Pregnant #6

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Y/n Pov

It was 4am at night. I could barley sleep. My stomach was churning. My head felt hot. Attempting not to wake Shawn up I slowly got out the bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Shawn's Pov

I turned to my side so I could be closer to y/n. I noticed it felt a little empty so I opened my eyes and realised y/n wasn't there. I could see the faint light coming from the bathroom. I made my way to the bathroom and saw y/n with her head above the toilet seat.

"Y/n are you ok" I asked. She never replied. I gentally rubbed her back attempting to sooth her. After a few minutes she stopped vomitting, and burst into tears.


After what felt like forever I finally stopped, vomiting. As I attempted to get back up I burst in to tears. Damn these hormones! A worried look shot upon Shawn's face as he pulled me into a tight, warm hug. "Babe look at me its going to be ok, whatever it is i promise you you''ll be fine" Shawn said as he brought my face up with his thumb so we were facing each other.

"I just feel sick all the time, I hate it, it wasn't this bad when I was pregnant with Noah, what ifs somethings wrong". I replied trying to hold back the tears

"I'm so sorry baby, you have to feel this, I wish I could take this sickness away, at morning i'll drop Noah off at my Parents and we'll get an appointment ok" Shawn said

"Ok thank you so much Shawn"

"Its ok, now come on lets get some rest." Shawn said as we walked back into our shared room.

~ Same day but morning :)

Shawn's Pov

We had dropped Noah off at his grandparents as we were on our way to our appointment. The whole ride y/n was silent. I suspected she was nervous so i didn't say anything. I kept one arm on her and one arm on the driving wheel at all times. Soon we had arrived at the hospital, I helped y/n out of the car and into the hospital. We gave our names to the receptionist and sat in the waiting room. I could feel y/n grip tighten on my arm. "Babe its going to be allright, I promise"I reassured her

She nodded and smiled weakly. Soon later the nurse a little older than y/n called.

"Y/n mendes" the nurse who's name was Joan called out

Y/N and I stood up and we followed the nurse into the room.

"So y/n, I understand your next checkup wasn't until a couple of weeks, is there anything unusual going on." the nurse asked

"Ummmn i've been feeling really sick a lot more than when I was pregnant last time" y/n stated

"Ok, I understand I think I have an idea of what it is, but just in case can you lie down on this bed so I can check if everything's ok."

Y/n nodded slowly and lay on the bed. The nurse placed the jelly on her belly (lol) and did the normal procedure.

"What are you trying to find" I asked Joan

"The heartbeat" Joan replied with a concentrated look

After what felt like forver, we heard a slight heartbeat. Immediately tears began to stream down y/n eyes. I kissed her lips gentally as the nurse awed.

"The baby is healthy, I think you have been experiencing severe morning sickness, but it will leave in a few weeks, If you have any other health concerns feel free to come back"

"Thanks for your help Joan" y/n and I said as we left the hospital

"I'm so relieved I still can't believe we are having this baby"

"I can believe we are having a baby, remember that night when we - "

Quickly y/n cut me off and said "That's not what I meant" she giggled slightly which only made me smile back. "I love you Shawn"

"I love you too"


There you are me lovelies another Pregnancy update :)

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