Petal Rain Fever

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(Please read A/n at the end)

Millie PoV

 As I got ready for school I went wake Y/n up so she could go get breakfast. "Y/n wake up. You may not be going to school for the next two days or so doesn't mean you don't mean you get to sleep all day." I said as I shook her slightly. She woke up with ease along with a soft groan. She held up a hand to ask for five more minutes. "Fine but only five. I'm going to finish getting dressed. I'll be back soon Y/n" I told her before getting up and leaving towards the bathroom. 

 As I finished my outfit by pulling my Cat hoodie over my galaxy themed shirt. I realized that the five minutes were up so I went back to my room. Opening the door I find Y/n up and writing in her little songbook. "Y/n what are you writing? Song lyrics?" I ask her walking to where she was sitting on the floor near the bed. She looked towards me and made a little symbol in the air that looked similar to a music note. 

 I sat down next to her having about 15 minutes to get to school being a 5 minute drive from it. She showed me the lyrics she had written. Quickly reading over the words on the paper I nodded my head. "Those are god lyrics Y/n/n . Have you had any luck finishing a song?" I ask her looking up from the pages. She shook her head and looked down towards the paper she scribbled some words on the next page before showing it to me. 'I've been having trouble finishing or starting songs.' I nod my head before hearing a knock on my door. "Millie we have to go you have to be at school in about ten minutes. Come on Sweetie. Y/n I'll be back soon. We can all go out for dinner after Mils gets off of school." My mom told us while before going to the car. 

 "I'll be back after school bye Y/n I'll text you during lunch." I got up waving to Y/n before heading to the car. As we pulled up to school I saw those girls who have been trying to talk with Y/n pacing back and forth near the school gates. As I stepped out the car and told my mom goodbye They rushed towards me. "You Millie girl! Where's Y/n is she ok? Why is she not here with you?" The tall one who I believe is Dinah asked me well more or less demanded me to tell her. "She's fine. She is at my house she'll be back after tomorrow. Why do you care so much about her. She told me you and those other girls used to bully her all the time for being a mute." After answering their questions I asked one of my own. 

Dinah PoV

 "We care because.......Ok we don't have a full reason to care but we know her life at home isn't the best and we know she isn't a full mute. Those are partial reasons for caring." I explain to the girl. While I was talking Camila made a small noise similar to a groan before sitting down on the ground next to me. She coughed for a couple minutes before falling backwards on the ground.  Quickly dropping next to her I feel her forehead. "Shit Mila you're burning up." I pick her up before looking towards Millie. "Just tell Y/n we were worried about her ok." I rushed towards the nurses office to get help for Mila. 'She probably got a fever from playing the soft drizzle we had the other day. 

 When we got to the nurse I placed her on one of the beds. Explaining to the nurse what was wrong with my best friend and how it might have happened. "She will probably need to stay here until her fever goes down. She might throw up or have other side effects so I need to make sure she does get anyone else sick. If her condition gets worst I'll get in touch with you as soon as I can and I'll make sure to call her family."  As she explained all the details about Camila I nodded along while looking towards Mila. 

 As she laid on the bed her forehead had sweat droplets forming. I grabbed a clean towel from my bag for P.E and quickly ran in under water. I rang it out and gently placed it on her head to help with the fever. "Thank you." I mumbled it towards the nurse before leaving towards class because the bell had rung a while back.  When I knocked on the door my English class the door opened straight away. "Dinah, You're late but Millie Brown has informed me that you were in the nurse's office with Ms. Cabello. Go take your seat please" The teacher told me before returning to her desk. 

 As I sat in my desk I remembered that our teacher said Millie was the one who told her about the nurse's office. 'She isn't even in this class. She took time out of her free minutes to tell my teacher that I had a Reason of being late. I guess she isn't all to bad. Plus she and Y/n seem to be like sisters.'

 While Mrs. Pearl talked about 'To kill a Mocking Bird' I stared at the roof  before drifting into a daydream of soft petals raining from velvety clouds.  In the midst of the rain I saw Camila standing while looking up.  A Bright smile on her face as she started dancing around while the petals floated down around her. I tried calling out for her but the daydream was cut off when a sharp ring came from the loud speaker. 

 Looking around I see that I was still in the classroom. As I quickly got up to go to Algebra class. The daydream stuck in the back of my head while math class went on around me. 

'It was like a Petal Rain Fever.' I thought to myself while Mr. Monty Explained a problem.


(Sorry for any mistakes)


 Hallo you BEAUTIFUL creatures. I hope you like this chapter. I'm trying to write a chapter for % sets of eyes but I'm hit with writers block every time I open up a draft for the story. I'll try and get out a chapter for it as soon as I can. Please understand and please be patience with me. Well that all Bye Bye ~Cyan

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