Chapter 21

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Jasmines POV
Finally I get to get away from them. Finally oh finally. I missed my bff. I went into her room her and Sam were doing homework.
"Hey nerds." I aid plopping down on cheyanne bed. I had never really been in her room before. It was cool sleeping with sirens, 5SOS, and skrillex posters and then blue pink and green wallpaper.
"What do you want faggot?" Cheyanne laughed
"So me and you are actually going to have a spa half-day and hang out. Maybe go shopping and the guys go hang out in Aidens game filled room." I said.
Sam kissed cheyanne bye.
"Ewww!" I said punching Sam in the arm.
"Where to first?" Cheyanne asked
"Nail salon?" I said
"Ok we can walk." She said.
I went back to my bedroom put some light blue short shorts on and a hoodie that was Nash Griers. Then basic makeup and some white vans. We went outside it was kinda cold. Wow it was already November.

Nail salon

We got massages and our nails and toe nails done. After that we went to the mall. We didn't really need anything so we just looked around for cute stuff. I got another hoodie that said Chandler Riggs on it. I'm funny aren't I? And I got some new bright blue converse to add to my collection.
Then we went to the jewelry store. I got a new necklace that say jasmine on it. And Cheyanne got one that was specially made to say unicorn. I laughed when she put it on. But it fit her personality perfectly.
After that we went to the food court. We sat down at a booth and actually got to have a conversation.
"So how have you and sam been?"I asked
"Good. And you and Chandler?" She smiled looking at the ring. "Did he give you that?"
I nodded.
"Do you like Aiden?" I asked
"Yeah and you can so tell he is gay."
"I know right! He so hot too so that pointed it out most guys that look like that are either asswholes or gay. And he's definitely not an asswhole."I laughed
"Yeah but he likes them."
"Ok wow didn't need to hear that!" I said to loud. But people can go fuck off. I'm being myself. We had the greatest rest of the day and started walking back home. Cheyanne was on the sidewalk by the road and me by front yards. she was being stupid and dancing around I was laughing my but off.
When out of nowhere this huge truck came past us. It was Hana Hayes and some guy. Oh no I really don't want to deal with this bitch right now.( not saying the real Hana is a bitch she seems like a really nice person so don't take this out of context please) she saw us and told the guy to turn around. The tires made this horrible sound it literally broke my ears.
The truck came speeding towards us. We tried running away but they gotta close cheyanne pushed me out of the way and all I saw was fear in her eyes. Her body seem to never stop flying. I ran after her. The truck pulled up beside her.
"Omg is she dead?" Hana was pouring tears.
"Get out of here. Now!" I screamed at her.
"No billy wasn't supposed to run her over. I'm gonna help." Hana said crying.
"Hana get your ass in the truck now!" Billy screamed.
"No! You might of killed her." She screamed.
He jumped out of the car and grabbed he roughly. I really didn't want to help her but I did. I walked up to him and kicked in his nuts then punched the crap out of him. He threw Hana and got in the car. Then he sped off running over Hana leg.
Panic swarmed me. What am I supposed to do? She not my friend I really don't like her. Then I thought of my mom. She always taught me to dot the right thing. So I did it for her to help Hana.
"Oh my gosh Hana are you okay?!" I was pouring tears I couldn't handle this.
"I'm fine get cheyanne....a...ambulance." She told me.
I called 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My friend was just ran over by a....." I couldn't finish I busted into tears.
"Take deep breaths please were are you?" The man asked
"14 broad street." I said
"Ok an ambulances on there way. Was anyone else hurt?"
"Yes my other friends leg. Was ran over when the man left."
"ok I am sending another ambulance out."
"Ok. Thank you so much." I said then hung up.
"Hana are you still ok?"
"Other than having a shattered leg yes what about cheyanne?" She asked
"I don't know."
I ran over to cheyanne. I put my ear up to her mouth. She was breathing.
"Chey..chey,.,....Anne?" I cried
She didn't answer. I pulled out my phone and texted sam and Chandler and Norman in a group message to meet me at the hospital. I hope I texted them the right one. They
texted back but I ignored them. I sat with cheyanne until I heard sirens. I stood up and waved to them. They jumped out and got cheyanne on a gurney.
"Hana I'm going with cheyanne. I see you there. And hey Hana....I forgive you and thank you for staying."
"" She stuttered.
I jumped into the ambulance. I tried to ignore the medics. But it was hard they said things that I didn't understand yet they didn't sound very good. I started crying again when I looked at Cheyanne. She saved me.
The drive to the hospital seemed like it took forever. We got there and all jumped out. I raced behind the gurney trying to keep up. They went through some double doors. A nurse stopped me.
"You can't go back there miss." She said
"Yes I can that's my sister." I yelled
"No you can't." She said sternly.
"Move!" Then someone grabbed me. It was Chandler. Him and Norman both carried me back into this personal waiting room. It had 2 big couches and a TV. Like you could stay over night which you probably could.
They sat me down on one. I wouldn't say anything. I laid down putting my face into chandlers chest sobbing. I couldn't stop. I fell asleep waking up around 2 in the mourning. Everyone was asleep except....sam. I started walking to the doors. To maybe go see Hana or see if I can see Cheyanne.
"Were you going?" Sam whispered.
"Go see Hana and Cheyanne maybe." I answered
"I'm coming with you." This side of sam was so
We went out silently trying not to wake anyone up. We walked up to a woman behind a desk. Her name plate said Janet.
"How can I help you too?"
"Umm yes they brought a girl in with a broken well crushed leg a few hours ago. Hana Hayes. Can we see her?" I asked
"Yes you can she came out of surgery and apparently is still awake." She answered. Oh yeah it was two in the mourning.
She told us to go up to the 6 floor. Then go to room 612. We go into the elevator.
"Hey after this can we please hurry and see Cheyanne?" Sam said almost in tears.
"Yeah. I just want to see how she is." I told him.
We stepped out of the elevator. We walked right and found room 612. I stepped in and the TV was on. Hana leg was in a cast brace thing. Her arm just in a cast. She was pale and he makeup smeared bad. She had been crying.
"Hey." I said
"Hey." She smiled.
Then she saw Sam. She guested into tears again. "Sam I'm so sorry." She cried. He walked over to her side I stood at the foot of her bed. "Don't be it wasn't your fault. Billy Anderson did it."
"Wait Billy Anderson?" I said in shock I new that last name. Actually that whole name.
"Oh my gosh that's Aidens brother." I mumbled.
"What?" Sam shop up.
"Billy Anderson Aiden Anderson brothers." I gulped.
Sam just stared at me. Then he broke it.
"Hey Hana it's good to know you leg and arm are doing good. But we have to go see..." She didn't even let me finish.
"Go. And Jasmine can you and only you come back and tell how she is please."
Me and Sam took the stairs it was faster to us that's that quite slow moving elevator. We went back to the same lady.
"Did you find her ok?" She asked
"Yeah. She looks like she is doing well. But my sister and his girlfriend," I said pointing to Sam,"is here too. I wanted to see her."
"What's her name?"
"Cheyanne Reedus ." It was weird saying that. I remember her old last name mims. It just sounded better than Reedus.
"She can only see kin." She looked at Sam with sad eyes. Sam finally broke his silence.
"Please miss. She is the love of my life I want to see her please." He cried.
She stood up. "Ok but just say you her cousin and don't dare say that you not. I can get into big trouble, but it's not everyday I see a boy who really loves a girl." She finished with tears in her eyes.
She showed us the way since we needed clearance of a nurse. She pulled a curtain back and I saw something that looked just say it didn't look like Cheyanne. It didn't look like my best friend. It didn't look like my sister.

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