Chapter 2

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We went to the hotel to get ready I put on black skinny jeans high converse over them and a black crop top that said "I woke up like this," in white letter. I didn't want to look like a slut, so wore a white spaghetti strapped shirt under it.

It took me two hours to curl my hair but it looked perfect when I was done thank god!! No bad hair days here... ok hair I thought to myself. I put on black eyeliner and some mascara. A limo picked me and my mom up to drive to the the restraunt were we would be meeting them.

I entered and Norman screamed,"Look at these two beautiful winners!" I blushed. I elbowed my mom and gave her that, "that's you future husband" look. She glared at me still smiling.

I looked around and saw everyone... Andrew, Lauren, of course Norman, Steven, Andia, Melissa, Emily, and then........ CHANDLER FUCKING RIGGS. I could not believe my eyes. His hair long and beautiful and wearing a shirt that said I woke up like this and black skinny jeans and short converse like me oh my gosh!! Then I realized I was staring. My cheeks went hot. Then Andrew broke the silence,"Looks like we got some twins here!" Everyone started laughing even me.

I looked at Chandler he was smiling when his eyes met mine he winked at me. Norman asked my mom if she want to sit between him and Andrew. "Hell yeah I am!!" She blushed and Norman started laughing.

"Hey Jasmine stop standing there and come sit next to your twiny." Steven laughed. I glared at him then looked at Chandler. He patted the spot next to him smiling I smiled back.

We started talking about our zombified pictures. The cast said they had already seen them and they loved them. Especially mine. Chandler leaned over and whispered in my ear,"Your a pretty hot zombie."
"That was soooo cheesy, you doofus!" I chuckled. He blushed resizing everyone heard what he said.

"Awwww does my little boy have a crush on the Cowgirl.?" Andrew asked. I started to laugh he was really funny. After we ate the grow ups went to the casino and told us "kids" to go bowling or see a movie. Wait I'm going to be alone with Chandler oh my gosh I'm gonna die.

"Soooo what do you want to do?" I asked him. "Your the one meeting me so it's up to you." He said.
"Well I have been wanting to see the Maze Runner." I told him.
"Really me too!" He exclaimed.

So we went to the nearest theater. My mom trusted me I was a good kid. But I was still surprised she is letting me run around with a guy that was older than me in Las Vegas.

He got the popcorn and the drinks we sat around the middle. While we were coming in Chandler asked if he could borrow my jacket. I asked him why and he told me that he wanted to spend time with me not fans.

No one really recognized him thank god. I wanted to spend time with him as well. The lights went dark and the movie started. The movie was great but those monsters still a scared me a little. Chandler laughed at me.

When the movie ended I got mad I didn't like the ending.

"Oh my gosh I hate the ending!!" I told Chandler.

"I know they have to make another one.!!!" He yelled a little too loud. No one noticed though. It was only 9 o'clock now.
"Hey I know it's a scary movie but do you want to see Annabelle with me?" He asked. I nodded yes even though I hate scary movies. I was so scared. He could tell.

"Don't worry I fight zombies I will protect you." He said while smiling. This time I bought the food and drinks. My treat.

We got into the theater a lot of people were there. So we had to sit in the front row. We were the only ones, in the front row of course. The movie started out good then got really scary. My hands were trembling. I kept watching even though I thought I was going to shit a brick.

Then I felt someone holding my hand I looked over and saw chandlers finger wrapped with mine. Oh my gosh I am holding his hand wait....... no he is holding mine!!!!!!

Finally after centuries the movie was over. I got up and looked at my phone it was only 11:30 wow I ought it would be later. My mom texted me if I was ok and I said yeah. She told me to meet her at the restraunt at 3 in the mourning. WOW!

I told Chandler he said good he wants to spend as much time with me as possible. I blushed.

Maybe he liked me.......

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