plates to wash.

In kitchen!

Swara put plates on slab for washing but hold slab when her head start spinning. She hold her head feeling dizziness stumble two arms around her shoulders which save her. She looks and find Sanskar.

Sanskar : You again got dizziness. We should go to hospital for check up.

Swara : No Sanskar! I am fine. ( trying to compose herself).

Sanskar : ( angry) I am seeing how much you are fine. We are going Hospital that's it.

Tears brimmed in her eyes seeing his care for her even when she hurt him so much. She nod yes in agreement.

He hold her hand wrap arm around her shoulders for support. Swara is looking at him with love filled eyes. He without looking at her take her outside for hospital.

In Hospital!

SwaSan enter in doctor 's cabin. Doctor see SwaSan.

Doctor : ( smile) Arey Swara! You are here.

Swara looks at her listening her voice also smile being amused seeing her friend. Sanskar looking confused seeing doctor who called her by name. How she know her he think in mind.

Swara : ( amused) Priya you are here.

Priya : ( get up from her seat hug her,  Swara also hug her back) I am doctor in this hospital but what you are doing here? Is everything alright?  ( concerned asked,  she looks at Sanskar then remembered once Swara send her,  her and his marriage pics because she was not in her marriage) Oh jiju.  ( Sanskar looks at her confused) I am Swara 's best friend.

Sanskar : Oh! Hello. ( they both do handshake).

Priya : ( concerned) what happened to you Swara?

Sanskar : ( while seeing Swara) She is getting dizziness.

Priya : Oh! You both sit down. I will check. ( SwaSan nod yes,  she take her to a room which is attached in  her room).

After sometime!

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