Chapter 2: "The Rolling Stones"

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  Michelle hurried in her pink dress as he ran down the board walk with her bare feet.  She past people, still desperate to find help somehow.  Someone to calm her nerves of where she was.  She finds a newspaper stand and opens up one of the newspapers in her hand and red the date.  It said July 19th 1966.  Michelle puts down the newspaper and  continues to run down the board walk.  

Then she hurried into this one building, although she never read what it had said at the top.  She needed a break and found herself in a very small, local, concert hall.  Michelle sat down in one of the few hundreds of chairs at the stage.  She rubbed her eyes still tired and thinking about Dennis, how guilty she felt.  Then as she sat there, a song began to play, it caught her attention and she looked up to the stage surprised.

  There were was another group of five men up on stage.  The main singer was singing the song 'I Can't Get No Satisfaction.'  It immediately brought back memories to her.  Before her singing was young Mick Jagger with the Rolling Stones.  Her jaw dropped as she was silent, watching them sing.  Charlie Watts was on drums, Keith Richards, Dick Taylor, and Brian Jones were all on guitar singing.  

When the song ended, Mick Jagger hopped off stage in front of her.  He walked over putting one leg up on the chair beside her and leaning in with a smile, he spoke,

"What's a girl like you doing here?"

"I was just wandering around.  I needed to rest my feet and I came in here.  I didn't know you guys were playing." Michelle replied.

"Oh no, it's totally fine!  We are just rehearsing for our show tonight.  We've got a new song, would you like to be the first to listen to it?"

"Sure!  I would love too!" She replied with a friendly smile.

That made Mick happy, he leaped back on stage and hurried to get his guitar.  The  drums began to beat as the guitars strummed a tune.  Finally he began to sing the song "Paint it Black."  It was one of Michelle's favorite songs by the Rolling Stones.  She laughed to herself and then continued watching them Mick sing.  He walked around on stage proudly acting as if there were a whole crowd in front of him.

  He walked back over to where Michelle was and sang with a smile.  It made her blush a little, then he stepped backwards and finally finished the song.  He laughed humbly to himself as his other friends complimented eachother and joked around.  Mick Jagger hopped off the stage once again and took Michelle's hand,

"Come up here, let me show you around!"

   She laughed as he lead her up and went backstage.  It was pre-lit with paintings, images, a food area, and break room.  He had his guitar around him as he swiftly turned to look at Michelle.  He pulled out his guitar and began a slow loving tune.  And he started to sing the song "Long Long While."  The music was attractive to her hears, and he sang his heart out.  He continued to sing as he placed his guitar on the ground.

  He took her by the hand and twirled her around the room.  She smiled laughing as he sang, he dipped her, and then back up they slow danced together, he vocalized like a superstar.  And the song made them come close to one another.  When finally he finished singing, Michelle smiled giggling.  The two of them hugged, Michelle spoke,

"Oh my god that was wonderful Mick!"

"I wasn't sure if you'd like that one.  But___thank you."

For a moment they stared at one another, soon Keith walked in checking his watch,

"We've got an hour before the people start arriving, we should get going now Jagger."

Mick looked back to her with desperate eyes, then he whispered into her ear, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

He looked back to her, and Michelle fell silent once again.  And she started to feel guilty once again, remembering that she wasn't from the 60s.  When the thought came to her mind she bit her lip and looked away, trying to hold back tears.  It started with Dennis Wilson, now Mick Jagger.  

"I...I...I can't." she said as her voice cracked

"Why not?" he asked concerned.

"I don't belong here, this isn't where I'm suppose to be." A tear fell down her cheek.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, you do belong here, I know it at least in my heart you do."

She shook her head, "No, you don't understand, I mean here here in 1966!  You wouldn't understand at all..."

   Michelle turned away crying, she covered her mouth.  Then she ran out of the studio bursting into tears.  She had to get away from people, she needed a break, or was it  just wanting to go return home?  To not be tortured like this?  Falling in love with the greatest musicians in famous bands.  It was hard, especially how much they seemed to care for her.  

  She ran down and off the board walk into the streets, down the alleys.  And as she continued to run, bare foot, rain slowly began to fall.  A crack of thunder boomed in the dark clouds above.  She wiped her eyes with her arm as she continued to run away.  Facing the fact that Mick Jagger liked her so much, Michelle knew he wouldn't understand that she was from modern day era. 

    Michelle was always a kind, nice, passionate person, but when it comes to falling in love  with someone from the past, it's a lot harder for her to think about.  Mick was so nice and funny, and once again she felt guilty for running away from Dennis and now the famous Mick Jagger. 

  She ran and ran for almost  2 miles, and the rain poured down on her.  Her pink dress got all wet along with her dirty blonde hair.   Suddenly she tripped over the curb and collapsed on the ground.  She groaned, the rain dumped down on her as she achingly tried to push herself odd the ground.  Although she was too weak to stand, and she passed out on the ground.  

  There were footsteps along with someone holding an umbrella.  It looked to be four men with a black suits, ties, and shoes.  One of them, the one that was holding the umbrella, kneels down to see if she was okay.  Next, one man with a long nose and a grey an black captain's hat, gently picks her up bridal style, and another held an umbrella over the man that held Michelle.  Soon, the four suited men walked down the alley way into a building named:

The Warwick Hotel.

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