Aisling West

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Name: Aisling West

Gender: Female

Age: 15

God/dess: Morpheus, god of dreams.

Ability: She knows when somethings are going to happen

Magical Item: Dagger, bow and arrow that when shot knocks people out and causes nightmares.

Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes and pale skin.

Exceptional characteristics: Deaf 

Siblings: None

Personality:  Bright, always dreaming, 

Bio: Aisling West a 15 year old girl who is deaf. Her parents left her on the street when she was young. She made her way through New York by herself until someone, a boy, had found her alone. He signed to her to follow him and that he would take her somewhere safe and sound, like she always wanted. The boy took her to camp. She was happy she got there even though the boy warned her it would be hard. She couldn't hear Chiron, or Percy, she was really upset because no one understood her, like always, but when she met Annabeth, the daughter of Athena understood her, and they became fast friends.

Camp: Camp Half-Blood

Au or not: not

(Created by  Percabethisawesome)

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