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Cesar's POV

Ruby and I have run around for the past week trying to get everything done in time for tonight. He really wanted it to be perfect. We wished Jamal could've been here but with the family reunion coming up the timing was so right.

Monse meets us at the Martinez house and helps the Martinezs and I with set up .

The doorbell rings and we all run to the kitchen leaving Ruby to answer the door.

"Hey Rubes, sorry I'm late," Jasmine explains seemingly out of breath.

"No worries love, your just in time," he grins. Damn she makes him so happy I'm excited for whatever they do in the future.

"Right, we need to finalise the guest list, allergies, dietary restrictions, a color scheme, acti-," Jamsine starts before she is cut off.

"Jas?" Ruby asks. I feel Monse press herself into my side as she holds up the phone for Jamal who is on FaceTime. She's been pretty touchy since I got back but I don't know if that means anything.

"Yea Ruby?" Jas asks finally slowing down.

"There's one thing I wanted to finalise first," he smiles as takes her hand in his.

"What is it babe?" she inquires.

"What should I introduce you to my family as?" he responds

"Anything you want, I'm just so happy to meet more of your family," she shrugs.

"Great, I think I like the idea of introducing you as my fiancée," Ruby grins, struggling to keep it together.

"Babe what!!?!" Jas screams.

"Jasmine, living in the Ridge you learn that everyday is a gift. I thought about this for a bit and I know it's what I want. Yea we're just 22 almost 23 but I don't want to waste another day. You're the only one who gets me in that special way. You're the one who really listened to me and talked me through the pain of the shooting. A lot of the good that's happened for me in the past few years you've pushed me to do it. I love you. My family and friends love you. I don't need or want someone else. I just want us to spend the rest of our lives together and doing great things. We can take this as slow as you want. So Jasmine Maria Flores, will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He finishes as he kneels holding Abuelita's wedding ring.

For the first time in the twenty years I've known Jasmine she's speechless. I was a little speechless too when Ruby told me he wanted to do this already but I got where he was coming from. They know everything about each other and have talked about marriage before. There's no right time to do it and they are so perfect for each other. What he said about not wasting another day really hit home with me.


It was the day before Monse left for New York. We still hadn't addressed how we would deal with the distance. She asked me to meet her by our spot so we could talk. To me distance was just a number. That was the night I wanted to give her something to know just how serious I was about us. I bought her a promise ring. I knew it was too early to propose to Monse but it wasn't too early to let her know my intentions. I wanted her to have something to know just how serious I was about marrying her when we could support ourselves and we were ready. As I didn't even get to tell her this or show her the ring before she broke up with me. I pleaded but she wouldn't listen. She said I should forget her and find someone at college.

End of flashback

"Yes! Yes , yes, yes!" Jasmine squeals bringing me out of my thoughts.

We all flood the living room to celebrate with the happy couple. They look so excited for what's to come and it truly warms my heart. I see all the love in the room and I know staying in the Ridge was the right decision.

"You better be next," Abuelita orders me, did I forget to do something for the day?

"Huh?" I inquire

"Monse, the way you look at each other I know she's your forever. I expect another proposal soon ," She replies before leaving to grab another drink.

After a long night and too many drinks I have to take a drunk Monse home. We reach her house and she can't find her keys so we go to mine. I ask Oscar's new girlfriend Vanessa to help Monse get changed which takes only a few minutes.

"You could've changed her yourself but you didn't. Why?" Vanessa questions.

"I don't want her to feel like I crossed a line even if she's too drunk to remember," I reply honestly.

"Lil spooky, you're a good man. Keep it up," Vanessa pats me on the shoulder. She's the only one of his girlfriends who he actually introduced as such. Vanessa is just amazing and might just be the one to make Oscar want settle down.

I carry Monse to my room and lay her on my bed. I turn to leave the room for my blanket to sleep on the floor when I hear stirring behind me.

"Ces I love you and I miss us ," she says sleepily.

Why can't she say this while sober? What's holding her back? Am I doing something wrong?

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