Chapter 3: "The Beatles"

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    She opened her eyelids, little by little, the light was a bit bright in her eyes.  And she wondered if she had awaken from a dream.  Although, she hasn't.  However, Michelle was in a warm bed wearing a dark brown tank top, and red plaid night pants.  Sitting up in bed she looked over to see a cup of tea on the nightstand next to the lamp.  Then she looked around too see where she was, and it seemed to have been a  very large hotel room.  

  Michelle took the tea and sipped a little from the cup, and it tasted of  sweet honey.  It made her feel little bit better.  Setting the cup back on the nightstand, she pulls off the covers and finds her feet slipping into fuzzy warm slippers.  'Well this is nice' thought Michelle.  Next she walked over into the main room finding that there were four other rooms but with the doors closed.  She scratched her side and brushed her fingers through her hair.  

  She turns to hear a pinging sound.  Michelle walked over to a closet and opens it up to find the dryer was finished.  She opens up the door and finds that her pink dress was all clean, and it smelled of strawberries.  Next, she turns to look over near where the kitchen was, and there was a little area with a whole lot of instruments.  Guitars, amplifiers, and a drum-set.  On the big base drum it had the band name: The Beatles.

  Her mouth gaped, when she saw the band name, then she turns to hear an thick English voice,

"Glad to see your awake,"

Michelle looks to be facing the famous John Lennon, who was just wearing a black vest, undershirt, black pants, and socks.  

"I was afraid you'd be out for a few weeks.  You seemed awfully hurt."

He came around and sat on the couch.  Michelle spoke,

"How did you find me?"

"Me and my friends saw you collapse on the ground.  We we're worried so we took you in.  It was raining very hard outside.  But now it's stopped, it's 12 AM in the morning."  He replied softly.

"Where are the others?"

"They've gone out to get some things from a few stores.  With the help of a few guards to protect em'.  I decided to stay back ere' and make sure you were feeling alright.  Did you get my tea?"

"Yes it tasted wonderful."  she replied thinking about going over and drinking some more of it.  

"What's your name if I may ask?"

"My name's Michelle.  I know you of course, your the  famous John Lennon."

"The one an only.  I hope I'm not intruding or judging you too much but, you seem different.  Not in a bad way, It's just your golden hair is very wavy unlike all the other girl's I've met.  And your dress, I've never seen anything like it, but I thought it was very stylish."

   She smiled blushing once again, looking away.  Michelle didn't know if he was flirting or he was just being funny.  Soon he got up and went over to get his acoustic guitar, then he went back to sitting on the couch.  He started to sing the song "If I Fell" and she soon sat on the ground in front of him watching him sing.  And it was like none other.  His long fingers stretching over the chords, and his beautiful voice.  

  His fingers picked at the strings, and his other hand pinched each chord.  The sound of his guitar and voice was unbelievable to her.  And when John saw her reaction he smiled but continued to sing.  The song was enchanting and alluring to her along with the man that played the song in front of her.  He was like no other man she's ever seen before in real life, especially a legend like himself.  

When John finished the song the hotel door opened and the rest of his friends walked into the room putting away groceries.  One of them comes around and sat on the couch next to John, then he looks to Michelle,

"So your awake then yeah?  That's good, I was' the first to see you collapse, I told me' friends and we walked over to see if you were alright.  Oh, I'm George by the way."

"Michelle." She replied chuckling softly.

"You were singing her a song yeah?"  George said to John.

"Only one, why have you got one?"

"No exactly, but____."

"What's all this talk about?" Another man walked behind George and John sitting on the couch.

"Ave' you got a song to share to Michelle ere'?" John asked the man behind the couch.

"Of course, I've got the perfect song.  And I'm sorry for not introducing myself, the name's Paul McCartney."  He replied looking up towards Michelle.

  Paul came around the couch and John handed over the guitar to him as he went into the kitchen to help with his other lad.  Michelle came close to watching him, and he looked to his beautiful face and hands as he began to strum the guitar.  He started to sing the song "Michelle" and it would be a song that Michelle herself would never forget.  Paul sang beautifully in french and in English as it was throughout the whole song.

  Soon, George came in strumming his guitar with him making a background ooh, then John came in with his guitar and joined making a background harmony with George saying ooh as well.  Then a short man with  a large nose, blue eyes, whom called himself Ringo, came around with a small drum and tapped on the edge and center with his drumstick making a slow beat tune.  He smiled humbly with his bright ocean blue eyes.

  Paul still vocalized and it made her fall in love once again.  Although this time, she couldn't stop starring at John.  Not that Paul wasn't a good singer, she just was hooked by John's good looks and gentle long fingers.  When they finished the song Michelle applaud, telling them that she loved the song.

Paul, George, and Ringo left to go into there rooms to do there own thing.  Meanwhile John stayed behind, he had both arms over his guitar, looking to Michelle curiously,

"Y'know your a very beautiful girl.  Finest I've ever met, but you seem a little scared.  Why?"

"H-how did you know___?"

"I can tell by your facial expression sometimes, like when you hear us.  And believe me luv, I know your not from here."

Michelle breathed, she lowered her head, "I got lost."

"Everybody gets lost, I do sometimes at least.  I also think that you are dealing with another problem is that true?"

"Yes...but, how could you've possibly  have known that?" She asked surprised and calm

"I know that because your eyes are always changing colors." He replied.


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