A Bleeding Rose

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 Millie PoV

 After that first day me and Y/n had met we were practically best friends. I treated her like a normal person and stood up when people talked down to her. As we were walking to into the school building the two girls from yesterday came up to Y/n and I. "Y/n please meet us after school? Please just once if you come we promise not to bother you if you don't wanna meet us again. 

 Y/n looked at me then back to them she shook her head again giving the same answer she did yesterday. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom we first meet in. "Y/n what are we doing in here?" I ask watching her write down her answer I look at the piece of paper she wrote on. 'I want to sing again this afternoon. Can we go to the music room at Lunch?' I look to her and nodded my head. "Of course we can go sing at lunch." My voice soft just in case some one was in here with us. 

 As we went to math Y/n had her book of lyrics out with her pencil out. When we got into the class we spotted two seats at the back near the windows. Knowing Y/n likes looking at them I pull her over to the seats and set our stuff down.  Sitting in front of Y/n I take out my textbook and turn to the page on the board. The teacher came in soon and looked towards Y/n with a icy glare. "Ms. L/n Take out your textbook now!" Our teacher shouted at Y/n. Looking towards my new friend I saw her looking at the teacher. She grabbed earbuds form her bag and put them in and turning music on. Before she looked back to the window she smirked at the teacher and flipped her off.

 Giggling at the actions of my friend I went back to working on some problems. The bell rang about 20 minutes later. As I got up form my desk Y/n grabbed my hand and passed me her book of lyrics.  She pointed to a page with a little bookmark sticking out of it. As we walked out of math and headed to English I read over the lyrics jotted down on the page. ' Are you Are you coming to the tree Where they hung up a man they say who murdered 3 Strange things did happen here No stranger would it be if we meet at midnight in the hanging tree. Are you are you coming to the tree where a dead man called out for his love to flee Strange things did happen her no stranger would it be if we meet at midnight in the hanging tree.' "those lyrics are good. Do you want to sing it when we go to the music room for lunch." I said. She nodded her head as we stepped into the classroom.

 Y/n PoV

 As me and Millie found a few desks free we sat down and waited for our English teacher. Making conversation discussing the plans for going to the music room. We heard a loud clap sound causing the class to look up. "Alright you guys are going to be partnering up with someone in this class and  recreating a scene of the play Romeo and Juliet. After you preform in front of the class you will explain the importance of the scene you chose." Mr. Jones explain in a rough scratchy voice. Looking at Millie she smiles at me and nods her head knowing I wanted to ask her to be my partner. "How about we do the scene when they die for each other." Millie asked looking up from the book that had the olden and modern text for the play. Nodding my head we go to tell Mr. Jones. Before I got out of the isle someone stuck out their foot causing me the trip and fall face first on to the tile floor.

 Landing with grunt I heard a snap and unbearable pain in my nose bridge. Lifting my head and putting a finger up under my nose I feel liquid. Pulling my hand back I see thick red blood on my finger. "Y/N!" Millie had saw me get tripped and rushed to me. "MR. JONES WE NEED TO GO TO THE NURSE!" Millie shouted helping me up and quickly rushed me to the nurse's office. When we got into the office the nurse saw my nose and rushed to the phone. "Y/n you should sit down. you're losing a lot of blood from your nose." Millie told me pulling a chair to me. Sitting down the nurse came to see what had happened. "Sugar what happened." I pulling out a a notepad and pencil i had spare on me I wrote my answer. 'I was walking behind Millie to go talk to our teacher when  a kid stuck his foot out to trip me. I fell face first on to the floor. I heard a unnatural snap and pain in my nose and then i noticed my nose bleeding.' The nurse read my answer and went to grab something. "I need to run a few test to see it your nose was broken in the fall." 

 After the test she concluded my nose was not broken but it was injured which caused the massive nose bleed. Giving me a few paper towels She told me to pinch my bridge with small amount of pressure to help stop the bleeding. 

 Dinah PoV

 Me and Camila had talked out teacher into letting us out early. As we walked around the halls we saw Y/n and that short haired girl walk out of the Nurse's office. "Remember what she told you about pinching your nose bridge to help stop the bleeding. You've already lost a good amount from the time you got tripped." The girl told Y/n. Hearing the word bleeding I rushed up to them. "Is she ok? What happened to her Why is she bleeding?" My questions came out rushed worried about Y/n. "She's fine but someone from our English class tripped her while she walking down the isle with me. She hit her nose on the floor and She got a huge nose bleed." The girl next to Y/n explained to me. Camila had finally meet up with us with a banana in her hand. "Do you know it was the tripped you?" I asked Y/n hoping she would know.

 She shook her head and I sighed. "Oh I'm Dinah nice to meet you. Thank you for taking her to the nurse" I said to the girl next to Y/n. She nodded her head "I'm Millie and its no big deal. Hey Y/n the bells about to ring for lunch do you wanna go work on our 'project'" The girl introduced her self and turned to Y/n. Y/n nodded her head grabbing her hand and pulling her off. Before the were out of sight she turned to us and waved with a small smile. A Bleeding Rose. I will find out her made our Delicate flower bleed I Thought to myself


(Sorry for any mistakes)


 Hallo you BEAUTIFUL creatures. This is one of my favorite stories to write so it might get some more updates soon. I will work on some of my other stories later. Alright that its Bye Bye ~Cyan

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