Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Pretendin’ everything is fine while I’m with Carl and Judith is nearly impossible. Carl chatters away about things goin’ on and I try not ta’ just blurt out what’s happened. He asks me where his daddy and Hershel and the others are, and I make up a lie about them takin’ inventory a’ the vehicles and gas supply. By some miracle, he believes it, finishes eatin’, and then goes off with Patrick ta’ do somethin’. Before he leaves, he stares at Maggie makin’ food curiously, but he doesn’t ask me about it.

I take Judith back ta’ Rick and I’s room after I hand Maggie my full plate. She looks at me quietly and just takes it, layin’ her hand on Judith’s head fer a second. I don’t even look at her, just walk off. Nobody’s in the prison, so I take my time walkin’ back ta’ my room, thankful I don’t gotta talk ta’ anybody. Everyone’s workin’ on the crops today, and thankfully, nobody’s asked about Rick and Hershel’s whereabouts yet.

I hole up in the bedroom with Judith and just let her sit on the bed and play with a piece a’ paper and some blocks. She gurgles and babbles happily, content with what she’s doin’. I watch her play, studyin’ her little face. She’s very pretty, all brown eyes and dark hair. As she gets older, she looks less and less like Rick, which is unfortunate. There’s larger nose and higher brow that I just can’t quite place on his or Carl’s face, and the shape of her eyes are different from either of ‘em too. I think we all knew she was his friend’s, but we were all hopin’ she’d end up lookin’ like Rick at least a little. That’s not the case though, and I wonder sometimes how Rick feels about that. 

Time passes and Judith and I take a nap together after we eat some lunch. I go on an excursion outside, a little less shell-shocked than I was before. Of course, I ain’t completely accepted the fact that Carol’s gone nuts, attempted ta’ kill two people, and actually killed one of ‘em too. People are out now, so I assume that plantin’s finished up. They’re all sweaty and dirty, but they look happy and smile at me as I walk by. I smile back, glad no one’s askin’ me where the others and myself have been. 

I see Maggie and Michonne talkin’ in a corner together. I go over and they abruptly stop whisperin’ whatever it was they were sayin’ before. They both look exhausted, but I’m glad ta’ see ‘em. 

“News?” I ask quietly. Michonne and Maggie look at each other fer a split second, and then Maggie glances at the floor. My stomach dips, but I manage ta’ school my face into a calm expression. 

“Rick and Carl’re lookin’ fer ya’. Rick says I should watch the baby fer a while.” I look at Maggie and slowly hand her Judith. Michonne says nothin’ and just watches us. 

“Alright,” I say, not smilin’ or given away any sorta hint that I know what Rick need me for, even though I know damn well. “I’ll see ya’ll later then at dinner.” Maggie and Michonne nod and Maggie touches my arm before I walk away back ta’ my room. I figure they might be there already, and I’m sure Rick’ll look fer me there soon anyway. 


Rick is in our room with Carl when I get back there. They’re talkin’ quietly, but I can tell that Rick hasn’t told Carl anythin’ yet. 

“Hey, Scarlett,” Carl says with a little smile. I smile back at him and then give Rick a kiss in greetin’.

“Hey, kid,” I say, givin’ his hair a good ruffle after I snatch his hat off real fast. Carl laughs and takes it back from me, sayin’ that I need ta’ watch it jokin’ly. Rick smiles at the two of us and I perch on the bed, knowin’ that we won’t be smilin’ and laughin’ fer too long now. 

“What did ya’ll need me for anyway?” Carl says after a few seconds. He flops back on the bed and I look down at him, bitin’ my lip. This poor boy. 

Rick very calmly tells Carl that somethin’s happened, addin’ that it’s completely OK if he gets upset about it. Carl sits up and stares at him, and Rick goes into the story of how they found Carol with her hands around a little girls throat in the middle of the night. 

“What?” Carl asks, voice falterin’ from shock. He looks stricken, turnin’ ta’ me like I’m gonna say his daddy’s lyin’. Truthfully, I wish he was, but I have ta’ give Carl just the slightest shake a’ my head ‘cause what Rick says true. 

“The little girl’s fine, son, but Carol’s…” Rick trails off, lost fer words. 

“Carol’s different, honey. She’s not what she was.” I pick up right where Rick left off and he looks thankful for it. 

“I-I don’t understand,” Carl says. He’s talkin’ fast and gesturin’. “She was fine last night at dinner, just. Fine. Are you sure she did it?” Carl’s voice cracks and his eyes fill up with tears. He sounds so upset and scared, like his whole world’s gone topsy-turvy. 

I hadn’t thought Carol and Carl were all that close, but maybe I was wrong. I start thinkin’ about how Carol would sometimes give Carl’s hair a motherly, affectionate ruffle and how Carl would smile at her or snuggle down into her neck like a little child would when she’d hug him. Carl ain’t got a mama, and I guess Carol was the next best thing in his eyes. 

“C’mere, baby.” Carl’s crushed up against me before his father can even make a move ta’ touch him. He lets out a dry little sob and bursts into tears. Rick glances at me, kinda shocked, but I just keep holdin’ Carl. Rick reaches out and pets Carl’s hair affectionately, but he ain’t soothed by any of it. 

“Carl-“ Rick doesn’t get ta’ finish. 

“Wh-What are ya’ll gonna d-do with her?” Carl twists outta my grasp, voice raised a little, and his daddy withdraws his hand. His face is wet with tears and his bright blue eyes are a little wild lookin’. Poor thing’s so upset he’s usin’ anger as a cover for it. “I asked you a question!” Carl barks, speakin’ directly to his father. My first instinct is ta’ tell him ta’ watch his mouth, but I hold back. This is between the two of ‘em and I shouldn’t interrupt that.

Rick stays calm, thankfully. 

“We’re gonna take her out in the woods tomorrow and we’re gonna…” Rick trails off and draws a breath. My stomach drops. “We’re gonna take her in the woods real nicely and quietly tomorrow and we’re gonna execute her.” 

The strangled noise Carl makes breaks my heart. I physically flinch at the anguish in it and I just wanna reach out and hold this poor baby. 

“You’re just gonna shoot her like a dog and leave her there?” he screams, wipin’ his face with her shirtsleeve defiantly, almost like he hates that he’s cryin’. 

“No, Carl,” Rick says gently. I see that his eyes are a little wet just as I feel tears prickin’ up in my own eyes. This is awful, watchin’ Carl break down like this. “We’re gonna execute her, and then take her back here n’ bury her. She’s gonna have a proper burial, a marker and everything, right next ta’ everyone else in the graveyard.” A tear hits Rick’s cheek and he wipes it away real quick, sniffin’ as he does so. For first time, I realize that my face is wet. “She may not be Carol now, but she was Carol for a long time. I’m not gonna let anybody treat her like anything less than what she used ta’ be.” 

The fight floods right outta Carl as Rick finishes sayin’ this. His shoulders droop and his face is gaunt. He looks like he’s about forty years old and I know he feels like it too. Rick wipes his son’s face, but when he goes ta’ pull away, Carl presses his cheek against his father’s palm. 

I don’t know what ta’ do, so I just give Carl a kiss on the head and call it done.


Author's Note-

THIS IS SO LATE AND I'M SORRY. School has been insane lately and I actually had a social life this weekend so ayy. I'm seriously sorry though, ducklings. I hate leaving you hanging.

Anyway! Yeah so this chapter is seriously sad. I mean shit, everyone's in tears and Carol's gonna be shot and u g h. The feels.

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- Love, Madison <3 (^-^)

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