Sammy x Norman (Floof)

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((I am really not sure how to write this, cuz floof can go all the way up to a lime... Oh well. Any way, this is a request from @MissMisty1206)) (( btw, try to geuss who's p.o.v it is in the first paragraph. His last name has an L in it. (I know! Not helpful at all, right?! Well, It wasnt supposed to be!)))

  I layed my head on my partner's shoulder, watching what he was doing with interest, being as I was done with my work for the day. I could tell just how stressed out he was by the way he automatically tensed up as soon as my cheek touched his shoulder. "What are you doing?" He asked. I sighed and stood up straightening my back. "You look tense. So, I came Here to try and calm you down. Is your job really that stressful?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

((Did you figure it out? No? Good! I'll drop some hints in this paragraph😜))

 I put my hands on his shoulders, feeling him tense up again. "Jeez, its just me, S-" I stoped before I finnished the word that I knew he hatted me calling him. He seamed to tense up eaven more before the 's' sound eaven left my mouth. He sighed. "Its okay, sweaty." He turned and smiled at me, with the deep Hazel-Green eyes that I have grown to love oh-so much.

((That sould've had a hint in it somewhere😜(and if you didnt see it you dont know-) imma stop before I acidentally give it away😋))

 I started to rub his shoulders, fealing; and sometimes eaven hearing them, pop and crack. He sighed again. This time it was a happy sigh. He stoped working as I worked my hands around his uper back, making sure that no area was left unsatified. I felt around his upper spine, and found a rather large knot in the muscle. "No. P-Please dont-" too late. I put pressure on that spot, and Heard what probably had to be the loudest pop I have ever herard from someone's back. I felt all of the tension that was previously in his back leave.

((Anyone figgure it out yet? Oh, I'm having too much fun with making you gyus suffer to know who's p.o.v it is 😜 (annother hint: his name has an 'a' somewhere in the first five leters of his name (god, I hope that didnt give it away... I dont think it did...)))) 

  He let out what almost sounded like a loud moan, as soon as the pressure was removed. My ears perked up at the sound, and I smirked. I layed my head back down on his shoulder. "Fealing better, my love~?" He sighed. Eaven though I couldn't fully see his face, he looked content. "Yeah. Thank you." I happily sighed and wraped my hands around his chest and snuggled into his shoulder to watch him get back to work. ((Battery %: 69😂😂)) 

((Anyone figure it out? *sillence* STILL?! oh man! I'm good at my job! (My job is fucking with people till they get frusterated at me😜)))

  "You have such an interesting job, you know that right?" He sighed. "You're practically in charge of this whole department! ((That was a dead give-away! (And if you still dont know who's p.o.v it is, you really must not like chapter 2...))) I'd say you're job is cooler..." I put my finger on the side of his face, and turned it twards mine so that I could see the beautiful green-brown orbs that I had fallen In love with as soon as I had seen them for the first time. "What..." He almost whisperd, locking eye contact.

  I couldn't keep a staght face anymore. "Nothing. I just wanted to see your eyes again~" he sighed and smirked at me. "Sammy, I need to get back to work..." I puckered my lips. "Oh, but I thought you loved my company..." I teased him. ((NOT LIKE THAT YOU BAD BAD HUMANS!!)) "C'mon Noramn~ I know you love having me around~" he put his head down on the projector and rested it there. I saw a smile creep onto his face as he thought of somerhing. "Hey, Sammy?" He turned around. "You know you dont need to steal a step-stool from the supply room just to be taller than me, right?" I glared at him and slowly steped down, narrowing my eyes at him.

 I mean, sure. I was tall. I was over 6". (That means six foot... For... Anyone who was wondering.) Six foot one, to be precise. But... Freakin... Norman! I swear he was over 7 feet tall! He chuckled at me and turned around. I crossed my arms and looked away from him. "Hey, Sammy?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye. "Whaaaaat..." He bent down to my level, and kissed my forehead. "I love you" I sighed. "I love you too, Norman." He hugged me, so I wraped my arms around his neck. He pulled away from the hug a bit, so that our noses were touching.

  I was verry tempted to just close the gap between us, but I dont want Norman to get mad at me... He chuckled and rubbed his hands up and down my back. "I love you." He said again, which made me a little nervous. He saw the look on my face. "Don't worry! I'd never leave you~ I wouldn't eaven dream of it!" I let out the breath that I didnt eaven know I was holding in. He loocked eyes with me again. "N-Norman, what are you- HMMPHPT?!" He cut me off with his lips. I sighed and kissed back.

((Okay! I think that that should be good for fluff, right? I want to make it longer, but I'm not sure how to... Oh well. I might go thorough theses at a later point and re-do them, ya know, make 'em better? Oh! And If you like undertale, I found a song, and its called 'secret garden', and I really like it, although, if you get emotional easily, I wouldn't suggest listening to it, and watching the music video/animation for it. So, yeah. Thats all, folks. 

  I hope you liked it; once again, this was a request from @MissMisty1206.

  Wolfkit, out!))

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