((Ok, so this is pre-game, and also I have just recently gotten "obey me! Shall we date?" And one of the main characters is a sadist, so that's helpful. Anyways, Hope you enjoy, and the person who requested this will be credited at the end of the story.))
((Y/N)'s p.o.v)
"Guess what, mama!" My mother sighed and looked at me. "What is it darlin child?" I beamed at her. "I GOT A JOB!" Her face lit up like a candle. "Really?! What is it?" She asked me, tilting her head to the side. "I'm an animator, Mama!" She looked impressed. "Congrats, (Y/N). Always knew your art would get cha somewhere."
(Timeskip brought to you by Lucifer and Bendy fighting.
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Also, this is what Lucifer looks like in Obey me!. No idea why I put this here in the first place tho lol))
"Ah, (Y/N) you're here!" Joey says to me as I walk through the door to his office. "Have a seat." He said, so I took the seat directly in front of him. "Y'know, I didnt realise when I hired you, just how beautiful you'd be in that uniform." I watched his eyes wander from my face to my chest, then back to my face. He rested his chin on his hands. "Say, how would you feel about getting paid early?" He smiled at me. "But, sir, I thought you said that I wouldn't be paid for the first month?" He smirked at me. "Well, yes. That's normally how I do things around here. But, if you could do me a favor, than you'll get paid as if you were any other employee. So, how's it sound?" I thought about it. "Well ok, but-" "perfect! Meet me after work here in my office." He cut me off. "Um, sir, you cut me off while I was talking, and-" he shooed me out of his office. "Go on now. Just go down the hall, and take three right turns, and you'll see a man with almond brown hair, and chocolate eyes. That's Henry, the lead animator and creator of our hit cartoon "Bendy and friends!" Now get goin!"
I sighed as I finished the small stack of drawing that Henry had handed me. He asked me to complete them by the end of the day, and if I had time to, to draw my own character if I had the time to. Well, I was done the drawing that Henry bad asked me to make, and it was just after lunch. So, I wandered around, trying to remember where Henry's office was. Once I found it, I knocked on the door three times. "Come in!" I heard him say. "Hey, (Y/N). How are the drawings coming?"
He was so much nicer than Joey. And not once has he looked at my chest, unlike Joey who was basically drooling at it as soon as I walked into his office. 'That's probably cuz he probably has a girlfriend. Or he's just really polite. Wich is nice too.' I thought. "Uhh, yeah. About that." He looked concerned. "What's wrong?" I started to giggle. "Oh, nothing. There done. So I was wondering what I could do for the rest of the day?" He looked surprised. "Really? It takes me at least 2-3 days to finish one cartoon; how did you manage to make one in half a day?" I smiled and shrugged.
He chuckled and looked down for a few minutes. He smirked when he looked back up at me. "Careful, or you'll make me lose my job, Kiddo." He stood up and ruffled my (h/l)(h/c) hair. I smiled. Even though I was only a year younger than him, I let him get away with it. "Ok, so you have two choices. One, sit in here and talk to me for the rest of the day, or two take another cartoon and ink it." He was shuffling through a file cabinet, getting out a stack of papers that was about the same size he had given me earlier that day. "Can I stay in here with you, and ink up some of the cartoons?" He stoped. "Sure, that'd be nice."
So, I spent the rest of the afternoon with Henry, laughing, telling jokes, telling stories; pretty much just bonding.
"Hey, Mr. Drew? You wanted to see me after work?" I said, as I knocked on his office door. "Come on in, (Y/N)." There was something off in his tone, that wasn't there earlier. When I walked in, he looked like a mess! His suit jacket was off and thrown in the corner of the room, his under shirt was all wrinkled and half open, and when he stood up, his pants were pretty bad too. The button was un-done, as well as the zipper. "M-Mr. Drew, are you okay?" My eyes landed on a half drank bottle of whiskey on his desk. "Ah, (Y*hiccup*/N). Always so*hiccup*considerate of others first." He licked his lips in an almost predatory way as he walked over to me. I could already smell the alcohol from his breath. "Uhh, Mr. Drew? W-what are you doing?" The only response I got from him was a creepy smile. "Oh, don't worry (Y/N). You'll*hiccup*thank me for this later~" He pinned me against the door that I had walked in from. I tried to push him away, but it didn't work.
He picked me up, and put me on his desk. "M-Mr. Drew?" He chuckled. "Just Call me Joey, sweet cheeks~" I blushed at the nickname. He wasted no time un-doing the top button to my shirt, quickly taking it off of me, and making fast work of my bra as well. "J-joey?" "Oh, I was right to hire you, baby~" he said as he squished my (B/S) bust together. I screwed my eyes shut as he bit, licked and sucked on my nipples. But they shot right back open when I felt his hand on my crotch.
(Joey's p.o.v)
I smirked as I watched her face grow redder by the moment, clearly not sure what to do. "J-joey..." I lifted an eyebrow. "Well, somebody's enjoying this~." I hiccuped. I couldn't stand being the only one getting attention anymore, so I stoped what I was doing and pulled down my pants and boxers. I saw (Y/N) look a little confused. "Dont just sit there looking pretty, get down there and*hic* suck!" She slid off the desk and dropped down to her knees. She hesitated when she got down there. I sighed and forced my length into her mouth. "Mmm, just like that, Baby~" I thrusted my hips towards her head, getting close to my finish. I grabbed a handful of her hair and thrusted even deeper into her mouth as I came, my member twitching. I pulled out of her mouth, and she automatically started rubbing her jaw. I pushed her hand away and yanked her up by the Jaw. I kissed her, my tounge slipping into her mouth and claiming it. I started to rub her already wet womanhood through her panties, whilst still kissing her.
I didnt know how much more of this I could take! 'I need her now!' I thought, pushing her against my desk and bending her over it. I slapped her ass hard as I pulled down her panties, earning a yelp from her lips. I continued to spank her as I started fingering her, to stretch her out a bit. A mixture of moans and yelps fell from her mouth now, and I felt myself twitch in need.
"Ready, baby~?" I asked as I placed my tip at her entrance. I thrusted in before she could respond, which earned another yelp. Only this one was louder. 'Oh, how I love those sounds~'
I gripped onto the edge of his desk as he pounded deeply into me. Suddenly, he started spanking me again, but this time he wad biting my neck as well. I bit my lip and surpressed a moan. "Oh, what was that I just heard~? Was it a moan~?" I nodded as he went deeper and harder, hitting my g-spot. "Joey!" I moaned, making him go faster, to which he did. But his thrusts were also getting slopier, telling me he was near his finish. " Ngh, Joey, I'm close!" I panted out. " Me too, (Y/N)~" And after one or two more thrusts, we both came.
we sat there for a minute so that we could catch our breaths. Once he did, he pulled out of me. "that was fun. We should do it again sometime soon~" I blushed at the comment, but didnt respond. I stood up and pulled up my panties and leggings. As I reached for the door handle, he envoloped me in a one final hug. "night, Joey. hope you sleep well." He hummed into my shoulder as a response. " Don't think that'll be a problem." he sighed and let me go. I grasped the door handle and left. Never thought I would be fucked by my boss.
(( Heyyo! sorry this took so long, but my writers block is clearing up at least. This story was a request from @song-bird-! hope Y'all enjoyed, and have a great day/night!