Dare - M

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Mature content again, I know some of you don't like it, and I must admit I wasn't comfortable writing M material until not long ago but it is hard to describe realistic intimacy without it... I have tried to write  realistic interactions between the characters and none of it is vulgar.

I am an adult and all willing adults out there are welcome to read. For those who really want to keep reading but are bothered with mature content, I traced a line before and after the intimate scenes. Sorry this is as much a warning  as a spoiler but I obviously have to do this.

C: ''Sanem, if you stay with me, you will never get better...''

S: ''this is non-sense, it was one incident Can, you are exaggerating! If you want to break up then do it but don't use what happened to me as an excuse.'' She wanted to scream.

C: ''Sanem!''

S: ''no, I'm talking now ok? The only person hurting me right now is not Yigit, it is you!'' she was sobbing, ''I don't want to live without you, the only thing that kept me going since that day is you! If it wasn't for you, I am not sure I would even be standing on my own 2 feet today... you cannot leave me now... never! And I am sorry about last night but we can forget about it and... and...'' she had forgotten to breath, ''and do it again, and again, just you and me because this is what we are Can and Sanem and a mountain of happiness...'' she sobbed...''I beg you...''

Can suddenly pulled her toward him and stopped her talking with his lips on hers; all their despair and anguish vanishing in this one long and passionate kiss.

They ended up forehead against forehead and nose to nose.

S: ''you are my albatross, there is only one, only you... ever...''

Can rubbed his face on hers and gazed into her eyes with intensity.

C: ''I will never, ever do anything that may, even just faintly hurt you my Sanem.''

S: ''but you never did until now...''

C: ''I took you on the boat, what was I thinking? A boat?''

S: ''and I loved it Can, yesterday was one of the best afternoons I have ever had.''

C: ''until it took you back...''

S: ''but it's over... it's over now, please trust me it's over...''

C: ''it's over...''

She gave him a tired smile and a kiss while pulling him toward the boat.

C: ''no, come with me.'' He held her hand and walked toward the town at a quick pace. They walked for almost 10 minutes and finally turned into a laneway to enter what appeared to be a small boutique hotel. Can approached the counter and booked a room for 2 nights, he indicated their bags would be delivered shortly.

S: ''Can, you don't have to do that.''

C: ''no more boat for the moment.'' He smiled, she smiled back. ''breakfast?''

Sanem nodded as he walked them out the street looking for a café. He called Demir to pack and deliver all their belongings at the small hotel. They sat at a terrace and ordered some tea, eggs and salad. Sanem ate slowly, her appetite taking time to show.

C: ''it's hard to eat when emotions run high.''

S: ''I know. Lydia made beautiful food this morning but... I just couldn't.''

C: ''same...'' they both ate a bit, ''do you want to rest?''

S: ''It would be nice to walk around a bit... unless you feel tired?''

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