Julia Star

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Name: Julia Star

Gender: Female


God/dess: Poseidon .

Ability: Archery.

Magical item: A charm bracelet that can turn into a silver bow.

Appearance: She has blonde hair with blue streaks and sparkling blue eyes.

Siblings: She has a twin sister named Juliet and a older brother named Julian.

Personality: she can be kind to those she likes but mess with her or her friends/siblings and she can a nightmare.

Bio: Julian, Juliet and Julia had grown up with their abusive mother and stepfather when Julian decided to get them out there to save the twins. They ran and ran until they stumbled upon Camp Jupiter. Julian stayed there while Juliet and Julia ran to Camp Half-Blood. Julia then meets Thalia and soon decides that she wants to be Hunter of Artemis.

Camp: Hunters of Artemis.

Friends: Thalia Rrace, Reyna, Hazel Levesque, Piper McLean, and Annabeth Chase.

Created by: Mishell-1323-3

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