a different side of her (part 2)

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c h a p t e r t w e n t y - f i v e ; a d i f f e r e n t s i d e o f h e r ( p a r t 2 )


seokjin's mouth fell straight into the floor, hearing byulyi confidently speaking up about their relationship. both eunkwang and solbin covered their mouth within' their palms in surprise. "oh my god." solbin whispers, bowing down.

"i'm so sorry!" she murmurs, quickly moving away from seokjin. "unnie, i was just joking." she whispers, panicking. byulyi replies with a faint smile, mumbling. "it's fine." her smile quickly faltered as soon as her eyes look over seokjin whom was still frozen from what she declared.

"i thought he was just kidding about dating someone..." solbin trails off in embarrassment, bowing once again for apology. "i wouldn't blame you, he doesn't seem trust-worthy." byulyi fires back, prickling a nerve from seokjin. "hey!" 

a glare zips his mouth, with byulyi glaring at him head to toe. with an awkward smile, solbin murmurs. "i don't like him, please don't be mad."

"solbin, you -" seokjin gritted his teeth, grunting. "byulyi -"

"kim seokjin!" their conversation was interrupted when another voice came calling for jin. eunkwang, solbin, seokjin and byulyi simultaneously searched for the speaker, finding out that it was hoseok laughing out loud. "you're the topic on the other table!" he pointed his thumb directed to a group of girls.

solbin and seokjin who was facing hoseok was horrified, signaling him not to talk anymore further. hoseok probably didn't noticed since byulyi was not facing him - but her expression were nowhere close to good. "i mean, they keep on insisting you to be on a blind date with one of their trainees because she says that she's a fan of yours -"


byulyi turns quickly like flash, facing hoseok. trust me, her expression were nowhere near to patient. her glare could slice anyone in a second. after hoseok laughs teasingly, his eyes fell to byulyi - and his teeth were suddenly hidden once again after realizing that the girlfriend was there.

eyes wide, hoseok resumes his faze to seokjin for a glance of apology. but then, seokjin motioned him the neck slice - somehow telling; you're dead.

"ah, haha." hoseok shakes his head, mumbling. "i'm just kidding, i guess i was mistaken." hoseok denied, forcing byulyi to buy the lie. "i'll be going." hoseok made his way out with guilt, now leaving the four back alone as solbin bitterly squeezes her eyes shut. 

seokjin never dared to look at byulyi, knowing he'll be screwed badly. 

but all of a sudden, byulyi turns back to them with a calm expression written all over her face. no hint of a nerve crack, nor an eye blazing. seokjin mumbles, "byulie." byulyi replied with a quick glance, smiling sarcastically with her arms and legs crossing.

"just listen -"

her hand raises, yelling. "sandeul-ah!" she stood up, ignoring seokjin to the edge as she walks away from the table, leaving the three dumbfounded. seokjin felt betrayed, whispering. "well, that's rude."

he yelled all of a sudden, "byul-ah!" she ignored him all through it all. deeply screwed, seokjin turns to solbin and eunkwang whom was staring at him in complete surprise. "what?" he scowls. with solbin's head shaking, "you're damned oppa," she stood up, leaving the table.

"come back here, solbin. you're the one who started this." seokjin hisses, before eunkwang whispers. "dude, i'm already saying my condolences." he placed his hand over his chest, "this will be the hardest phase of dating." he stood up, rushing off the awkward scene that made seokjin ruffle his own hair through frustration. "you're the one who pits me in here!"

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