Love ☼

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Caitlin exclaimed her arms out wide, as she ran up to him. "Hey sugar" she laughed at Josh's attempt to make up a nickname. The boys went out for the day, errands were needed to be taken care of.

"I think we have a little over an hour." She mumbled crashing there lips together, she was needed to have a talk about the radio station nearly a week ago but they both seemed to have different plans.

"I thought we could talk about, the rai-" she was cut off by there change in position, she was now underneath him, him with a bare torso. "We'll talk latter" he mumbled, fumbling with her jeans.

"Can we do this tomorrow" Michael groaned, they were just at game stop buying the remote control he broke, from losing FIFA. The line was huge, mostly filled with nerds, and minecraft freaks.

(A/n I don't discriminate if you play minecraft or not)

"We are half way there" luke said pointing at the line, they weren't really they still were out of the store, that's how long the line was, "yeah you know what let's go." Calum ran over and put the controller back in place.

"I'm being serious, though I really can't when your shirtless" she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, so they were eye level.

"And I'm being serious caite, talk after alright" she nodded, he pressed his lips into hers. He rolled his hips on her and she smacked him, "fine okay serious." She smiled widely at him.

"Dude who axes spray is that" Mikey coughed looking directly at Ashton, ash shrugged, "ain't me man" a moan followed out through the house, all of them looked at luke, knowing Caitlin is the only girl in the house.

"Gross guys" he ran up the stairs, "josh," he heard her wimper, please tell me she's not crying. His hand on the door turning the knob, "I love you caite." Those were his words, luke hand left the door, going to the living room were the lads were.

"Can we ta-" she was cut off by his lips, he had his pants on and he was getting his dress shirt on, "I gotta go babe, meeting" and with that when walked out the door.

"So he's in th-" the stairs creaked and everyone looked over "sorry lads best be going" luke didn't even have time to give him a knocker before he was out. Right behind him followed caite.

"Hey" she mumbled walking past luke who stop her, his hand grasping her wrist, she looked up at him in fear.

"I'm sorry, " she whispered he dropped his hand from her, shoving it away.

"Fuck sorry" his harsh words caused caite to flinch and he ran up the stairs.


Books flew across the room, the made bed was now all over the room, pillows were flung in all different directions.

A small knock erupted his thoughts, Caitlin pushing herself through the small crack, "the boys are trying to rest, so am I." Luke rolled his eyes, with every move he made forward he took one back.

"Don't touch me." He snapped, caites hand swung and hit him across the faces.

"Can you chill for a fucking second, god damit Lucas!"

"Can you not fuck for a godamn second" this time luke caught her wrist before it had the chance to slap him. He dropped it by her side.

"I love him"

"You don't know what love is." He barked, and she gulped.

"And you do, luke be honest with everyone and yourself. You don't know what love is even if it was written on the walls right in front of your face"

"Don't start." His face was red with furry.

"No you listen hear, I waited. I actually wanted you to find me, why didn't you look for me, call me? Instead you went to clubs, got shitfaced and woke up the next day to do the exact same thing." She hit his chest with her finger.

"I loved you!" He didn't have time to reply because she was already starting to say something else.

"You think it wasn't tough out there? Think it was easy for me without you? You thought that every single day wasn't a goddamn marathon of my life without you?"

"I-I" he couldn't form words, after her blow out he didn't even know if she was finished.

"All I can say is, I'm mad. I'm mad your still with him, you don't know him, caite you've know np him for what a few months? He's not the one. You know how I know this? Because I'm your one, I'm it for you."

"You can't chose that for me, Lucas."

"I know I'm the one, Caitlin. Stop thinking it's him."

"Goodnight," she mumbled his hand slammed the door shut, she turned around ready to yell when she noticed how close they were she lost her breath.

"I love you, I'm in love with you."

"How many times do I have to say, you don't know what love i-" he shut her up with a kiss, her body pressing firmly against the door and luke, her hands wrapped around his neck.

His hand pulled at her waste, the shirt she wore, witch smelt like him made luke die a little inside. "I'm yours" he whispered pulling away.

"Don't make me chose."

"Don't take too long , you might lose both."

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