school life oneuldo nan

962 25 21


genre: fluff; my dude

an: get comfortable, this is a long one


i run up the stairs of school, tired but not allowing myself to slow down in fear i might be late.

i would honestly not give a fuck if i was late it just that my stoopid bitchstick school has rules where we have to clean 3 classrooms if your later than 7 minutes to a class.

so yeah :/

my heart starts to pick up and it isnt because my running, its because my anxiety has reached a new peak.

i am so self conscious of just people looking at me when i walk through the door.

ugh why did i have to be late today? esp. to this class!? everyone is going to look at me... i hope he doesn't.

i dont want to be selfish but i hope he isnt at school today, or is just late...

i'm too scared to look him in the eyes anyways... i just hope he doesnt see me.

i take a deep breath before entering my art classroom. oh god i cant wait until highschool is over.

i open the door slowly and then smile sheepishly as the late bell rings loudly from the speakers and look innocently at the teacher, mrs. kang as she glares at me from her desk. she completely ignore the chatter from the students, and i'm inwardly crying with joy that the students arent staring at me and are distracted right now.

"you were almost late, this is the third time this week, come to me afterschool." she says and i nod hesitantly and go to my desk int he back of the classroom, cursing myself in my head.

my friend taejun catches my eye from across the classroom and i smile at him then try finding my other friend Nari with my eyes, when the door opens widely to reveal a sweaty and disorderly felix lee.

oh holy shit he is beautiful.

his hair is on the longer side, really shaggy, and in his eyes, which are dark and glint in the sunlight like a sweet honey color. he has freckles in which scatter across his face and under and over his eyelids, he has this chick like face shape, and whenever he smiles even the angels stop to look.

mrs. kang is unamused.

"lee felix, this is the second time of you being late this week as well, please take your seat and meet me after school." she says, now all the students staring at the scene.

felix grimaces and says a weak, "im sorry." and then takes his seat, diagonally in front of mine.

my heart picks up at an unusual rate.

its him who makes my heart beat, its him who makes my stomach have butterflies, its him who makes me feel such a weird new feeling.

the she makes turn our desks and collaborate to make a group of 4, and gave us each a worksheet full of questions on which we state our opinion on the meanings behind various paintings. i push my desk forward and sit with a kind but talkative girl named julia, jaelin another boy who is really attractive and is friends with felix, his english name is daniel, and felix.

my heart starts beating in odd beats everytime felix says a word. julia is full with words and fills my silence. i say a couple of things here and there but am not able to make conversation, for the fear of embaressing myself. jaelin is kind to me and is really comfortable as well, he pokes my cheek a couple of times, trying to get me to say something, but i pretend to bite his finger and he laughs pulling away.

felix lee imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now