Chapter 11 - "the dive."

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Arianas POV

I wake up wrapped aroumd Shawns arms the next day, which was the last day we stayed here since it was only a weekend thing.

"Good morning baby!" I say, as wrap my arms around Shawns neck.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" he asks, i smile and look up at him.

"I slept good, you?"

"I slept amazing." he replies.

We cuddle for the next five minutes and he gets up and goes into the shower, I quickly get up and get inside the bathroom without him noticing, I strip from my oversized hoodie and suprise him when I come in, he smirks.

*minimal smut, warning.*

He pulls me closer to him and starts kissing me, he slides his tongue in and I moan quietly.

I get a grip from his dick and start to massage it, he smiles while kissing me and I feel him get hard. We never went passed that, yet.

After we shower, I put on a hot pink 2 piece swimsuit since we're going to the lake, and cover myself up with one of Shawns red oversized hoodies. I put on my air forces and put on a minimal amount of makeup on and I do my hair in a high ponytail. (Outfit Below)

 (Outfit Below)

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As I walk down the stairs with Shawn holding my hand, I notice Sean is gone.

Everyone was downstairs in the living room waiting for us, Nicki, Rihanna and Kylie come up to me and compliment my look, I compliment their looks back and we did small talk.

"Alright, let's head out for lunch and then we can do the lake!" Drake slightly yells.

"Wouldn't we be nauseous if we ate before going to the lake?" I ask, he chuckles.

"The car drive from here to the diner is 40 minutes, y'all will have enough time." My jaw DROPS, Kylie looks at my jaw dropping to the floor and she laughs, Nicki does the same.


We all head down to the Lake, I notice a black van parked. A person comes outside and it turns out to be Sean.

He smiles and waves at Drake, he ignores it and we all walk down to the Lake.

I take off my cover up oversized hoodie, Shawn goes into a restroom and changes.

"I see you're already prepared" Kylie says, I nod and smile.

"Yeah, I don't like changing in restrooms.." I say, we both giggle and talk until Shawn comes out the restroom together with Drake.

"Alright, pretty much do-" Drake cuts himself off as he watches Nicki in her swimsuit.

Shawn, Kylie, Rihanna and I start laughing, until we notice a dent in his shorts, oop-

"uhm, Drake you might have to cover THAT up" Shawn says, exaggerating the "that"

Drake notices and freaks out, we laugh even more.

We go for a swim and I notice a perfect spot for me to dive in to the lake. It was a cliff.

I get out of there by myself and go up to the cliff, I see Sean staring at me and walking up to me, I roll my eyes and jump off, diving into the Lake. I hear applauding and yells. I come up from the water and swim into Shawns arms. I kiss him and we all get out of the Lake, we dry ourselves off and I put on my oversized hoodie. As I put my shoes on, I feel a skinny hand on my waist lifting me up.

"SEAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET HER GO!" Kylie yells, she gets Nickis attention and Nicki grabs my hand.

"Let her go rat!" Nicki says, I scream and hold onto Nickis hand, Kylie goes to get Shawn or any other person. Nicki kicks and punches Sean on the back and he ignores, he's getting hurt.

He throws me into the van and I scream punching the windows, I see Shawn walk out to the parking lot with the rest and Sean drives off, I scream and find a baseball bat in the back.

I hit Sean with it and he passes out as he's driving, the car goes off the road into the Lake and I see some of the people going after the car, one of them being Shawn.

I scream and try to find a way out before it goes into the lake. The van goes into the lake and I see water getting in.

I punch the windows and grab the baseball bat. My friends were outside the van trying to find a way out and screaming.

I break a window with the bat and just with my luck, more water gets in while i'm trying to get out.

I hear people punching the back window telling me to get out. I try and swim out but the water coming in is very strong, it's pretty much at my neck by now.

I grab onto the window with my hand but the left over glass cuts me, I scream and cry.

I see Shawn coming next to the window pulling his hand out, I see his hand and I grab onto it. He pulls me but the water is passed my neck and my head is under the water, He successfully pulls me out and holds onto me, he kisses my forehead and I keep crying, he swims out of the Lake holding me and I don't say a single word, I run over to Shawns car and cry.

Did I flop on this chapter? be honest, I don't think this chapter is too bad but definitely kind of, unreal if you ask me.

thanks for keeping up with my shit y'all! I hope you enjoyed reading:)

make sure you vote on this, ty 🖤

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