Cough Syrup

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Monse's POV

Jas, Wendy, Ruby, Abuelita, Mrs. Rodriguez, Geny and Mrs Turner aren't answering. I need painkillers and cough syrup badly but can barely move. I begrudgingly text the only other person I can think of.

Monse: I can barely move, can you get me some cough syrup and painkillers please.

No response. I just roll over and feel myself drifting to sleep.

Knocking on my window wakes me, why can't I be left alone?

I turn to see Cesar at the window and him in. "I figured you were ignoring me," I say as I crawl back into bed.

"I would never ignore the love of my life, I just wanted to get here as quickly as possible and forgot to reply" he explains climbing into the bed beside me. He grabs a backpack and starts unpacking.

"Here's some water to have with the painkillers and your cough syrup," I take the painkillers then reach for the cough syrup. I try to pour it but my hands are shaking too much.

"No no let me," he takes the cough syrup and gives it to me. I feel like a kid.

" You really didn't have to," I feel the heat in my cheeks.

"I would do anything for you, please understand that," Cesar pleads. I see him reach for something in the bag, "Oscar insisted on making you chicken noodle soup," that guy never ceases to amaze me.

"Smells great, gimme a spoon," I try to grab it from him but he resists.

"No, just let me help you," he insists grabbing the spoon to feed me.

Cesar's POV

After Monse finishes the soup she gives me a broken look.

"Who was she," she whispers. I knew this was coming but I didn't expect it to happen tonight.

"Short answer nothing, long answer I dated her for maybe two weeks in Sophomore year. It was more of a booty call than a relationship honestly. She had been bugging me since freshman year and I just wanted someone to chill with. I heard about your new boyfriend and figured I should try to move on for real. She came over that day thinking we could get back together but I didn't even like her in the first place. It looked bad but nothing happened. I want only you," I share hoping it will be enough.

She stares at me considering what I said.

"Okay," she shrugs.

"Okay?" I'm a little confused.

"Yea, okay. You said your piece and I listened. I kind of wish I let you say this to my face earlier and not while I'm sick" she explains. Is she mad still?

"Thanks for that I guess," I say unsure of where this conversation is heading.

"I had a relationship and hook ups in college too. I was the one that broke up with you. I could never be mad for what you did when we weren't together or talking. I just wanted to know that you weren't leading me on," she explains as she snuggles up to my side.

"You know one day we should really talk about us. But when you're feeling better. I want to love you without holding back , build a life with you and one day marry you. You're everything I've ever wanted and I would never step out on you even when it's not official. I left that behavior in highschool," I get it all off my chest but I look down and realise she's already fast asleep.

"Baby girl, I love you and only you. I hope you'll see that," I finish even though she won't hear this.

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