Healing Petals

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 Y/n PoV

 As my eyes opened sharp bright light hit my face. Quickly closing my eyes and opening them slowly I got used to the light. Looking around I see I'm in a white bed with a few wires around and a couple of machines.  Realizing that I was in a hospital I try and get up but was caught by a  nurse on her way to check up on my and a few other patients. Tears started to form in my eyes my first thoughts going to Millie and how worried I may have cause her to be. 

 As the nurse got me back to laying in the white bed I grabbed for my notepad and pencil to be disappointed when I didn't feel them in my pocket. Looking around to see if they were any where in the room I saw a pen and a piece of paper but that was it. Grabbing them I use the call button that the beds have and wrote out what I wanted to tell the nurses. When a nurse finally got to my room I handed her the paper which read 'I need my friend to know I'm ok. She's probably worried out of her mind please call my school and contact Millie Brown.'The nurse read the sentence rather fast and nodded her head leaving my room and going towards the main desk area. 

  As I see the nurse coming back I sit up in the bed. "The school is allowing her to come she her while visitor hours are still open. You will have to stay the night because the cuts were rather deep and they might open up again if you move to much. You will be allowed back to school in about 3 to 4 days." I nod my head and ask with hand movements for some paper and pencils. She gives me a quick sure and leaves to get what I had asked for. 

 As I was writing a few lyrics down on a piece of paper Nurse Lyla gave me I heard the door to my room open. Looking up I see Millie staring at me tears streaming down her face. I open my arms a little bit to offer he a hug as she walks towards me. She gives me a soft hug and soft little kiss on my check. "You had me scared. I had to spend half the school day worried to death about you. I'm so glad you're ok Y/n." Her voice had several cracks in it from her crying.  Smiling softly at her I write a quick sorry on a small piece of paper I had.  I wrote down the information about my stay here on the paper and give it to Millie to read over. "You have to stay here for 2 days and then after that you still have 1 day out of school. Adding on to that you have to stay out of P.E for a week." She was a bit shocked at all the effects of my wounds. "Wait that means I have to go to school by myself for the next two days?! I don't have many other friends I only know Sadie and a a boy named Noah who has a little friend group." Millie sounded terrified. Smiling at her silly fear I asked if she wanted to sing a short song. 

 "Of course I love singing with you Y/n!" Her mood changed in a snap as we got ready to sing 'Lost Boy'.
(Bold=Millie Italic=You Bold-Italic=Both)

There was a time when i was alone

Nowhere to go and No place to call home

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away, too

Then one night, as I closed my eyes

I saw a shadow flying high

He came to me with the sweetest smile

Told me he wanted to talk for awhile

He said "Peter Pan that's what they call me

I promise that you'll never be lonely" And ever since that day

I am a lost boy from neverland

Usually hanging out with peter pan

And when we're bored we play in the woods

Always on the run from Captain Hook

"Run, run Lost boy" They say to me

Away from all of reality.

As a knock on the door brought our singing to a halt we see Nurse Lyla walk in. "I'm sorry girls but Visitor hours are almost over. I can call your parents if you need young lady." She spoke mostly towards Millie cause the information was more aimed towards her. As I hand Millie a slip that said goodbye she gave me a quick hug and a small wave good bye as she stepped out the door. 

 The two days went bye quick as I had been sleeping to rest and let my body heal. Soon it was time for me to go 'Home'. Millie had visited me the day I was getting out and I asked if I could stay at her house for the the week I had to sit out of P.E to avoid my parents. She said she would talk to her Mom and get back to me as soon as she knew. As I left the hospital I Walked home and quickly went to my room and packed some clothes in case Millie's mom allowed me to stay over. Millie called me to tell me I could come over and stay the week she knew I wouldn't respond so she told me to just come over as soon as I could. 

 As I walked up the steps to her house I rang the doorbell and waited for it to be answered. A woman in her maybe early 30's answered the door with a smile. "You must be Y/n Millie told me you don't speak unless you're singing. Please come in I'll call Millie down soon I just need to take some stuff out of the oven." Nodding my head in thanks I make my way the to living room and set down my bag. "Millie your friend is here and I made cookies." Millie's mom called out from the kitchen. I heard footsteps racing down the stairs before seeing Millie in front of my in about a second. "Come on lets go up to my room. Mom We'll be down for some cookies when they are cooled down."  Millie leads me to her room. It had light pastel colors and had a lot of photos and drawings on peg boards. She had a large amount of stuffed animals in a corner of her room. 

 I had written a quick note and gave it to her."Aww thank you. I always had a cute image in my head for my room and I finally got it just how I imagined it to be.  Have you worked on any songs while your stay in the hospital?" She thanked me and asked me her question plopping down on her bed. Nodding my head I pulled out the paper sheet I had the lyrics on and handed them to her.  "These are amazing. I'm kinda jealous of you. You're always coming up with amazing lyrics for songs and not to mention I saw a few of you sketches in the hospital while I was visiting. You're a great song writer and an amazing Artist."  I wrote a quick thank you in a new notebook I had grabbed from my house. As night fell me and Millie talked for a little bit before we got ready for bed and fell asleep. 

 My dreams were of roses and soft petals that seemed to have a healing aura around them.

'Healing petals........I like the sound of that.' 


(Sorry for any mistakes)


Hallo you BEAUTIFUL creatures. I was gonna work on A Blind Angel but My lovely friend Adi wanted me to work on this story. I know this chapter was a more centered around Millie and Y/n but I felt it was needed. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will work on my other stories but school is gonna start up soon and its kinda stressing me out. Plus I'm working on art. Well thats all Bye bye ~Cyan

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