Chapter 10

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The school bell rings for the last time today, referring that classes were done & students can finally leave.

You packed your items into your bag, dreading the walk home. You signed as you left the classroom with Zuko treading next to you.

"So, shorty. Got any plans?" he spoke as he looked forward, pushing students out of his way.

One student bumped into your shoulder as you narrowed your eyes at them, "No, I don't. Why?"

He looked at you & smiled, "Want to hang out with me? I'll take you out for dinner."

Your stomach rumbled from just hearing the word dinner. Even when you gotten home, your parents left you a small plate of salad, nothing more, nothing less.

Your parents didn't really care if you weren't home on time. They weren't there to even see you if you came home or not.

You bit your lip, thinking if you should eat it or not.

"Yo, (y/n)!"

You looked up as you saw Aang waving at you, katara, toph, & Sokka next to him.

You smiled as you waved back.

As you neared them, you felt a hard push against your shoulder that made you fall back. Zuko caught you before you could fall, but you felt frozen with fear as your eyes connected with those that are filled with evil & the need to kill.


She glared at you as she given you a wicked smile, her eyes darting toward Zuko who helped you up& held you close, glaring at his retched sister, "Azula. What do you want?"

She raised a brow as she scoffed, "Excuse me? I'm only walking past when a huge brick wall gotten in my way."

"The only brick wall is that large forehead of yours."

Azula turned around in anger as she glared at Katara. Katara walked over as she stood in front of you, "Is there a problem, Azula?"

Azula grit her teeth as she cleared her throat, "Why would there be a problem, Katara? Don't push my buttons or I'll make sure I drown you with your shitty element."

Katara raised at her as she scoffed, "Oh, we all know your inner jealously & fears, Azula. And it's being jealous that (y/n) is much kore attractive than you, you uptight prune."

That pushed Azula to the edge as she let her blue flames flare up in her hands, "What did you just say?! No one, not even I, would be jealous of a fat, ugly bitch like her!!"

Katara smirked, "Oh, I hit a nerve. Guess I was right."

Everyone in the hall began to laugh at Azula, gathering around to see a fight ready to blow out of proportion.

Azulas blood was boiling as her two minions stepped in.

Ty lee spoke out as she glared at Katara, "Azula isn't jealous of anyone or anything! You're just jealous cause you're flat chested!"

That struck a nerve on Katara as she spoke out in anger, "Flat chested!?"

As they began to argue, Azulas killer eyes darted for you. She was hungry for blood, & it was all yours that she wanted. She aimed her hands towards you as she shot her fire element at you.

Aang yelled out for you as you stood there like a deer in headlights. Everything seemed so slow as Zuko pushed you behind him as a hard gush of wind blew past everyone. Girls screams echoed throughout the hall as students papers blew fast & away.

A boomarang smacked Azulas hand hard as she let out a yell. Sokka caught his boomarang as he smirked, "Good ol boomarang. You never let me down when a witch needs to be taught a lesson."

Azula was about to lose it until a teacher comes & breaks it up.

"What is going on here?!"

Everyone began to scatter as Zuko wrapped his arm around you & began to zoom off with the others.

Today is just not your day.

Thank god classes were over for today.

Your group finally left the school building, ditching Azula & her little gang behind in the large crowd of students.

Aang went over to you as he held your hands to exam you, "Are you okay, (y/n)? I hope you didn't get burnt."

You looked at him, still shocked on almost being burnt to death, "y-Yeah, I'm fine," you gave him soft smile, "Thank you for saving me back there, Aang."

Aang blushed lightly as he rubbed the back of his hairless head, "No problem."

You turned to everyone else as you bowed, "Thank you all for helping me back there. I'm sorry that I didn't do much to defend myself."

Katara placed a hand on your shoulder as she smiled, "Don't thank us, (y/n). It's what friends do for each other."

You smiled as you put your index fingers together, growing shy, "Thank you, though."

She smiled as she looked at everyone, "Hey, let's go get a bite to eat, I'm starving."

Everyone agreed as you stayed silent, nodding your head.

Zuko pouts as he lays his chin on top of your head, letting his arms rest on your shoulders, wrapping them around your shoulders, "Aw, no fair. I asked (y/n) to eat alone with me first. You guys go ahead, we're on a date."

Both you & Aang spoke out together, "Date!?"

You squirmed around in Zukos grip, but he wouldn't budge, "W-We are not dating! Let me go!"

Zuko smiled as he looked at you, "oh, come on. I'll make sure we have tons of fun."

Aang went over as he pulled you out of Zukos grip as he held you close, "If she's going on a date, it's going to be with me."

Zuko narrowed his eyes at him as he crossed his arms, "Oh, really? Since when?"

Aang pouts, "That'll be when I get her consent on this date."

Toph came into the middle as she smacked both Aang & Zuko on the head, "Knock it off! I can feel the anxiety coming from (y/n)!"

You sighed out loudly.

This day just won't end.

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