Her attention

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C: ''tea ?''

Sanem nodded while slowly walking around the room, trying to take in everything she could see. She pointed at a picture on his desk.

S: ''this is beautiful... actually, I would have probably used this one on page 43, it would have suited the poem better.''

Can was confused, he had understood what she had said but how could she know...? Sanem turned around, used to the conversation that would follow.

S: ''I have a photographic memory; I remember what I see and read.''

C: ''oh wow! This is amazing... I.. I can't believe it, I have tons of questions!''

She giggled, ''go ahead!''

He looked at the photo she had mentioned and opened the book to page 43.

C: ''you are totally right, this is... this is insane! So you remember everything you see?''

She nodded.

C: ''Isn't it overwhelming? How do you sort it out?''

S: ''I don't, I can pick and choose what I want to remember.''

Can was looking at her as if her gift would show on her forehead, he remained silent until she nervously bit her lips.

C: ''I'm sorry... I'm looking at you like an animal in a zoo, I am just really intrigued. And here I was thinking you didn't remember me when I approached you at the gala!''

S: ''oh I remembered you but I think that given the circumstances, any woman would have remembered you!''

He stared at her...

S: ''I mean... it's not everyday a stranger catches you in his arms because you tripped on your stupid dress!''

C: ''true that! Although it does happen to you a fair bit!'' they laughed again and he handed her a glass of tea.

They flipped through his Argentina pictures for an hour, explaining where each of them had been taken and how. To his surprise, Sanem seemed interested in everything, from photography technics to geographical details. Once finished, she stretched and fell backward on the sofa, her head against the cushion. He joined her and sat the same position. She turned her head to face him.

S: ''I am craving to see all these places...''

C: ''do it! I am sure you made a bit of money with this book of yours'' he winked, ''the World is out there for you to discover.''

S: ''I know...''

C: ''but?'' he didn't know what was stopping her, her family? Her second book?

She didn't answer and kept staring at him; heat started building in her stomach and mounting up onto her chest, neck and head. She couldn't get her eyes away from his. His gaze was so powerful, yet tender, so attractive, yet impressive.

S: ''thank you for taking me here. It is great to witness someone's creativity in the flesh'' she used her fingers to make quote marks.

Can was silent, he was trying to put words onto what he was feeling but found himself unable to, it was all so new. He knew he wanted to kiss her right now, he wanted to kiss her and never stop. He wasn't sure she was ready... for either a kiss or the love story he wanted after that.

Sanem snapped out of it first and looked toward his dark chamber. ''Is it where you develop films?''

C: ''yes you want to see?''

S: ''sure, but isn't it easier to use a computer?''

C: ''it definitely is and I do for work but when it comes to my hobby, I love to use film. To be unable to see the picture I took until I am in this room, the smell of chemical, the red light... I love it.''

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