Pregnant #8

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Y/n Pov

Today was the day of the gender reveal of mine and Shawn's second child. The party was run by Karen (Shawn's mom). I began to fix my light pink coloured dress which fit perfectly onto my baby bump. I walked into the garden where everything was set up. I watched my younger cousins running around with a little coloured band on there hand, blue or pink, depending on what they thought the baby gender was going to be. My eyes scanned the place, until they landed on one particular person. Shawn, my husband, the father of our children. Shawn was ecstatic when I told him about the baby. As soon as he found out he immediately began to buy things. He's been even more gentle with me, throughout the pregnancy. The baby wasn't even born yet, but somehow I knew that he would love this baby a lot. He was talking to Niall whilst Noah sat in his lap. I admired the sight in front of me before i made my way towards them. "Hey baby" I said to Shawn

"Hey" he said whilst placing Noah onto the floor and standing up in order to give me a kiss. I giggled a little as i wasn't expecting the kiss.

"You too are disgustingly cute" Niall said

We all laughed at his comment and so did Noah, although he didn't understand the joke. "I can't wait to find out the gender" Shawn said

"I know.. neither can I, Noah my sweet boy what do you want a brother or a sister" I asked as i stared at my 3 year old son

"Ummm.... a brother..... no wait a sister..... no wait..... yeah a sister" Noah said and Shawn laughed

My body went all tense and Shawn noticed, he told his sister, Aaliyah to take care of Noah whilst he spoke to me. "Baby, what wrong, are you okay?" Shawn said concern clear all over his face. I immediatly felt guilty for making Shawn feel worried, and i began to cry.

"I'm sorry Shawn, I just... Noah wants a sister and what if i'm having a boy... then i'll let Noah down and you, I know you want a baby girl as well,i dont want to let you down Shawn" i said all rather fast

"Baby, you won't be letting me or Noah down. I know that Noah will be fine with a sister or a brother. And as for me, i do want a baby girl but even if we don't have one, i'll still be the happiest man alive, okay" Shawn said

I nodded and Shawn gave me a kiss. It wasn't short but it wasn't long either. After a few minutes Karen came up to us. "We're ready if you guys are"

Shawn looked at me "Ready"

"Ready" I replied

We made our way to the centre of the garden. Karen handed us the confetti cannons. "Okay, on the count of three" Karen said




We twist the cannon, and out flew the PINK confetti. It was a girl. As soon as Shawn and I processed what had just happened we ran into each others arms. "I love you baby, thank you so much" i said

"I love you too, and why are you thanking me" Shawn asked

"For making me a mother, for being such an amazing father to Noah, and an incredible wife to me, you truly are special Shawn, i love you" i said then began to cry. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

"Baby, that was so beautiful, please don't cry."

"Sorry, i'm just overwhelmed with how much I love you, and you know pregnancy hormones"

Shawn chuckled then said "Well I love you too baby, a lot"

I stopped crying and hugged everyone as they congratulated me and Shawn on our pregnancy. I love my family, and i can't wait for it to grow.


I'm so sorry guys that, im such a disappointment, I haven't posted in a while due to a family funeral. I'm going through a hard time at the moment, so if I don't post or anything, its not that i've forgotten, its because im grieving. I'm sorry that this imagine was short but i hope you enjoyed it anyways.

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