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~third person pov~

"Francis did you get everything out of the car?" Arthur looked to his husband worried. "Yes of course," Francis laughed. "Dad, can we go already?" The young ten-year-old boy called. "Yes, Alfred, just give us a second. Matthew stop touching those bugs please" Arthur looked to their children nervously.

"A little family hiking in nature is exactly what the doctor ordered" Francis laughed as he pulled his family along the path. He had been planning this trip for a week and urged Arthur to try something new.

As they walked Throughout the hike, all of them were amazed with the scenery and beauty of the wilderness. Arthur made sure to take pictures of the boys having fun and doing interesting things. Alfred would try to climb trees once in awhile, while his brother would take note of all the cool insects he found.

"This was a good idea, sorry I doubted you, Francis," Arthur smiled, taking his hiking bag off to take out water for the children. "What? You are finally admitting how right I am?" Francis laughed. "Whoa, don't get too ahead of yourself, it was just a one time thing," Arthur laughed, handing his husband a water bottle.

"Okay, where does the map say we are?" Francis asked drinking water. "What? Just look yourself" Arthur lifted an eyebrow confused. "What? You have the map" Francis stopped drinking his water and looked at his husband. "No, I gave it to you,"Arthur said, worried. "Papa I am hungry , can we eat already?" Matthew walked up to his parents who seemed worried. "Yes, mon Cher, the food is in my bag, how about you get your brothers out as well?" Francis took off his bag, handing it to Matthew.

"Francis, where is the map?" Arthur asked closing his eyes. "I thought you had it, my love," Francis said horrified. "Okay.... lets just breathe....it has to be here with us somewhere," Arthur said breathing out. He was trying to calm down. "Dad are you coming?" Alfred called. "Yes! We will be there right now," Arthur called opening his bag and searching for the map. Soon, Arthur started to frantically search, making him shove things around trying to look.

"No biggy, I can just call someone, right?" Arthur shrugged taking his phone out but to his surprise, there was no reception. "Fucking hell!" He yell-whispered so the children would not hear him. "Okay..... lets step back for a bit, eat some food, and get our heads together," Francis reassured his scared husband. "Yes, we should eat," Arthur nodded walking to join the children in lunch.

"Papa is this chicken?" Matthew asked happy. "Yes of course, the both of you like chicken sandwiches," Francis smiled at the kids as he placed a hand on Arthur's. "Are we lost?" Alfred asked taking a bite out of his sandwich.
Their parents eyes widened at the sudden question as they became nervous. "No!! We just misplaced something," Francis answered putting a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Yes! We will be back on the path to go home soon" Arthur added smiling at their children.

"Now then, would you like some fruit?" Francis asked taking out some strawberries and bananas. "Yes please!" the children cheered grabbing some fruit. Arthur looked to Francis making a face of a 'thank you'. Although the situation they were in was bad, Francis always tried to lighten the mood so his beloved husband would not worry. Because once he worries too much, he gets frustrated, and if he is frustrated , he gets mad, and soon they will start fighting. So Francis wanted to avoid that type of situation in front of the children.

"Okay, I will search for the map , but we came from this way, so we should head that way," Arthur suggested, standing up to grab his bag. "Are you sure that is the best idea mon Cher? What if we did not go the right direction?" Francis asked, worried. "It is alright, my sense of direction is really great. We just need to walk back where we came from, I am sure we will see some familiar things." Arthur nodded crossing his arms in a happy way.

"Okay then.... come children" Francis held his hands out for them to grab onto. "Will we be going home soon?" Matthew asked looking tired. "Yes of course! Dad is going to get us out," Francis smiled as he held onto the children while Arthur searched and led the way. "Do you need help Arthur?" Francis asked as he walked beside him now. "Yes, please, so I can see where I am going," Arthur smiled as he took Matthew by the hand and led him a direction.

"Oh that tree was the one I tried to climb on but dad did not let me!" Alfred pointed to a tree shaking his head. Arthur and Francis looked to him quickly relieved. "You recognize it Alfred?" The worried parents asked. "Yeah man, we came from this way remember?" Alfred smiled as his parents and brother looked at him shocked that he remembered such a small detail. Francis looked to Arthur, as Arthur looked back to Francis.

They both smiled as if getting the same idea. "Alfred, where did you say we came from?" Francis asked smiling. "This way!" Alfred laughed walking a direction. They forgot about finding the map and relied on their young son to lead the way back out of the woods. It was risky but it was the only choice they had at the moment.

Suddenly, they stopped at a split section. "I remember this, we came from that way, because I saw a worm over there!" Matthew spoke up, making all of them stare at him. "Oh really? Show us!" Arthur smiled as Matthew walked in front of everyone and started to go a certain direction.

Now the worried parents were following their other young child, taking a risk. "It is already three," Arthur showed Francis his watch. Arthur worried that they might go the wrong direction. But he had to trust his children, no matter how risky.

"Arthur look!!!" Francis called as they all looked up seeing a road. "That road! It was by the parking site!" Arthur said happily as he picked up a child to carry, while Francis did the same. "Over there Papa" Matthew called from Arthur's arms. They all turned and saw the car they came from in the morning. It was a few feet from where they were.

"Thank god!" The parents breathed out walking towards the car, as they carried their children. Francis and Arthur set the children down as they knelt down relived. "What were you all trying to find earlier?" Alfred asked confused. "The map, dear," Arthur breathed out laughing. "That? Matthew and I made hats for everyone with it" Alfred laughed taking the paper hats out of his pocket along with Matthew.

The children placed the paper hats on their parents and then on themselves. "Oh hell," Francis said looking so confused on why they did not see their children making the hats from their map. "Well, at least we are back to the car," Arthur laughed nervously. He could not help but think that if Alfred and Matthew did not remember, they all would have been lost in those woods for who knows how long.

"Let's go home" Francis smiled standing up and opening the car door for everyone to climb inside. It had been a very long day. "Let's bring an extra map next time," Arthur laughed nervously. "If there's a next time..." Francis laughed, starting to drive off.

Thanks for reading so far , this idea was inspired by
Cuttoncandy6 On wattpad. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks also for giving me ideas for one shots on Instagram.

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