((A/N. Ok, so this is gonna be a lemon, cuz Idk if the person who requested this wanted a lemon or not. Also, this is pre-game. Anyways, enjoy! (I'll credit the person who asked for this at the end)
(Y/N) Your Name
(b/sh)= body shape
(H/c) Hair colour
(E/c) eye colour
(B/S) breast size
(S/t) skin tone))
"No no no, not like that! If you do that, this whole place will explode!" I heard a male's voice as I walked towards where Mr. Drew said I could find my new work partner.... Thomas? I think thats what he said. I'm horrible with names. As I walked closer to where I heard the voice, I heard another male respond. "Well, gee Tom. You Coulda done a better job explaining it to me in the first place..." When I rounded the corner, I saw the faces and bodies that belonged to the voices I was hearing. The taller male seemed to grow more annoyed by the minute. "Well, I wouldn't have to worry about having to explain it to you again if you just learned how to FUCKING LISTEN!" I cringed at the sound of the swear and the yell. "U-umm... Is one of you Mr... Conner?"
Tom's p.o.v:
I turned to look at the voice that had just spoken up. The moment I laid eyes on her, I wanted to pin her to my desk and ravage her (b/sh) body; to hear her scream my name; to feel her tight walls clench around my swollen- wait, what the hell is WRONG with me?! I don't even know her name yet, and I'm already fantasizing about her? Man, I'm more of a perv than I realize sometimes... "H-H-hey, its rude to stare..." She said quietly, whilst looking down. I took this opportunity to get a clearer look at her. She had beautiful (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes, and most of all, her (B/S) boobs- TOM STOP! she also had this beautiful (s/t) tan, which I actually envied. Once I was done checking her out, which I will not deny doing, I answered her question. "Yes, hello, I am Thomas Conner, and this is my friend and colleague, Wally Franks."
((Timeskip, cuz I'm lazy and dont know what to write here))
((Y/N)'s p.o.v)
"So so, lemme get this straight; your old boss hated you so much, she increased your pay? That makes no sense!" He put his hands out in front of him. "I know, right?! Makes me wonder, honestly..." Tom and I had really hit it off since the morning, and were already good friends. "Oh, hey (Y/N)? Can I ask you something?" He turned to me. I nodded. He seemed to get flustered. "Heh... Ok, umm can you meet me after work, at my place? I can give you a ride if you want." I cocked my head to the side, confused. "Uhh, sure but why?" He beamed, but didn't answer my question. "Great, see you then!" He got up and walked away. 'Okay... That was... Weird...' I looked down to see that he had left his tool belt on the ground in front of me. "Tom, wait! You left you tool belt..." Meh. Oh well. I'll just go find him later and give it to him.
((Timeskip, due to Shawn finding his tool belt. ((For those who havn't yet played boris and the dark survival, Shawn has an audio log stating that he bought a one-of-a-kind tool belt, which was later stolen by "that GENT fellow"))))
(Tom's p.o.v)
I got anxious as I waited outside for (Y/N) to show up.
I heard footsteps and turned around, to FINALLY see (Y/N) walking towards me. Everything felt like it was in slow-motion as I watched her exit the studio. Her (H/C) hair was fluttering in the breeze, and I watched her hips sway as she walked. I dont care if I only met her today, I wanted her so badly. I was almost hungry everytime I saw her, but I had to keep it out of my face as to not scare her away. I can honestly say, without a shadow of a doubt, that no other woman has ever captured my heart like this before. "Hey, Tom!" She greated me with a warm and friendly smile. It made my heart race, and took every ounce of self-control to not fuck her senseless right here. "So, what do you wanna do then, Tom?" Oh, I had plenty of plans, but they were a surprise. "Well, I was thinking I could make you supper, then we could bond a bit more over a movie".I said, as I started the car ((SHUT UP, I KNOW IT'S THE 30'S. JUST ROLL WITH IT! )) and drove out of the parking lot, heading home. "Ohh, that sounds like fun! What movie did you have in mind? And what are you gonna make?" I chuckled. "Well, I was thinking we could beinge-watch the original "Pacific Rim" series, or the new "child's play" movie. And dinner's a surprise." She ooo'd at Pacific Rim, and shuddered at child's play. "Pacific Rim, all the way. I hate horror movies." I snickerd at her reaction. "Honestly, me too." We spent the rest of the short ride in silence, which was nice. "Aaaand, we're here." I said as I shut off the car, opened my door, then got out to let (Y/N) out too. "Ohh, such chivalry~" ((chivalry= basically being a gentleman)) I smiled and walked her up the walkway and to my front door. "Oh, um I completely forgot, but how's your stance with dogs?" She instantly beamed. "I love dogs! Well, not small dogs but y'know."I sighed in relief, and unlocked the door.

Batim X Reader Lemons And One-shots (Requests Closed)
Fiksi Penggemara book of Batim lemons and smut! I do fluff, limes- everything.