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Cesar's POV

Tonight is the night I would make things official with Monse. I've been ready to commit since that day at the bodega. I wanted to take her to a nice restaurant , wine, roses and classic music. I told her we were going out tonight but she had no idea where because I had no idea.

"Oscar I need a restaurant with amazing food and a romantic ambiance," I barge into his room , "shit!" I forgot Vanessa was here.

"Get out fool!" Oscar shouts. So much for getting his help.

I start scrolling through Yelp hoping to find the perfect place.

"What was so important you forgot your manners?" Oscar sighs pulling the chair beside me.

"Monse, I'm going to make things official tonight. I need a fancy restaurant to take her to," I explain as I continue scrolling.

"Nah fool you don't ," he rolls his eyes

"What she deserves the best," I snap

"You've known her since the third grade and still think it's the fancy restaurant that she wants? She wants the thought, the effort not some snooty restaurant. There's a time for that but tonight should be fun and different," Oscar explains. Since when did he become the love expert?

"Uh like an amusement park," I'm so confused

"Nah, think mano," Oscar instructs

"I got it, the beach. We can swim , eat some sandwiches and drink wine she loves wine," I feel accomplished.

"Okay so the beach works but leave the food to me," he suggests

"What's with the interest in cooking?," I wondered out loud

"You don't get it do you? Monse was so annoying when you guys were together in highschool. But her annoying made you get your shit together in ways I couldn't. Would you have gone after that Architecture program at UCLA if she didn't make you apply? She has been so good for you, I can't help but feel indebted to her. Plus let's be honest all them other girls didn't make you even half as happy as she did. I got to help you hold on to her," he explains as he scribbles

"So that explains the soft spot for Monse," I muse

"Duh, now go get me these stuff from the bodega," he hands me a grocery list.

I let Monse know she should dress to swim.

It's time to pick her up. I grab the food Oscar packed and a sheet for us to sit on. I pull up to her house and realize her dad is home. Uh do I wait outside or do I go to the door?

"Hey!" She greets me running out the door. What did I do to deserve this queen?

"Hey, thanks for coming," I smile.

We drive talking about every and anything until we get to the beach.

"The beach? Really it's late," she seems unsure

"Just trust me babe," I peck her lips. I take off my shirt and she follows suit. I stand to go to the water and realise she is still hesitant. So I scoop her up and take her to the water.

"Cesar no not like this, come on my hair is going to get extra frizzy," she begs but I ignore her and throw her into the water.

"I'm going to get you back Diaz," she promises

I swim to her and we splash around for a bit.

I hold her from behind and begin kissing her neck. She turns to face me and kisses my lips. I deepen the kiss as I allow myself to explore her curves. She wraps her legs around my waist without breaking the kiss. I'm not sure where this is heading but I'm definitely interested to find out. She begins to suck on my neck. She always liked giving me hickeys in highschool. I feel like this is her way of marking her territory. She pulls away seeming satisfied with her work. I begin to kiss her again like there's no tomorrow. I feel her hands running down my body until she reaches the waistband of my trunks. We can't do this here, I don't have any protection. She teases me pulling at the string. I need her now.

"Well I'm hungry," she breaks the kiss and swims away from me and to the shore.

"You play dirty Finnie," I accuse trying to regain my composure.

"I told you I would get you," she smirks as she dries.

I get it together and finally swim to the shore. She smiles as she looks through the basket. Why Oscar has a picnic basket I won't even ask. She devours the pasta he made like it was her first meal in weeks.

We finish eating and she climbs into my lap. I play with her hair as we stargaze.

"You know, one day I'd love to live somewhere like this," she muses

"Babe tell me where and I can design you a house built for the queen you are," I promise her

"Funny, I could never afford somewhere like this," she sighs

"When you're a best-selling author and I'm your personal bag boy who also does some architecture I'm sure we can get a beachfront house," I tell her.

"I really hope you're right. Thanks for such an amazing night," she smiles up at me

"Amazing night for an amazing girl," I say dreamily . Oh boy she has me sprung. I use one hand to hold her face and the other to keep her steady on my lap. I lower my head for our lips to meet. The kiss was nothing like the others we shared tonight, it was short and sweet like our first kiss ten years ago.

"Cesar I love you ," she smiles

"Monse I love you too," I reply as I give her another peck then begin to pack up.

She falls asleep on the way home but I don't mind, I watch her sleep so peacefully and know she's all I'll ever need.

We get to her house and she wakes up just in time. Her dad is home so I just walk her to the door. It's now or never. I hold her hand and look into her eyes.

"Monse, I've loved spending time with you these past few months. I think the time is finally right. Will you be my girlfriend again?," I ask hoping she will have me again.

"I-i can't, not now," she stutters the four words that shatter my heart

"I love you, I only want you. Let me love you," I plead.

"Not now I have fun just hanging with you, isn't that enough for now?" she inquires

"Monse I can't wait for you,"

I see the tears welling in her eyes.

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