Chapter 23 - "Cold November Night"

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"why?" shawn said, i gave him a confused look and raised my left eyebrow, i looked deep into his caramel brown eyes which screamed for actual forgiveness.

"why what Shawn?" i replied before something else happened.

"why can't we just be back together? i know i did something wrong, but i've apologized countless times, i can't seem to get you off my mind and i'm so so sorry, you know i'd never mean to, but as i said again.. it was Camila." Shawn said, left me quite breathless actually, I would forgive him but it isn't easy, it's a process.

"i'm forgiving you whenever i'm ready, if you don't get it by now, you broke me Shawn. It's not easy to forgive someone that hurt you mentally." i reply, he looks down, then back up at me.

"is there anything i can do to speed the process u-"

"you can't do anything to speed it up, don't you get it already?" i said, cutting him off. He just nods and drives off into Los Angeles.
"thanks for the ride." he says, he gets out of the drivers seat and i get in.

"you're welcome, night." i say, and with that, i head to my apartment.
Shawns POV

Good God, i miss Ariana.

how did i downgrade that badly, Camila and I will NEVER be a thing, that night she decided to seduce me though. How was i THAT dumb?

"goodnight!" i said, as Ariana left my condo that cold November night.

I walk in and immediately flop on my bed, which was located upstairs. I didn't even bother to take a shower, which i wanted to.

How did Ariana get over our relationship though? what made her think we weren't made for each other? Why.
Authors Note

hii! thank u sooo much for reading, i'm almost at 1K reads, that's INSANE! the growth of this book is unreal and i can't thank y'all enough for the love n support you've given lately 🖤

Question: Should I make a sequel to this book? the last chapter will officially be Chapter 30, sadly.

anyways, vote and comment!! thank u :)

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