Copyright© 2013 Ezar Soeparman
All Rights Reserved.
What Should Have Never Happened...Happened.
© 2013, Ezar Soeparman ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher at:
The next day, I woke up earlier due to my alarm clock going off and dreaded that I did when I remembered that today is Saturday.
How could I have forgotten to turn it off?
Feeling annoyed and still drowsy, I lazily turned off my alarm and tried shutting my eyes in hopes of falling asleep again but was failing miserably because I ended up being more awake than I was before. I inwardly groaned before getting out of bed with a stretch and walked over to my bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, I looked at the clock on my bedside table that boldly read that it was only half past six.
What am I supposed to do on a Saturday morning? - I wondered and sighed when I realised that all I had booked for the rest of my day is a date with my physics homework that I didn’t get to finish, and I am in no mood to do my homework this early either.
With a pout, I headed over to my closet to get dressed in one of my worn out band t-shirt and short denim pants. I probably looked awful but it isn’t like I had to dress to impress. After I finished putting my dirty clothes in the hamper, my stomach roared in hunger and I decided that an early breakfast wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
I went downstairs with my phone in hand and went straight to the kitchen only to find one fine surprise.
Standing in front of my kitchen isle was a blonde young man with strikingly good looks, and looks wasn’t all that he’s got. He was really tall, if I were to compare him to Caleb, they would probably be around the same height and Caleb is six feet tall, but if I were to compare him to my five feet and six inch frame, he would be my ring finger and I was the pinky.
The guy seemed to be thinking about something and he was thinking so hard that I couldn’t help but wonder what it is that he was thinking about. Right after that thought, I finally realised that I didn’t know who this young man was and I don’t remember ever seeing him yesterday either.
Curiosity got the best of me and I made my way over to him and greeted him ever so nicely. A look of bewilderment was clouding his features when I did, probably due to my sudden presence. I then asked him who he was and he replied saying that he’s a friend of my family.
When he’d said that, my mind instantly went back to when Nick told me that Carla was absent because she left to pick up an old friend from the airport, but he couldn’t possibly that person right? If he were an old friend shouldn’t I at least recognize him because of how everyone knows everyone in this family. Second matter being the fact that he looked like he was a little bit too old to be Carla’s friend, not old as in elderly old but old like he was at least as old as Jason; in his mid-twenties.
Not that I have a problem with that, I just get a little bit paranoid no thanks to Carla’s ex-boyfriend named Julian. Three years ago back when Carla was fifteen, she dated a guy named Julian Welling, who at the time was twenty-two and he was a total arse. He was arrested twice for vandalizing and driving under the influence. He also kept telling Carla to do irresponsible things and threatened her that if she didn’t do as he says that he’ll break up with her.

What Should Have Never Happened...Happened.
Teen FictionTaylor Kennedy Smith is normal sixteen year-old girl who loves hanging out and partying with her friends. One night she sneaks off to a party expecting to have some fun, never did she imagine that she'd have a little too much fun.