Bendy x Flustered!Reader (lime😉😏)

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//ok so I lied in the last chapter, I will be writing more. But only because I love the idea of Bendy being an absolute shithead tease😌 (also, the image above is what he looks like in the story^^"). Reader is kinda like someone who was supposed to watch him, but got distracted. Art is not mine

(Reader p.o.v)
I grow restless when I cant find that little cheeky devil... It means he's up to no good somewhere in the studio... The surrounding silence didn't help.

I wandered through the halls searching for him. After not too long, I heard rustling noises and a thud in a room not far from me. As I crept closer, I heard what sounded like talking... I lingered by the door, listening for around a minute, before opening the door.

The sight before me was... Strange and unexpected, but not unwelcome. The little devil himself was sitting on his ass, rubbing his head where I assume he hit it, with his shirt wide open. For a creature that was only 4ft tall and made out of nothing but broken dreams and ink, I had to admit his appearance was quite striking.

"So toots, ya just gonna stare or are you gonna help me up~?"

His little tail swung and swayed as his face showed nothing but pure smugness.

Once my brain finally kicked in and started working, I mentally smacked myself for staring at him... He most certainly would not let me live this down for a while. I reached my hand out to help him up, and he gladly accepted. Once he stood up, he strode out of the room and into tue hallway, heading back towards the direction I had come from.

"So are you going to tell me what you were doing in that room? With your shirt open?" The little devil chuckled as he walked ahead of me. "Not a chance, dollface~" my cheeks flushed once more as he turned back at me. "Are you gonna tell me what you were doin starin' at my chest like that~?"

I stopped. I wasn't expecting him to throw that back at me. "W-well... I... Er... I was just surprised, Is all". I smiled proudly untill he started laughing. "Sweet face, you cant lie to save yer life. You were starin at me as if I was the first bacon soup can you'd found in a week~" I glared at the little devil, a blush creeping back onto my face as I rolled my eyes. I put my hands in my hips and closed my eyes, puffing my chest out proudly "Now why would I ever look at you like that! Your just some short little ink demon!"

It was my turn to be smug...
Or so I thought.
When I opened my eyes, Bendy had grown at least two feet. I looked up at his face slowly, being met with the same smug face as before, only his teeth were sharper and his inky hair fell over the top parts of his face. I swallowed dryly, chuckling nervously.

"So, what were you saying about me just being some short little ink demon~?"
His voice had deepened from its normal state.
Well... I'm in for it now...
"Uhh... I wasn't?" If anything his inky, toothy smile grew, causing shivers down my spine.
"You know... Lying to a demon isn't a good idea. Its a good thing I like you~" He picked me up, pinning me at his height against the studio wall. "Tell me now if you don't want this."

I looked up at him, nodding slightly. He chuckled, putting me back onto the ground. "Your so cute when your face is that colour, you know~?" I glared and pouted slightly at a board leaning against a wall not too far from here. He stepped closer to me, silently demanding my attention be fully on him again. The glare on my face almost instantly melted into a shocked blush once again. The demon pushed me against the wall, capturing my lips with his own cold, almost wet-feeling ones.

After a minute or so of kissing, the demon pulls away and speaks. "I can sense the changes in your body. Are you enjoying this~?" I once again glare at the board on the other side of the hallway, not wanting to risk actually insulting this demon. This time however, my glare was much more wobbly and pout like. It was also gone as soon as I felt his lips on my neck. I heard him chuckle, moving his cold lips along my neck.

After another minute or so of squirming, blushing, and quiet mewls of enjoyment, he kisses my lips again. I push into him, closing my eyes. I wanted to be as close to him as possible. When he pulled away and I opened my eyes again, he dropped back to his normal hight. "W-wait what?" The demon shrugged, a slight grey blush on his face. "Sorry toots, I dont know how to do much more than kiss... It felt nice though~ kissin you is nicer than kissin any searcher or lost one outta boredom."

He seemed proud if his statement, but you had more than a few questions. Firstly, if he had just wanted to kiss you, why would he have asked for your consent the way he had? It was reasuring sure, but somewhat misleading... As you pondered, you didnt notice him walk away from you.

"Hmm, I guess I'm gonna have to ask Sammy teach my more about this stuff" you heard him say, which snapped you out of your haze. He walked in the other direction, probably headding off to the music department. "You commin toots? I'm sure Sammy'd love to teach you stuff too~" 

His statement made my face flush again, and he chuckled. "If not then I can go find 'im myself. See ya later, toots!" He smiled and waved before heading through an ink portal to find Sammy.

I sighed... Then after a few minutes you realised something. "WAIT, SAMMY TAUGHT HIM THAT STUFF?! OH SHIT I GOTTA GO FIND HIM!"


//Hey, Author here^^ I hope you all liked this, and sorry to the person requesting this if it wasnt exactly what you wanted. But either way, I hope everyone enjoyed this^^
Wolfkit, out
Edit; for the few who read this right after I posted it; one, thank you sm, two, sorry the image wasnt there😅 I somehow forgot to add it

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