Chapter 19

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As I'm sitting letting Lou do my hair I must say that I missed a lot. I honestly should never let anyone change me. It's like mother monster lady gaga always says No matter who you are what you believe in how you dress your sexuality you were born this way and it's true.

Everyone who matters don't mind the true real me and those who mind the real me don't matter. My family loves me and my best friends accept me and I guess that's all I really need.

After this talk in my head and Louis finishes my hair I look at him. "Hey Lou do you think you can walk into school with me tomorrow. This way Matt bothers me you will be there? I ask him kind of shyly. "Of course Hazza. If you want I can ask the others as well maybe we can finally tell them?" He asks looking me sincerily.

I contemplate if we should speak up but I know if we do it's for the better. I know Zayn will be pissed off more than anyone and would want to get his hands on Matt but I know he's only doing that out of protection for me. After contemplating I look at Lou and nod my head. "Do you think we can invite them over tonight so we can tell them and it'll give Zayn time to calm down." I ask him.

He nods his head and sends a group text to everyone including me since we're all in the group together why make a new one.

The boys respond saying they'll be right over. Louis grabs me and we sit on his bed. "You know Louis you're the greatest friend ever." I say hugging him. "I know because I'm awesome." He says sticking his head in the air like a sassy snob he is. I just roll my eyes and playfully hit him
"Okay tommo you're not the awesome." I say and he pouts right when we heard a voice. "Hey Hazza what did I tell you about making my boyfriend sad huh? Do I have to come over and teach you a lesson? Louis and I turn to the voice and know it's Liam I just giggle "sorry lili i forgot rule number one don't hurt Liam's princess." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah that's right don't hurt Liam's prin__, HEY I AM NOT A PRINCESS I AM TOO MANLY I AM A PRINCE" Louis says catching on and crossing his arms with a pout. Leaving me in a fit of laughter.

"That's right my man is manly." Liam says hugging Louis.

"Unless you two are going at it all we hear is Louis begging daddy for me and Liam calling him his little princess" we hear another voice and someone laugh. We turn and know that it's Zayn and Niall.

"That's so true Zee I remember the one night Lilo staying over when my parents were out and I swear I barely got any sleep at least we know whose daddy and their relationship." Niall says laughing.

I blush because I realized how dirty this convo is getting. "Okay enough of mine and Lou's sex life sheesh." Liam says "so Lou why did you call us over." Liam says sitting on Lou's bed and pulling Lou in his arms.

"Well I called you over because Harry has something he needs to say but before he says it I want you guys to shut up and wait till he's done and DON'T do anything rational. This goes for you Zayn." Louis says holding my hand.

Everyone just looks confuse and all eyes turn to me. I look at Lou for reassurance and he just lightly squeezes my hand and gives me a slight nod basically saying it's okay he's here. After the reassurance and the battle inside I decide I'm ready.

"Well I need you all to know something and I just hope you guys don't get mad or do anything rational. Anyways I'll start from the beginning."

I tell them everything from the time Matt wanted me to change to the time he hit me and everything in between. I can already feel everyone getting mad and upset. I can already see the anger in my best friends eyes. Especially Zayns eyes.

After I finish telling them everything that happened I keep my head not really wanting to look at them any longer. I swear the silence lasts forever until I hear something slam against the desk.

I look up and see that Zayn pushed Louis's footstool against the desk and is now standing. "Zayn please calm down." Niall says walking over to him trying to calm him down. I stay frozen my body not really letting me react.

"How the fuck do you expect me to stay calm when my baby is getting misteated like that. I swear to god I want to go over there and pound Matt's face in. I always knew he was a fucking piece of shit. I should've stepped in sooner. How the fuck can i be so blind. The moment you started wearing my clothes to school i knew something wasnt right." He says eyeing me.

I make eye contact and I can see his black eyes lighten up a bit and next thing you know I'm being lifted and hugged. "Baby I promise you I will never let anyone mistreat you again. I'm sorry i wasn't a better friend. I'm sorry i haven't been there for you more. But please answer why did you let it go on for so long? Why didn't you tell someone. You always said that if someone mistreats don't stay in it for to long because then you're lying to yourself about love but yet you did it. Why baby why? I swear I will never let this happen again i love you Hazza and you deserve so much more." Zayn finally finished almost out of breath.

I couldn't say anything but jump in his arms and bury my head in his shoulder. I just cried and I heard everyone leave the room. I know they know Zayn and I need this.

"Baby look at me please?" He asks and I turn to face him "you're so beautiful" he says and smiles making me blush. "Babe how many times did he actually hit you and don't say it was just once." He asks sincerely. I keep my head and I decide to finally tell him. "Three the first time was when we were in my room the second we were in his car and he saw my cheerleading outfit because he thought I quit and the third we were at the mall and he thought I was looking at someone else so he took me to the changing room and hit me." I say looking down.

After telling Zayn i can sense his anger is higher than ever. "I can't promise you I can tame myself when i see him but I will try for you. But you are to never leave my side again understand?" Zayn asks taking my hands in his as reaches to rub my cheek i flinch.

"Baby please don't flinch i swear it's just me I will never hurt you." He says i know it hurts him to know that the slightest touch will now trigger me. He holds me in his arms and honestly I have to say the butterflies the sparks and the love everything is driving my heart crazy.

I guess it's true I really do love Zayn I just wonder if he feels the same. Zayn and I stay cuddled when we hear the door open and my other 3 best friends join us. Niall and Liam also give me hugs and they all agree Im not to be alone and that we should file a protection order against Matt.

We agree that once I'm ready we will do something but right now all I want to do is sleep. Liam and Louis take his bed Niall takes the futon in Louis's room while Zayn and I take Louis's guest room.

I must say sleeping in Zayns arms always made feel protected I just hope that maybe one day it will be like this forever. Until now Ill just be Zayns best friend which is better than nothing I just wonder what school will be like come Monday.

[A/N::I'm sooo sorry for the long update. Harry finally realizes his feelings for Zayn and his best friends finally understand everything Harrys been through. Hopefully soon Zayn will realize for Harry but right now one step at a time. I promise I will update soon and again I'm sorry the long wait. I love you all soo much but what are your thoughts so far? Leave comments votes etc.


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