Chapter 7

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Drew's POV

We peered outside. It seemed sunny, actually... Beautiful! It was hard to think it was pouring buckets yesterday.

I was reading a guild about the contest we were suppose to enter. "So, uh.. Apparently this is suppose to be a special contest. Two coordinators will partner up for double battles, and the winning team gets a badge." I read. May yawned. "Huh.. Okay then.. Good thing we have that special combo from last time." She giggled. I hesitated. "... Remind me?..." I tilted my head and she grunted. "You'll remember when it happens. But I'll be using Sylveon first, then Kirlia for the battling round."

We entered the doors and signed the forms out. "Okay then... I'll be using Rosarade and Meganium... But just a warning.. I may be out of practice." I sweat dropped as we entered the arena.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to our pokemon contest! We have many contestants today, so please enjoy!" The announcer cheered, and set up the field with me and May.

"Sylveon, fairy dance!" May chanted, as the pink eeveelution danced around on its hind paw before landing, sparked emerging from it's fur. I gulped. "Alright.. Rosarade, Let's do this!" I hollered, as Rosarade appeared beside Sylveon, pink petals shaped as hearts floating down on the two pokemon. "Amazing!" Nurse Joy, a judge, smiled.

"Moon blast!" Sylveon obeyed, and summoned the powerful sphere of moonlight and fairy energy. "Now, Magical leaf-Iron tail combo!" We both yelled. The moon blast cracked from the pressure, imploding on itself and sending waves of relaxing sparkles across the entire crowd. The two pokemon gleamed and posed, as the crowd cheered.

"And a remarkable performance by May and Drew!" The announcer hollered. A perfect 30.0 points!

As the other contestants blew by in the wind, it was finally time to see who'd make it to the battling rounds. As the pictures appeared one by one.. May and Drew were revealed. "Great! Now we have to just battle our way to the top!" May squealed. I nodded, nervous as heck. 'It was just luck I called out the right attack... I'll fail this so terribly, May won't ever speak to me again!' I gulped as I thought this.

The battle began, with coordinators Trevor and Tierno taking the stage with Pikachu and Bellossom. "Go, Kirlia!" "Meganium!"

Both pokemon emerged, powerful energy radiating. "Start with light screen, followed by Reflect!" I commanded first. Meganium obeyed, sending the huge walls of energy up. "Kirlia, Teleport, and then dazzling gleam!" May commanded. The strike did huge damage on both opponents. "They must be low level..." I eased up. "Don't be so sure!" Trevor yelled. "Sleep powder!" Tierno commanded. "Go, Thundershock!"


All the pokemon were breathing heavily, clearly at their max. Finally, the foe's pokemon collapsed, leaving us victorious. "Nice work!" I high fived May. "Woo hoo!" She cheered, returning our pokemon and waiting for the next battle.

Even later~

We stood on the stage and accepted our ribbons. "Thank you, And goodbye!" The announcer cheered as people filed out. I walked out with May. "That seemed quite easy..." I muttered. "Yeah.. But I know it'll get harder!" May smiled brightly at me, causing me to blush a bit. "Y-Yeah.."

Did I really do it?...

Will I be able to keep this up.. For May?

Or will my fear get the best of me?...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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