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The Autumn Soldier; Do Romanoff and Rogers Know About Their Child?
In the sudden unleash of SHIELD and HYDRA's information on the internet, we found a special gem nested in the layers of truth.

The famed Autumn Soldier, second fist of HYDRA, was created from Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Natasha Romanoff's (Black Widow) genes. In short: their biological daughter that they unknowingly had.

It's been stated that HYDRA created the Autumn Soldier in 1996, with Subject 04- the Soldier's original name- growing enough to be considered an infant in 1997. From then on, 04 was a growing child, fed through tubes and kept in an incubator. When 04 grew old enough to eat without help, the Subject was placed in her own cell. It's been proven that 04 shares her biological father's early illnesses and poor health, with a long list of ailments that was destroyed the moment they infused her with the super soldier serum. They made her out to be the assassin she is today, which leads to our next question.

Autumn Soldier: Villain, or Hero?
(A/N: our family isn't really a newspaper family so if the layout or narrative style differs from the real 'New York Times'...well, sorry. We only really focused on the crosswords and the comics.

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