Chapter 1 (YAY!)

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"Looks like this is goodbye, huh?" I glanced over at my brunette rival. "Goodbye?" Her sapphire eyes glimmered with curiosity and nervousness.

"Yeah.. Starting tomorrow, your going home. And I'm going to visit family in Kanto. We won't see each other for.. A while." I rubbed my neck a bit, trying to play it cool. "Oh.." Her eyes saddened.

Over the year or two we've known each other, we've grown to enjoy each other's company.. Kind of like friends. So this was hurting us both.

"Why don't we make our last night together.. Memorable?" I suggested with a shrug. May looked at me. "What do you suggest?" I chuckled and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "Clueless, clueless."

May pouted a bit. "Whatever you wanna do. I want to make sure our last night hanging out is spent well." I grinned a bit. "Well.. Alright then. But don't make me choose EVERYTHING we do!" She lightly punched my arm.

"Hah, you honestly think I'd let you choose EVERYTHING? Think again, July!" I teased, sticking my tongue out at her.

The next few hours was filled with fun. We went to the carnival while it was still open, we tried to find sea shells, and other pretty cool things.

Finally, it was time for me to head to my hotel room. I had to be up early to catch the plane to Kanto.

The two of us leaned against the beachside railing, watching the sunset and the moonrise.

I looked over at my rival to see her fumbling with something in her hands.

"You've been messing with that thing since we went looking for sea shells. What is it, and why is it so important?" I asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

May glared at me, but a bit softer. "Here, it's done." She unclasped her hands to reveal a small bracelet.

Small sea shells attached to it, each a different colour. And a small letter carved in each.

"It's just something I made.. So incase you feel competitively lonley, this'll be with you." She explained hesitantly.

May placed the bracelet in my hand, I slowly looked it over. Seemed like an ordinary sea she'll bracelet to me. Why did May think it was so special?

"Is this all?" I smirked a bit at her.

May pouted again. "Why you..! Do you even listen?!" She glared, but when she heard me chuckle, she smiled.

"Glad you like it."

"Never said I did." I denied.

"So you don't like it?"

"Didn't say that either."

May facepalmed as I chuckled again. "Alright, smart guy.. In fact, that isn't all.."

I looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What is it? Cookies?" I smirked a bit. She rolled her eyes.

"This." She held out her empty hand. "?" I looked down confused, and when I looked up, she softly kissed my cheek. I tried to keep myself from blushing.

She slowly walked off, waving as she leaves me there, stunned.

As May walked away, she mouthed something to me.. 'The bracelet'.

As she disappeared over the street's horizon, I looked closer at the bracelet.

"See you in 4 years. Solak.. -May"

-End of Flashback-

As I lean against the railing of the boat, the one memory floods my mind.

I was on my way to Kalos, where May had hinted at me to meet her. On the bracelet clasped onto my wrist, read 'solaK.'. I'd never understood it. I'd spent months trying to find the meaning.

Who knew it was as simple as a region. Duh.

I look down at the water, seeing the pokemon around me change from Magicarp... To Inkay being seen far and wide. Instead of seeing Wingull or Pidgy, I see Fletchling and Starly.

I continuously wonder why May wanted me to see her here, Kalos.. After 4 years. I shrugged to myself.

"Must be important, taking my precious contest time." I said to myself. I paused and sighed. "Who am I kidding? I lost the Ribbon Cup, the title.. I barely compete." I slightly growled.

"Attention Passengers, we will be docking in Vaniville Town shortly." The captain said over the PA.

Finally. I was getting tired of riding a boat for 3 hours. I looked at my belt. I had Roselia there. Only Roselia.

I left Absol, Masquerain, Flygon, and any other pokemon back home.

My little brother wants to be a trainer someday, so I let him train with my pokemon.

I sighed. "At least I get a fresh start... Sorta." As the boat docks, I'm knocked over my a Beautifly. "Ow! Watch i-" I paused.

This Beautifly had a bandana on its neck.. The same one I'd given to...

"May!" I spotted her waiting for me. She waved with a smile. "Drew! Get over here!"

I quickly grabbed my bag and leaped off the boat, into the dock as ran to her. I caught my breath and she laughed.

"Someone's happy to see me." She winked. I smirked a bit. "Whatever. I was just glad to get off that boat. Any more hours and I may have gotten sea sick.." I held my stomach, pretending I was about to vomit.

"Are you alright?" May asked concerned. I let Roselia slip out of its pokeball, and it used petal dance to make it look like I was throwing up flower petals on her. "Gah!" She yelped and stumbled back.

She opened her eyes again to see me holding out a rose to her. "It is great to see you again." I smiled a bit. May blushed a bit, accepting the rose. "You remembered..?"

I chuckled. "Of course I remembered, it's our thing. Duh." I teased. May smiled, making me blush a bit. "Thank you."

I coughed. "Anyways.. Why'd you drag me across the ocean like this?" I asked in my usual tone.

May's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah!"

She looked at me nervously. "Look, I was just wondering if you'd wanna travel around Kalos with me? I heard there are contests here, and apparently you need to win 8 ribbons instead of 5! And I can't do it myself.." She rubbed her arm. "Would you consider it?"

Time froze. She dragged me, across the ocean, for 3-4 hours, for THAT?! I mentally facepalmed. 'Whatever. Just say your not interested. And you can go home..'

"Sure." I blurted out happily. My eyes widened. 'Wait, no I said say NO! Why did I say that?! And so happily?!'

"Really?! Thank you so much Drew!" May smiled again, making me blush. "Whatever.." I mumbled to myself.

'What the heck is wrong with me? Why can't I say no to her?'

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