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Can was taken to the small doctor clinic where he was checked for injury. He was seating on a hospital bed, his gaze lost and his soul dead.

The doctor entered and placed a calming hand on his shoulder.

Doc: ''the police wants to talk to you Mr Divit.''

Can finally looked up, a mad look on his face.

C: ''you don't understand, my wife is on the boat, they need to find her.''

Doc: ''the coastguards have searched the whole area and only found debris... I am so sorry... it was a large explosion, she couldn't...''

Can covered his face with his hands, sobbing. Nothing made sense, the fire, the explosion but worse of all Sanem... gone...

Doc: ''the police wants to talk to you... I told them you were not ready but they are quite forceful.''

2 policemen entered without being invited and stood in front of Can. The doctor decided to stay to protect his patient.

Doc: ''gentlemen, he is not ready, please...''

Police: ''we need some answers now doc! Mr Divit, it is highly doubtful this was an accident as there is no reason for a boat, especially well taken care of like yours, would blow up. Can you think of anyone who could have done this?''

C: ''done what?'' Can couldn't fathom what they meant.

Police: ''could someone want to hurt you? Or your father? We know he owned the yacht.''

Can started to panic, ''dad! Did... did you call my dad?''

Police: ''yes he is on his way, but please Mr Divit, you need to help us.''

C: ''No!'' he shouted, ''no one out there wants to hurt us and least of all Sanem...'' he froze... ''wait... my wife... you need to look into Yigit and Yusuf Tunali... Yigit attacked my wife and then his father came to see her...'' he was rambling, making no sense when his father and brother entered the room. Aziz was teary and threw himself onto Can, holding him tight.

A: ''Can... my son, what happened? Are you safe?'' Can held onto his father tight and fell apart, sobbing uncontrollably. Emre couldn't stand the sight of him, broken, and joined his father in the embrace, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Doc: ''please, officers?'' the doctor pointed at the door so the policemen would give them some private time.

Can cried for long minutes until his father lifted his head off his shoulder and rested a hand on his face.

A: ''Can...''

C: ''I want to die dad... I should have stayed on the yacht, I... maybe...''

A: ''Can no...'' Aziz knew no word could ease his son's broken soul.

E: ''Can, the police called us because the boat is registered in dad's name but we haven't told the Aydin...''

Can looked at his brother and a fresh flow of tears busted through his eyes as he realised the pain her family was about to face... Emre squeezed his brother's hand and left the room to make the dreaded phone call.

He dialled Leyla's number, she picked up immediately, quite surprised.

L: ''Emre! How are you since yesterday?''

Emre took a deep breath in, ''Leyla, there had been an accident...'' he started to explain what had happened but Leyla had fallen to the floor and dropped the phone from the moment he mentioned Sanem. Osman took over and with difficulties, thanked Emre for the call, he would talk to Nihat and Mevkibe himself.

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