Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Seein’ off everybody in the mornin’ is actually quite difficult fer all of us. It’s evident that Carl doesn’t want his daddy ta’ go, although he doesn’t say it. I’ve never seen that kid so attached ta’ Rick; Carl stuck by him all mornin’ while Rick was gettin’ dressed and refused ta’ sit by anybody else while we ate an early breakfast. 

Maggie and Glenn were even more attached ta’ each other than normal, and I must a’ heard them tell each other “I love you,” about eighteen thousand times in the span of a’ two hours. It’s annoyin’ and sweet all at the same time. 

Daryl though, is the most emotional. He stays right close ta’ Michonne, and he must a’ asked her if she had her gun and knife with her eight times before they got in the trucks ta’ leave. He even told her ta’ be careful, somethin’ I’ve never seen him do before. Michonne notices all this, but she doesn’t say nothin’ about it and just lets him do what he’s doin’. 

Rick gave me a long kiss right in front a’ everyone before he got in the truck and told us ta’ be careful and not ta’ worry, addin’ that he be back “real soon.” He kissed Carl on the head and held Judith right up ‘til he had ta’ leave. I’m not happy he’s gone and I just can’t shake this feelin’ that somethin’s gonna go wrong while he’s out there, either ta’ them on the run or all of us at the prison. Havin’ Daryl and Tyreese here is little comfort to me, even when it should be a big one, and I think everybody else feels the same way. 

After the truck drove out a’ sight on the road, Maggie, Tyreese, Carl, the baby, Daryl, and I stood there fer a while, not sayin’ anythin’. But then Tyreese awkwardly mentioned some bullshit about havin’ some work ta’ do on somethin’ somewhere, and this prompted Maggie into sayin’ that she thought she had some clothes ta’ fold. This left Daryl and the kids and I alone. 

“Carl, why don’tcha’ go help Carol clean up,” I suggest ta’ Carl. He nods, not really thrilled that I’m basically tellin’ him ta’ go away so the adults can talk, and hands me the baby when I make a gesture fer him to. I watch Carl walk, and when he gets ta’ be almost out a’ sight, I turn ta’ Daryl.

“Ya’ got anythin’ important ta’ do?” I say ta’ Daryl as I settle Judith on my hip. I manage ta’ grab her little hand before she can get her vise-like grip on the end a’ my braid.

“Nah,” Daryl says, glancin’ around, “not right now.” He shifts his weight a little and settles his crossbow. 

“Wanna come down and hang out with me and baby in the infirmary fer a while? Caleb won’t be up and nobody’s gonna be fuckin’ themselves up fer another couple hours, so I won’t be doin’ nothin’. I’d be thankful fer the company.” I crack a smile when Daryl laughs a little and nods his head. 

“Sure. I ain’t got nothin’ better ta’ do.” Daryl shrugs and I lead us down ta’ the infirmary.

When we get down there, I open the blinds ta’ let in whatever weak mornin’ light I can, and then set Judith up with on her blanket like usual. She quickly becomes wrapped up in the piece a’ paper I tear out of a notebook for her and I know she won’t be fussin’ fer quite a while. 

Daryl slumps down into a chair at the table in the corner a’ the room and picks at his short, dirt-lined nails, watchin’ while I make sure Judith’s got all she needs before I sit down across from him, lazily splayed out in my chair. Daryl ain’t one ta’ be picky about bad manners; hell, nobody is anymore, save fer maybe a few old biddies and Beth. 

“I know ya’ know ‘bout Michonne and me,” Daryl mumbles under his breath, not meetin’ my eyes completely. I smile at him a little and shrug. 

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