Billy's Girlfriend

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Max's POV:El and I were sitting in her bedroom, spying on people

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Max's POV:
El and I were sitting in her bedroom, spying on people. El said that she saw something. "What did you see?" I asked her. She panted and said "Billy. He was doing something. This girl. She was screaming." "What'd she look like?" "She was in a bathing suit. A red one." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "wait, she was in a red bathing suit? Like the lifeguard ones?" El shrugged and said "it was red." I began trying to figure something out. "Hey, let's go somewhere." I said. El nodded and the two of us stood up, going outside. She rode on the back of my bike as I peddled. We passed Will who looked upset. "Will? Do you wanna come with us?" He nodded and said "sure." I knew where Isabelle lived since Billy had told me. We stopped in front of her house and Will said "what're we doing here?" "Cause. I need to talk to Billy's girlfriend." I replied. "Isabelle?" Will said. I nodded and the three of us walked to the door. I knocked and she answered. "Hi." I said. Isabelle rolled her eyes, which is something that I didn't expect from her. "Listen, if Billy sent you here to make up, it's not going to work. I don't wanna talk to him." Isabelle said as she went to close the door. El stopped the door from closing and Isabelle looked at her and then at me. "Who is she?" "El." El said as she looked at Isabelle. "And what brings you to my doorstep?" Will looked at El and I and I nudged El. "I think Billy did a bad thing." She said. Isabelle saw that it was going to rain and let us in the house which was huge. El stared at Isabelle as we walked into the kitchen. "Billy did a bad thing. He always does bad things." Isabelle said. "What did he do to you?" I asked. Isabelle bit her lip and said "he broke my heart." "He broke up with you?" I said. "Yes, Max. He didn't tell you?" I frowned and said "no. I didn't know that." El continued to stare at Isabelle and Isabelle noticed. She raised her eyebrows at El and El said "I know you." Isabelle shook her head and said "no. I don't think you do." El nodded and said "the lab. You were in the lab." "Wait, Isabelle was in Hawkins lab?" I said. El nodded and said "I remember you. You helped me." Isabelle shook her head and said "you're thinking of someone else." "You had a power. You could feel other people's feelings." El said. "Empathy?" Will said. I shrugged and said "I don't know." Isabelle sighed and said "listen, I'm sorry if I'm coming off mean. But Billy just broke up with me and it's put me in a bad mood. I was never in Hawkins lab. You're confusing me with someone else." El shook her head and said "you were there. You were the only pretty one." Isabelle shook her head and then she gasped, holding her head. She looked around at us and panted. "What happened?" I said. Isabelle let go of her head and said "it all came back." "What came back?" Will said. "The memories." Will and I looked at El who said "I didn't do it." Isabelle looked at El and grabbed her wrist. El went to yank her wrist back when Isabelle saw the number on her wrist. "Eleven." She said. El nodded and Isabelle let go of her, walking to the sink, washing her hands. She showed El her tattoo on her wrist.


"How did you hide it?" El said. "Makeup. And I don't have the power anymore. My father had it removed. When he found me." She said. Will looked at the tattoo and said "can you feel your power? In the back of your mind?" "No. I don't. It's gone. It hasn't been there in years." Isabelle said. I sighed and said "let's cut the crap. El says that she thinks Billy might be in trouble. And if he is, we need your help. I think you're the only one that could snap him out of whatever he's doing. You just need to help us." Will didn't say anything since he didn't know anything about the situation. "What do I need to do?" Isabelle said. "Come with us. To Heather's. We need to see if she's ok." I said. Isabelle nodded and it was pouring outside. Will said something about having to go home and Isabelle offered to drive us. And that's where we were headed next.

Here's the update!!! And thanks for 900 reads!!

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