Pregnant #10

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Being pregnant your cravings were no joke.

You would get the weirdest cravings, at the weirdest hours, and if you didn't have what you were craving you were ready to rip someone's head off, or the complete opposite, where you were really sweet until you got what you wanted.

You were in a mix of both right now. Angry because it was 3 am, and you couldn't sleep because the thought of this snack sounded so good. But sweet because Shawn was home, and next to you, and sleeping so cutely with his face snuggled into his pillow, mouth open, eyes fluttering with his dreams.

You sighed heavily once again, looking around the room, at the ceiling as you decipher whether to wake him or not.

But Shawn knew you better than that. It's like his body could feel that you weren't asleep next to him, so he woke up with you. He groaned softly, burying his face in his pillow not understanding why he was waking up, but when he felt you shuffle a little to his left he peeped his right eye open to peak at you.

"Babe," His gravelly voice croaked. "Why are you up?"

"I'm hungry," You whined, looking over at him with pouty lips.

He sighed, sleep aching his bones as he wished silently that this was a dream and that his baby growing in you really wasn't hungry at 3 in the morning. "What do you want?" He asks, eyes closed as he holds on to the last bit of sleep that wants to pull him back under.

"Don't hate me," You whine.

"I don't hate you Babe, what are you craving?"

"Tomatoes? Like sliced tomatoes with a bit of pepper sprinkled on top." You sigh at the yummy snack you're describing.

It's silent for a beat, and you look over worried he's fallen back asleep, but when you face him all you see is his beautiful hazel eyes glaring at you.

"Tomatoes?" He spits the word out like it's trash.


"Y/n we don't have tomatoes, we both don't like tomatoes,"

"Your boy does though," You shrug, shuffling closer to him, bringing a hand up and carding it through his hair. "Please Baby, I'm so hungry,"

He takes a deep breath, nostrils flaring as he groans. "Okay," He nods, rolling out of his warm bed, out into the cold of the night, looking for his sweats and a sweatshirt.

Once he's dressed, has his keys and wallet, and has gone to the bathroom he goes to find you in bed, but stops short when the sheets are empty. "Y/n?" He calls, sauntering down the hall.

"Living room," You yawned.

"Baby go to bed, I'll be back in a few with your snack." He kneels in front of you.

"I'll wait, and watch my show."

"Okay," He sighs, leaning forward for a kiss.

"Drive safe," You murmur against his lips.

"Mkay," He nods. He leans down and kisses your belly, whispering "I can't believe you like tomatoes." Before you whack him on the back of his head and shoo him out the door.


Driving 45 minutes away, 4 stops at 4 shops, he's finally found a store that is just opening. He's rushing to the door, the poor kid barely having a chance to unlock the door before Shawn is requesting help.

"Tomatoes, I need tomatoes."

"Excuse me?" The guy asks.

"Bro," Shawn shakes his head, not having the patience for stupid questions like this. "My wife is five months pregnant, she woke me up almost an hour ago with her fucking craving. I need tomatoes and pepper, gonna help me out or not?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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