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Isabelle's POV:
A loud gasp made everyone in the room look around. "Billy!" Max said. I turned around and Billy was gasping for air, looking around. Paramedics immediately tended to him and I felt woozy. Steve caught me and said "you ok?" I shook my head and watched as Billy was put onto a stretcher. Once we were all outside, El cried at the sight of Billy being wheeled out of the mall. Tears streamed down her face as she saw that he was alive. My dad was in the parking lot. "Isabelle!" He said. I looked over at him and Steve let go of me. I ran over to my dad and hugged him. I cried as he hugged me and he said "are you ok? I heard you were here and I thought the worse!" He saw Billy and said "what happened to him? Is he ok?" I was shocked he said that. I pulled away from him and he stared at Billy. "What do you care?" I said to him. "Because he's your boyfriend. You love him don't you?" I nodded and he said "I realized something. You could've died. And he protected you didn't he?" I nodded again and he shook his head. "I'm so sorry. For everything. For Billy and for everything that's happened in the last week. I love you. I'm sorry." He said. I hugged him and said "I'm sorry too. I love you." He held me tightly and I didn't want to let him go. I hadn't had a moment like this with my dad in years. Billy would be taken to the hospital and I could visit him once they finished surgery on him. Hopper hugged El who was clinging to him. Joyce hugged her sons and my dad said "you wanna go to the hospital?" I nodded and he led me to the car. When we arrived at the hospital they told us it'd be a while. I still had his blood on my clothing and people stared. Max arrived shortly after we did and I'm assuming she got a ride from Joyce. Hours went by and Max fell asleep. I ran a hand through my hair and my dad said "what happened to him?" "You wouldn't believe me." I replied. "Try me." He said. I began to explain everything and he said "some of that might be my fault." "Why?" I said. "I told the Russians they could do their work here." My eyes widened and said "dad, why would you do that?" He scoffed and said "they told me they were building a mall! And that they needed some extra land! That was it!" I exhaled and said "jeez." "That thing did that to him?" "The Mind Flayer." I said. "You saw it?" "Yes. I was right there when it happened. I watched it stab him. I watched it all. I felt it all." My dad frowned and said "your powers." I nodded and began to cry again. "I felt everything he did. Every single thing." I said. "I'm so sorry I let them take you. I'm so sorry you have those powers. I tried to get them removed but it obviously didn't work." He said to me. "If I didn't have them, I wouldn't of been able to snap Billy out of whatever was happening to him. El might have been able to but I think I was the key." I said as I stared at the ground. I noticed my dad's black eye and said "what happened to your face?" He sighed and said "Joyce Byers happened." I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "she punched me." I chuckled and said "you kinda deserve it." My dad nodded while rolling his eyes. A doctor came into the room and said "are you all here for Billy Hargrove?" I nodded while standing up. "You can go back and visit him. He might be a little groggy and out of it. But he's alive." She said. I woke up Max and told her the news. I let Max go in first. She opened the door and we saw that he was hooked up to a couple of machines. "He'll be ok?" She said. I nodded and said "I would hope so." "It's a miracle he lived. He was practically dead when he got here." The doctor said. Max stepped into the room and I leaned on the doorframe. "Billy?" Max asked softly. His eyes fluttered open and he said "Max?" She nodded and hugged him, being careful of his injuries. "How're you doing, mad Max?" Billy said. "I'm ok. Better now that I know you're ok." She said as she pulled away from him. He nodded and she said "I thought you died." "It felt like I was dying. I didn't think I was going to make it." Max sniffled and Billy said "you should go home. And get some rest. I'm sure they already heard." "Mom and dad?" Max said. "Yeah. I don't really want to see them right now. Maybe Susan. But I don't want to see him." Max nodded and said "I'll get a ride home from Isabelle." Billy perked up a little and said "where is she?" "Here." I said. Billy looked up at me and I could feel how strong his life force was now. I shuddered and walked over to him. "You really scared me, Hargrove." Billy half smiled and said "you broke me out of it, Kline." He grabbed my hand, kissing the palm. "You have no idea how much I missed you. How much I wanted you back." I said. Billy shook his head and said "yes I do. I heard it. I felt it. All of it. I remember it all. Every single thing." "Do you remember it taking you?" Max said. Billy nodded and said "I was so scared. I had never been so scared in my life." "It scared you more than dying?" Max asked. Billy nodded again. "D-did I hurt Heather? Is she ok?" Max looked at me and I looked at her. "I don't know." I said. Commotion was heard in the halls of the hospital and I assumed they were bringing someone in. "I'll go check." Max said as she left the room. I pulled a chair up next to the hospital bed and sat down. Billy looked at me and said "was your nose bleeding?" "You don't remember seeing my nose bleed?" Billy shook his head and I said "do you remember the sauna?" "Yeah. I almost killed you." "You remember El? And her powers?" "Of course I do. She found me when no one else did." "I have powers. Not like El's but mine are a little different. I can feel people's feelings and see people's memories through dreams. I can also use feelings against people. Do you remember being sad? In the sauna?" I said. Billy thought about it and nodded. "That was me." Billy exhaled and said "this is a lot to process." I half smiled and said "I know." I was beyond exhausted and Billy said "I'm so sorry. For everything I did to you. Every single thing. I almost killed you." I grabbed his hand and said "it wasn't you. I know it wasn't you." "That shadow would just show up and make me do whatever it wanted. The hatred it had for you and El. It was so hateful." Billy's eyes filled with tears and he said "it was so ugly. It wanted you and El dead. And I had to do it. I tried to resist. I did. I never wanted to hurt El. I never wanted to hurt Max." "Billy, I know. I don't hate you for anything you did." I kissed the top of his head and the door opened to reveal El. Hopper stood next to her and Billy shifted his body, wincing. El walked over and said "Billy.." Billy looked up at the cut on El's head and said "I'm sorry." She nodded and said "I know. I don't blame you. I saw everything." Billy teared up and looked at Hopper. "I'm glad you're ok." The older man said. Billy nodded and El gave Billy a hug. "You're ok. Isabelle is here for you. And so am I." El said. She grabbed Billy's hand and max smiled at the two of them. Hopper let out a sigh and said "I hate to do this but I'm exhausted. And I have to make sure El gets some rest." Billy nodded and said "I understand." El waved goodbye to Billy and her and Hopper exited the room. My dad came into the room and said "Isabelle, I think I'm gonna go home." I nodded. "You should go. Go rest. Take a shower and just come back in the morning." Billy said. Max looked at me and said "I'll stay with him." Billy shook his head and said "no. Go with Isabelle." Max looked at me and then my dad. "You're more than welcome." He said. "I don't have any extra clothes, Billy." Max said. "You can wear some of mine. I never get rid of stuff so you can look at my old clothes." I said to her. Max nodded and hugged Billy who held her tight. He kissed the top of her head and said "I'll see you in the morning, mad Max." She chuckled and I leaned down to Billy, pressing a kiss to his lips. Billy cupped my cheek gently and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and held his hand to my cheek. "I love you." He whispered. A small tear went down my cheek and Billy brushed it away with his thumb. "I love you too." I replied.

Here's the update! Sorry I didn't get this up sooner! I haven't had any internet and I apologized. Just so y'all know I couldn't kill Billy, it hurt too much.

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