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it was 4:50, i woke up from a refreshing nap. i walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

i walked downstairs and seen my mother watching the news. "good evening rora" my mom said as i went inside the kitchen. "hi mommy" i said smiling. it was me and my mom living together. i lived with her for now. currently i was in the process of moving into a new house in florida.

being 19 years old required "lots of responsibility" they said, and they never lied. i worked as much as i could at my job. being a bartender here in oakland was dreadful at times, but i was ready to find a new job.

"honey come here" my mom called. i walked to her and sat next to her. "so i was looking online and... i booked you a flight to florida next week monday. i think you holding on to me being here is nice, but it's time for you to move out there. you already brought the house. and i feel like you can leave already. i'm going to call the moving trucks and see if they can come the same day." she explained. i must've been crying, because she hugged me and wiped my tears.

"i'm not rea-" "you've always been ready, you just never believed in yourself. go call zay and tell her you're going next week. and you'll be with her" she explained smiling. i was so scared, to start a new life. to be surrounded by a new environment.

i got up and facetimed zalaya on my macbook. i waited patiently till it said connecting. "zaza, are you there?" i asked trying to adjust to facetime with my screen. "yes, i'm here, what's up?" she asked me. "i'm moving in my new house, next monday" i said quietly. my ears were filled with squealing.

"OMG yay finally, i can have a real bomb ass friend down here" she said clapping her hands. i rolled my eyes and smiled. "girl, i got a couple friends down here, they all niggas so i'm glad you're coming down" she said happily. "yeah yeah, i gotta go to work later so ima call you the day before i leave" i said ending the conversation. we said our byes and hung up.

zalaya was my closest friend since 3rd grade. i grew up with her, same middle & high school. she went to florida to go to college. lastly seeing her on graduation day broke me, but now we can finally reunite.

i closed my macbook & turned off all my lights. i stared at my wall until i could close my eyes and fall asleep.


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