Chapter 9 - "breaking news"

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[Arianas POV]

As I see Justin getting took by the policemen outside our rented Lake mansion, I start feeling a little dizzy. I walk away from the entrance of the house and Shawn definitely knows something is wrong.

"Are you okay?" he asks, I nod and walk away.

As I'm about to reach the staircase, everything turns dark and I pass out.

[Kylies POV]

As I approached the staircase I hear a bang from the wooden floors, It wasn't harsh but it wasn't light whatsoever, I turn around and it was Ariana laying there.

"oh no.." Shawn says, he kneels down and pats Ariana.

"I think she passed out, call 911!!" Shawn says and I start calling, Drake comes back from the restroom and suddenly he starts to freak out.

"oh shit, what the hell happened?!" He panics.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"uhm yes, we need an ambulance. My friend passed out and i-i don't know what to do.."

"It's okay darling, don't worry. Send up the address and we'll be with you shortly."

I say the address and thank her, I hang up.

"They're on their way." I say, nodding at Shawn, the rest of our group comes downstairs and Big Sean seems to be tearing up.

"W-What happened?" He says, looking like he was about to SOB, lord gracious I feel so bad.

"Ariana passed out, an ambulance has been called." Shawn says, Nicki and Kendall look at each other confused and in fear.

📍Ridge-View Hospital
[Arianas POV]

I don't bother open my eyes since i'm pretty sure I know where the hell i'm at, Hospitals smell like shit, I ain't surprised at this point.

Why am I here though? All I remember is Justin getting taken out of the house. I also remember Shawn asking if I was okay.

Before I act like I just joke up, which I practically did. I hear on the news channel..

"Breaking News! Justin Bieber taken to the Police station after assaulting a young woman inside a Lake mansion? Apparently, Justin wasn't even supposed to be coming in the house, we were told he assaulted a young woman in the house then soon after getting caught. Find out more in our Web-Page."

I open my eyes and don't hesitate on asking the nurses where Shawn and my friends are.

"uhm ma'am, do you know where my boyfriend is? I wanna see him." I ask politely.

"They're in the waiting room, Would you like me to call them over?" She asks, I nod and she exits the room.

A few minutes later, I hear the door opening and it's not someone I expected to see at all..

"Sean? What are you doing here?" I ask, I raised an eyebrow, I could tell he cried.

"I came to see you, Ariana.." he answers, I ignore him and took at my nails, not caring for what he said since he knows he broke me.

"Ariana, I know im the last person you wanna see but please, talk to me bab-"

"Don't call me babe." I cut him off, clearly not wanting him in the room.

"Get out Sean, I wanna see my boyfriend." I say, getting irritated.

"Ariana give me another chance.. baby I can make this better for us.." He says, he notices i'm moving my hand towards the Nurse call button and he aggressively grabs my wrist.

"Hey! What's your problem, Let me go!" I say, starting to get mad.

"No, Ariana. I'm here to talk to you and that's what i'll do."

"No you won't.. HEL-" Sean covers my mouth before I could scream for help.

Sean let's go of both my wrist and my mouth and I quickly press the Nurse call button.

I chuckle and he starts getting mad, this ain't ending well ladies.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT? ALL I WANT IS ANOTHER CHANCE ARIANA! ANOTHER FUCKING CHANCE..!" He yells, as his face is close to mine, his face is starting to get red.

He leans in for a kiss, and before he touches my lips I slap the fuck out of him.

He touches his cheek and stands straight.

"You'll pay for that.." Sean says as he storms out the room, almost knocking over the nurse coming in.

Well, that's that for this chapter, THANK YOU ALL SM FOR 180 READS!!! Next chapter I will be at 200 and I cannot wait, this book is starting to grow and i'm so happy it is, I stayed up til' 3 in the morning to finish this chapter, believe it or not, this is the 4th version of it.

Ariana was originally gonna get kidnapped by Justin, but In my opinion this book is supposed to be about a celebrity groupchat, not a Jariana fanfic (Jariana is the ugliest ship, pls y'all can come up with something better)

Anyways if you liked this chapter, please give it a vote, and so with the others because this story has barely any, thanks for reading! xoxo <3

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