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Monse's POV

I've done it I've finally lost him for good. Cesar has shown me nothing but love and affection since I've gotten back. I just can't right now. There's a part of me that wants to jump into his arms but there's still another part afraid of being hurt. He's not Keith but in relationships I always get hurt. Always. One thing I know for sure is that I can't stay out here with him.

"Oh okay. Goodnight," I reply wiping the tears from my eyes and turning to go inside.

"Monse wait!," Cesar yells pulling me into his arms.

"What Cesar, what do you want? You already made your feelings clear," I hiss wondering why he still insists on playing with my emotions.

"I had a shitty choice of words. I'm yours whether or not you want to be official now. I won't wait for you because I'll always be there for you and love you . I've loved you since I was 14 years old, 2 weeks, 2 month, 2 years wouldn't change that. Do you , build your brand, build yourself. I know one day we'll be married. When you're back in 22 days, I will be at the airport to get you," he explains as he wipes the tears from my eyes.

"I-i," for the first time in a few years I'm speechless. He wants to marry me? Wow.

"I will continue to love you and only you Mon," Cesar pulls me into a soft kiss.

"This is cute and all but could y'all come off my porch?" my dad says from the door. When did it even open?

"Uh, good night Mr. Finnie , I'll just be going," Cesar pulls away nervously.

"No need, just come inside. You don't need to pretend like you haven't slept over since Monse's been back," dad responds giving us a knowing look.

"Thanks dad," I say pulling Cesar towards my room for a little privacy. How long has dad been listening?

"You're dad was surprisingly chill," he still seems unsure as he climbs onto my bed.

"If he said it's okay, it's okay," I roll my eyes climbing between his legs with my laptop in hand.

"And I don't want to hear you making any grandbabies !" dad yells from the living room.

"Ignore him, lets just enjoy this movie," I snuggle into his chest.

The next thing I know it's morning and I'm in Cesar's arms. Waking up in his arms makes me feel so safe. We do everything a couple would, why am I still so afraid of a title?

"Morning," Cesar kisses my temple.

"Heeey, I have to finish packing for this evening," I remind him.

"Well, I'll give you some space for that. Thanks for last night and letting me stay over," he replies untangling himself from me.

"I'll see you later Ces," I give him a peck as I try to figure out where to start.

About an hour later Cesar comes back with a bag from Sue's. This guy knows me so well.

"Hey I got you-," I cut him off grabbing the sandwich from his hand. I bite into the cheeseburger, it's just how I ordered it in highschool, no ketchup, extra mustard, no pickles or onion. How did he remember?

"Thank you so much," I reply kissing his cheek.

"You Finnies really love Sue's. Your dad didn't kiss me but he seemed super happy about his food," he smiles as he inspects what I took out for my trip. He bought for dad too? He's a keeper.

"UCLA huh," he raises his eyebrows at his hoodie in the pile.

"You left it a few weeks back and I like how it fits me," I blush omitting the part that it smells like him so it will help when I'm missing him.

"Fine, fine," he accepts.

We spend the day packing and watching movies until dad lets me know that we have to head out soon. He and Cesar drive me to the airport and of course by the time we reach I'm running late.

"Well, this is goodbye. Don't forget me," I playfully poke at Cesar.

"I'm already yours and know deep down you're already mine, I love you my honey badger. If you don't come back , I'm coming to find you my love," he reminds me as he moves a curl from my face. We lean in for a quick kiss. He deepens the kiss and I know if we continue I won't want to leave.

Dad clears his throat. "I'm going to miss you too dad," I run to hug him.

They announce my flight and I know I have to go. I say goodbye to the two most important people in my life, ready for this adventure.

Monty's POV

This boy and my daughter can't stay away from each other. I would be a fool to think they wouldn't find their way back together. I haven't always been Cesar's biggest fan but this young man has gone above and beyond to show my daughter how much he cares. His dad and I were friends as kids long before our gang affiliations meant we couldn't hang out. In middle school we used to joke that we would leave the Ridge and do something great. He got sucked into Santos life and I became a single father making that less and less of a possibility. I'm happy our kids turned out pretty great.

We climb into the car and make our way back to Freeridge. This is going to be a long drive.

"Young man, what are your intentions with my baby?" I start my interrogation.

"To make her my wife," he responds seriously.

"Y'all are just out of college. How would you provide for her? " I continue, this boy better have a good answer.

"It won't be a lot at first but I know we can build together. My job at the firm is going pretty well and staying at home with Oscar makes it easy to save most of what I make," he responds.

"Ahhh Oscar, do I have to worry about my grandbabies getting mixed up in the life?" Maybe this isn't a fair question but I want to know.

"N-n-no sir, I'm out now. The closest to the life they will be is Oscar. I'm not too worried about him. I'm convinced he loves Monse as a sibling more than he loves me. He's the one that made me get serious and man up with Mon," he explains. Okay, okay I like what I'm hearing.

"Alright young man, if she will have you then you have my blessing," I try to be cool and dap him up .

"That means a lot to me sir," he grins

"So, tell me about this job of yours," I change the subject.

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