Chapter 7 - "the breakup."

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The Royals, GC.

Rihanna: Justin...

Zayn Malik: Justin...

Ariana Grande: justin.. :/

Justin Bieber: what the fuck do y'all want?

Shawn Mendes: aye, don't be a dick now.

Drake: OOP-

Nicki Minaj: Justin you and your tic tac dick NEED to get the fuck out, Hailey is heartbroken, I truly feel for her.

Justin Bieber: the break up was mutual, though, Hailey still has feelings for Shawn and I have feelings for someone else...

Ariana Grande: well, Hailey Ducklips can back the fuck off, Shawn is mine.



Shawn Mendes: wow Ariana, really? private message me :)

Justin Bieber: but Ariana... i have feelings for you.

Ariana Grande has left the chat!

Drake: damn, way to go Justin.

Zayn Malik: Justin, you could have told her privately...

Nicki Minaj: Justin, that was fucked up.

Kylie Jenner: i'm going over to check on her right now.

Shawn and Ariana, Private DMs.

Shawn Mendes: hey, i'm sorry
for what happened..

Ariana Grande: It's cool, It's
not like you could stop him from
doing it anyways.

Shawn Mendes: So, just to make it
official, Ariana Grande. May I be your

Ariana Grande: yessir !!

Shawn Mendes: Alright then, pack
a bag, we're going to the Lake for the
weekend with the Groupchat!

Ariana Grande: Wait, are you serious?

Shawn Mendes: yep, now go pack Princess:)

Ariana Grande: will Justin be there?

Shawn Mendes: hm, not sure.


[ Shawns POV ]

I drove over to Arianas Mansion the following day I texted her, I honk twice and she comes out with her luggage. I get out of my car and open the back of the car, I grab her luggage and set it next to mine. I then open the passenger door for her to sit in.

"Hey babyyy!" Ariana says, dragging the last part of the word.

"Hey Princess, How are you doing today?" I ask her, smiling.

"I'm great, and you?" Ariana replies, I can already tell she's blushing.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" I say, gently holding her chin and leaning into a kiss.

"Well, let's get going!" I say, trying to not make things awkward, I turn on the radio and pull out of her driveway, It was a 7 hour trip.

7 Hours later, Ridge-View Lake.

[Kylies POV]

I panic in shock as I pull up to the lake mansion Drake rented for the weekend. It was HUUUUGE! I wonder how much it cost to rent it...

"hi everyone!" Drake says, as he looks at all of us, only people that weren't coming were Gigi, Beyonce, and maybe Justin.. Not sure.

"I got a text from Shawn, saying he was a bit late, since Arianas Mansion was far.." Zayn says. "Oh, Arianas riding with Shawn? I didn't know that." I say.

"Giiirl she's not riding with Shawn, she's riding ON Shawn" Rihanna points out, we all immediately started laughing so hard, Kendall even fell to the ground from laughing so hard.

"You alright Kendall?" Drake says, still laughing a bit.

"Yeah, i'm alright." Kendall replies.

As soon as everyone gets situated from laughing, Shawn pulls up, everyone again starts laughing so fucking hard, lord I think I might have broken my vocal chords from laughing, I knew I was gonna have a good time.


hii! thank u all SO much for 100 views! I don't even think my story isn't entertaining, but anyways. I hope y'all liked this chapter, and I know it's quite dry so far, but believe me.. drama is coming next chapter, lord y'all better get your Bibles ready.

stream thank u next for your crush to like you back, MWAH!

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