Pregnant #7

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Today was tough. I was feeling even more emotional than usual. I kept crying over my weight so i decided we could go for a walk in the park. On the way there we dropped Noah at Shawn's parents house. Now it was just us left. Just me, him and the baby which i'm carrying in my stomach. What could go wrong? So here we are in the park just walking. Recently, my hormones have been all over the place. One minute i'd be telling Shawn how much I love him, then the next i'd be shouting. Shawn didn't mind, he understood and was always there to calm me down. However this time he had enough.

"Urgh Shawn why did you bring me here, i'm so tired" I said a hint of annoyance in my tone

"You were the one who suggested it" Shawn replied as he rolled his eyes

"I know but you should've stopped me my feet and back are aching now"

"But y/n we literally just came out the house will you stop being so annoying for once"

"Fine, i'll go home on my own then" I yelled back

"Go then" he said storming off

I was shocked usually Shawn would stay by me and calm me down. But this time he had enough. Enough about me. Was he going to leave me. What about the kids. I cant look after 2 kids without him. The thoughts ran in my head. I continued to walk around the park unsure what to do or wear to go? I couldn't go back to our house, i'd be the last person he'd want to see. I saw a bench in the distance, so I sat down on it and placed my face in my arms and wept uncontrollably as I thought of everything that just happened. I wept and wept for what felt like hours although it was just 20 minutes. 20 minutes of me alone, in the park without Shawn. I couldn't help but cry even more. It was only a few minutes without Shawn and i couldn't cope. Now he's going to leave me forever. How will i ever cope? It was then I felt a soft, familiar touch on my shoulder pulling me into a hug. I looked up and saw Shawn, and I began to cry as I saw his red eyes and the clear tear stains on his cheeks.

"Hey sweetheart, please don't cry, i'm so sorry" Shawn began

"Are y-ou going to leave me?" I managed to say between sobs

"Baby, no I could never do that i'm sorry if I made you think that, I love you okay"

I stopped crying and looked at him, he wiped my tears with his sleeve (awww) and kissed me slowly. When we pulled back he hugged me and whispered "why don't we go home now, babe" I nodded my head and we both walked hand in hand towards our house.

~ Skip walk home cause I cannot be bothered

I walked into out home which was silent for the first time ever as there was no Noah running around making mess and noise. I loved Noah with all my heart, and so does Shawn which is why I got so upset when Shawn walked off. I sighed and sat on the couch.

"Babe, wait here i'll be right back" Shawn said as he kissed my cheek

"Okay" I smiled at him and he left the room and went upstairs. 10 minutes passed and I was still sitting waiting for Shawn. Finally after what felt like forever a voice called "Y/n come here"

What has he done now, I thought and smiled at myself. "Where are you Shawn" I said

"Bathroom" he replied.

Great. I thought. Bathroom. We have 4 of them Shawn. You couldn't have given a vaguer description. I soon saw a light coming out from the bathroom and guessed it could've been that one. I walked in and gasped, as I saw the candles around the bathtub with rose petals inside and bubbles floating around the bath.

"Shawn... what's this for" I whispered happy tears begging to form in my eyes.

"Its my way of apologising, and you said your feet and back hurt, why didn't you tell me before." He said as he "helped" me undress

"I didn't want to worry you, you have a lot going on with your music and career you dont need any extra stress" I said

"Y/n don't ever say that, I love my music but not as much as I love you, if you ever feel upset or in pain I want you to tell me okay." Shawn said

"Okay" I replied

"Pinky promise" he said holding out his pinky finger

"Pinky promise" I said connecting my finger with his giggling at his childishness > (is that even a word)

"Good now get your cute ass in that bathtub" Shawn said as he helped me in

I got in and noticed Shawn was about to leave.

"Don't go please, I had to survive 20 minutes without you, so you have to make up for them" I pleaded

"Y/n your too cute I wasn't about to leave you, I was just going to get you a bath bomb, then I would come back" he laughed

"Yay, I love you" I said

"Not as much as I love you"

~ The end

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