The Father

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Well... the least we can say is that my comments in the last chapter brought quite a few reactions, thanks to everyone for their opinions, it is great we get to share our ideas as different people and different cultures really enable to look at the situations from different angles.

A little chapter for you here to get a few things happening for Sanem. Thank you:-)

They finally emerged out of the studio mid-morning; Can drove Sanem to Ajda's office and set off for the agency.

A: ''Sanem? What happened to you?'' Ajda was shocked to see her using crunches.

S: ''oh something crazy!!'' Sanem told her about the tree going through her window as they shared a glass of tea.

S: ''the good news is that I am pretty much finished with my new book, of course still a lot of work rereading and fixing a few things but I'm happy.''

A: ''This is brilliant Sanem. I reviewed the contract they offered you and it is pretty standard; given your popularity, you can demand a bit more. I added some notes, look...'' Ajda highlighted she suggested to decrease the fees Sanem had to pay per book sold and that they had a few more obligations to advertise her next novel. ''See, it's not much but it's fair. They don't mean to do you bad; they have a default contract and then it is up to you to discuss it.''

Sanem was satisfied and the 2 of them proceeded to the publishing house to finalise the contract and go over the next few weeks events. Sanem felt like she had found a new friend in Ajda, although she was older than her, she had the same passion than her for books, any books, any topic and they could talk for hours.

A: ''well that was easy! They were so keen to have you on board, they would have paid you to come!!''

Sanem giggled, ''don't exaggerate!''

A: ''no, it's true, you look good on their catalogue, trust me!! Ajda helped Sanem into a taxi and they decided to go celebrate and have a few drinks.

A: ''call Can if you want him to join us!''

S: ''no, let's have a girls'night!'' she texted Can to let him know she would be out for a bit. Ajda smiled, clearly keen to chat among ladies.

They sat in a trendy bar and ordered a couple of cocktails. Several men tried to join them throughout the night but Ajda and Sanem just thanked them and asked to be left alone.

A: ''Oh Sanem, you are so funny, thank you, I'm having a great time!!'' Ajda was almost crying of laughter when she checked the time. ''oh no, already 11pm, best I go home, I have to be at work before 8 tomorrow!!'' Sanem stared at her and burst out laughing.

They promised to catch up soon again and took separate taxis as they were going into different directions,

S: ''allo Can, I am in a taxi, are you at the studio?''

C: I am... all alone...''

She giggled, ''not for long, I'll see you in a few minutes, can you wait for me downstairs?''

C: ''of course, don't even ask.'' He knew she was vulnerable with her crutches and the city could be a bit dangerous at night, his studio was in a popular area with lots of bars and restaurants.

The taxi parked at the bottom of his building a few minutes later and Can opened the car door. He pulled her out first and then went back for her crutches and to pay the driver. They walked up and into the elevator, she held onto his waist and dropped a peck on his chest while he took a full breath of her smell.

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