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Hi there everybody!

OK- so I decided I wanted to write a little bit of a bonus chapter of sorts, nothing fancy. It features Daryl and Michonne specifically and really kind of hones in on their relationship. I've been wanting to write his forever, and I was originally going to publish it as a stand-alone piece, but I decided to throw it in here, just incase anybody was interested in it. It goes with the plot so far, but it can be read alone as well.

So, without further ado, here is the bonus piece that is either super great or sucks terribly!!! YAY! (OR NOT!)


Daryl enters the room, pressing the door shut firmly behind him and tossing his crossbow down, along with his arrows, next to the lone katana sword propped up against the wall. Daryl smiles as his eyes travel upwards and finally land on Michonne, who stands by the dresser in nothing more than a t-shirt and a pair of little black panties. His grin jerks just a little wider as he realizes that the slightly tattered gray t-shirt his, hanging loosely on Michonne's lean form. The panties, though, fit perfectly and hug the curve of her ass in the best way possible.

"You just gonna stare or are ya' gonna get ready for bed?" Michonne taunts. He can hear the smirk in her voice, and when Michonne turns and leans on her elbows up against the dresser, Daryl can see that she is in fact smirking and that she also looks very pleased with herself.

Daryl lets his gaze roam over the long expanse and gentle curves of her dark thighs and calves, and then states, "Starin's pretty fun," with a shrug and a wink. Michonne scoffs and mutters something about him being a horny bastard, but it's lighthearted. He smiles and steps close to her, drawing her in for a quick kiss.

"Smell good," Daryl says, nuzzling Michonne's neck and inhaling the scent of soap and shampoo and something spicier that is distinctly Michonne. She slaps him on the back playfully and giggles, which makes Daryl smile a little. He presses a couple of kisses behind Michonne's ear and then lets her go so he can change.

Daryl peels off hia shirt and throws it in the pile in the corner. Laundry day is tomorrow, he remembers, and he's thankful for it (he's running out of clean socks, and he could wash some himself, but truthfully, Daryl is lazy). Next, his pants come off and he sees Michonne slink to the bed and climb under the covers out of the corner of his eye.

Normally, Daryl would be ashamed of stripping down like this in front of anybody, let alone a woman he's actually attracted to mentally and physically, but this is Michonne; she's seen all of him, and she knows the story behind the angry gray lines that crisscross his shoulders and back. Belts, hands, other things put them there, and Daryl hates them of course, but when Michonne kisses them and whispers that she doesn't think they're ugly, Daryl can't help but almost care about them a little less. He sure does love Michonne some times.

When he's finished dressing for bed, Daryl climbs in beside Michonne and immediately tucks her up against his chest. She purrs like a cat and threads their legs together under the sheets, now smiling happily and cuddling up closer.

They talk idly for a while, chitchatting about nothing in particular other than regular business around the prison until Daryl says quietly, "I don't like the idea a' you goin' out on this run without me."

Michonne sighs deeply and tiredly and nuzzles Daryl's neck, which makes a nice warm sensation in the pit of his stomach. "I don't much like it either, but Rick needs ya' to stay here and watch over things. I gotta go with 'em out there; they need a strong fighter."

"Rick is a strong fighter, and so are the others," Daryl implores, giving Michonne's waist a protective squeeze. Michonne shakes her head and finishes his thought for him.

"But not like me," she whispers against his collarbone. Neither one says anything for a long moment, only listening to the other's breathing. "Look at me," Michonne commands gently, pulling her face out of the crook of Daryl's neck and meeting his eyes. Daryl peers back at her, attentively listening. "I'm gonna be fine out there. Don't worry about me. I'm gonna come back, back to you, back to this bed, back to everything."

Daryl looks at Michonne and gently kisses her on the forehead. "But what if ya' don't? What do I do then? What if somethin' happens and I'm not there ta' protect ya'?" Daryl sounds very vulnerable and scared and so unlike his usual hardass self that Michonne's heart nearly shatters right in her chest.

"I'm gonna come back," she repeats, trying to reassure Daryl and herself as well. Michonne draws her legs up closer to her body and Daryl puts a calloused hand on her bare thigh, rubbing gentle circles. It almost made Michonne laugh; Daryl was normally so rough in everything that he did, not really trying to be graceful at anything, but he could be gentle and soft when he wanted to be.

"I know," Daryl murmurs. Michonne says nothing back and Daryl doesn't say anything either. Michonne presses little kisses to his collarbone, and by the sigh Daryl makes when she does this, she knows he's still awake.

"I'm comin' back," Michonne repeats quietly.

"I love you," Daryl whispers in reply. He holds her tightly and Michonne feels tears prick in her eyes for a reason she cannot place.

"I love you too." It's everything Michonne can do to keep her voice from cracking. "I'm comin' back and I love you," she chants.


Author's Note-

THANK YA'LL ALL SO MUCH FOR 1,000+ READS! I never expected this story to get this big and I am so shocked and flattered that it's gotten so many reads and votes and comments! This is so awesome and ya'll totally made my whole week!

But yeah, this is just some little bonus stuff I decided to add. I know it's not an actual update, but I hope it tides ya'll over until the next chapter gets put up.

Keep reading, commenting, and voting please!!!

-Love, Madison <3

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