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She was packing up her book and papers when an older man approached her; she figured he wanted a signature and picked up her pen and welcomed him to the signing table.  Man: ''Miss Aydin, my name is Yusuf Tunali...'' he paused to gage her reaction; Sanem lost her smile, she knew that name, it was Yigit's last name.

Can and his father had stepped back to let her chat with who they thought was a reader but Can noticed her facial expression and came back closer to the table.

Y: ''please, miss, I am Yigit's father and I just want to talk to you.'' He took a step closer but Can threw himself between him and Sanem and slightly pushed him away.

C: ''do not approach her, sir, please step away.'' Yusuf lifted his hands and walked backward. Can turned around to check on Sanem. ''are you ok? Let's just go.''

Sanem was clearly shocked, ''stay with me Can'' she grabbed his sleeve.

C: ''I'm right here'' he kissed her forehead leading her away.

Y: ''please...''

Sanem stopped and turned to the older man, ''stay where you are and I will listen to you.'' She felt Can took in a big breath in and knew he disagreed but he just stayed by her side, ready to pounce. Aziz had joined them and was standing next to Sanem holding her arm in support.

Y: ''I am sorry miss, so sorry about what Yigit did to you... but he wasn't himself you know, my son is a good man, he is just disturbed.''

Can rolled his eyes and bit his lips to stop himself from making a snarky comment as the man was clearly distressed about losing his son.

Y: ''jail is being hard on him and his health and when he was told you had changed your mind about visiting him in jail, Miss, it destroyed him... he is not eating, not drinking or even sleeping.''

C: ''ok, we stop here alright? What are you doing?'' Can was almost shouting, ''are you trying to make her feel guilty for this psycho's mental problems?!''

Y: ''no no of course not... I just need to know why you wanted to see him and why you changed your mind?''

C: ''that's enough! Sanem?'' Can turned to her and questioned her with his eyes as to what she wanted to do.

Sanem took a step forward, still holding onto Aziz and Can, her gaze was resolute and she stared at Yusuf, ''I wanted to ask him what made him think I could have any feelings for him other than friendship, and the reason I changed my mind is because I am deeply in love with this man...'' she slightly turned toward Can, ''... I discovered what love is, and I realised I had never, ever, acted in any other way but professional with Yigit. He is sick and I am sorry about that, but I have suffered enough...'' she swallowed a sob and paused, Can squeezed her hand, ''... too much at his hands to do anything for him at this stage. Please take care of him.''

Yusuf nodded, understanding her position and appreciating her honesty, Can had already turned around, basically lifting Sanem off the ground to walk out of the book shop. She was holding onto him and Aziz still when he stopped next to the car.

C: ''do you want a coffee or something?''

S: ''no please we go, we go now, please...'' she was trying to open the car door. Can unlocked and helped her in as Aziz jumped in the drivers' seat. Can sat next to Sanem, an arm around her shoulders and felt her slightly shaking.

C: ''Sanem, are you ok? Do you want something?'' Aziz passed a bottle of water he had left in the front and Sanem took a sip. She was breathing heavy, tears forming in her eyes but still unable to speak. She rested her head on Can's shoulders as a request for silence; Aziz drove them back to her house. He opened the back door for Sanem and Can to come out and hugged her tightly.

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