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(Reader x Markiplier)

     You were watching your favorite YouTuber, Markiplier, play some scary games. You, yourself, had a YouTube channel but wasn't very popular.
     Until one day, you got a message on your computer that Markiplier has commented on your video. You immediately clicked it to see if it was him.
     "Wow! you have a great voice. Its like an angel singing. Why have I never seen your videos?" Was what he said. It was him. You put your computer down and grabbed a pillow.
     You screamed into it, being to excited. You looked over to see you had another notification on YouTube. You clicked on it and it said Markiplier has subscribed.
     You went to your computer room with the biggest grin ever. Many times you have said that you loved Mark's videos.
     You turned your camera on and went live. "Hey, let's see if this thing is working..." You looked down at the comments and saw that everything was good.
     "Hey! Welcome my late night stream! I usually don't do this but..." You pause to reach for your computer. "I got some notifications on my computer!"
     "You all know how much I love Mark's videos and all, but, he commented on a video and commented," you looked up and smiled.
     "I'm so happy. I've wanted to be noticed by at least on big YouTuber and I got noticed by the FNAF god. How... Awesome," you looked to your right to look at the comment.
     "Oh!" You squealed. "Mark is in the chat!" You read his comment out loud.
"You are a fan? That's crazy. I am I fan of your voice. Its so beautiful! Are you going to VidCon this year?"
      "First of all, thank you, and second... Yes I am. I'm really excited too! Oo! I could meet you... That'd be super..." You look down at your lap.
      You looked back and saw another comment from him, "that would be super! I can't wait to meet you. I'll dm you later to see where we should meet up. We could do a panel together!"
      "That would be great. I'm sorry, I'm dying right now..." You blushed and spun in your chair. You continued the stream talking about how life is and answering questions.
      "Well, that's it for today. It is ten here and I want to relax. Thank you all for coming this late and goodbye my lovelies!" You finished the stream with that. You posted it and went to your room to relax.
     You looked on Instagram to see what's up. Mark's story came up and it was about your stream.
     "Wow, she's so funny!" He said then broke out in laughter at a stupid joke you said. You blushed at the fact that he was laughing with you.
     After you checked all the posts and stories, you went to DM's. You saw your had a new one from Mark.

Mark: Hey Y/N! I'm so excited for VidCon! Where should we meet?

You: Idk... Where do you think is good? I'm cool with anything.

Mark: Maybe at the entrance? That's a good place for a first time person, right? Oh, well... You wouldn't know because your new...

You: Pfft, I think that's good. By the way, did you know I live in LA?

Mark: No! But that's awesome! Where do you live?

You: Close to where you live actually. Its about a ten minutes drive.

Mark: Oh, that's so cool! We could hang out before VidCon starts. Does that sound good?

     You stop and die inside.

You: Yeeesss! That's amazing... Omg I'm freaking out over here.

Mark: Lol, I'd like to see a video of that. So, how about 9:30 A.M. tomorrow?

You: That sounds great. See you then!

Mark: Oh, I thought we could still talk but if your busy that's fine...

You: No! I'm able to talk more. I'm just freaking out a lot...

     You two talk for awhile. Making both of you stay up way later then usual. You said your goodbyes and went to bed.
You woke up in the morning at six, like normal. You soon remembered that             Mark is coming later. You got ready, with a shower, doing your hair, and makeup.
     Nine came around and you were waiting. You then heard a knock at the door. You shot up and answered it.              "Hello!" You said. It was Mark.
You let him in and he gave you a big hug. "Oh I'm so glad to meet you so soon!" He said. You hugged for s long time. He moved back a little and you let him.
     He held your arms for awhile then looked away, letting go. He looked embarrassed. "What's wrong?" You asked him, placing a hand on his. He held it.
     "Can I be honest, like super duper honest?" He asked. You nodded with a smile. He grabbed your other hand. "I think I might like you... You are perfect Y/N..."
     You stood, shocked. "I... I think I like you too," you said with a huge smile. He looked you in the eyes. He leaned in slowly for a another hug, you took it.
     "Thank god... I thought I would loose a friend so fast with that..." He said to you with tears in his eyes. You rubbed his back a bit.
     "Its okay, I thought I would too if I said anything," you said. He leaned back enough for there to be a small gap between you.
     His lips locked with yours. You tensed up and then melted into the kiss. He held your back while you stretched your arms around his neck.
     You kissed passionately for a while. He leaned back slowly. He smiled with his eyes closed. He opened them slowly and smiled more. "I... I love you, Y/N..."
     You leaned your head on his chest and he held you, "I love you too..." You stayed there, sharing that moment of love.
     "Wanna go out to eat? I'll pay," he asked you. You looked up his goofy smile.
     "Yes please, baby," you said. He took his right hand and placed it on your cheek. He took his thumb and rubbed your cheek a bit. You smiled as he did so.
     "I love you so much, I've never felt such a connection with someone... So fast," he said, still rubbing your cheek.          "Let's go," he walked back a bit and held out his hand. You took it and he started to walk to the door.
     You got in his car. "Where should we go?" He turned to you after doing his seatbelt. You thought for a second.
     "How about the Cáfe down the way?" You asked him. He turned the car on.
     "Sounds romantic for a first date," he said, backing up out of your drive way. You blushed and looked out the window. "What? Isn't it a date?" He asked, placing a hand on your thigh.
     "I think so," you said softly, trying not to moan with his hand on your thigh. He started to rub it and you moved with pleasure. A soft moan escaped your lips.
     He looked over to you and smiled, "god, you're easy," he said, looking back to the road. You blushed and he kept rubbing your thigh. You kept letting out soft moans.
     He slowly made his way up your thigh with out you knowing. He hit a soft spot and you moaned loudly. You immediately went red.
     You were at a stop light so he could look at you for a while. He looked very surprised. "Damn, you are loud. Not like that's bad its... Its just... Hot..." He said, looking back to the road.
     "R-really?" You asked him. He smirked.
     "The louder the better," he said in a cocky, deep voice. You shivered and he felt it. "You want more, don't you?" He asked.
     "I've wanted it since the first time I saw your videos, which was when you started," you said, holding him hand down so you could talk.
     "Wow. You have waited a long time. I'm impressed," he said, pulling into the Cáfe parking lot. "Let's go, M'laddie."
     You hopped out of the car and he held his hand out again. You took it and walked into the building. You stood in line, holding hands with Mark.
     "Hello, this way please," a waitress came to seat you guys. You followed her back to a beautiful view of the sunrise through a window. "I'll be serving you today, what do you guys want to drink?"
     "Water please," Mark said. The young woman looks over to you.
     "Water as well, please," you said with a smile. She left to go get the waters and Mark pulled you closer.
     "Don't hold back of getting food. I can afford anything for you," he put your nose to his. You felt his hand on your waist, pulling you even closer.
     "Okay, I don't eat mush anyways..." You looked down and then felt a hand on your head pushing it to his chest.
     "Make sure you eat enough, I don't you to be sick," he said in a deep voice. You sat up to read the menu. Mark slid his hand back down to your waist.
     "Hey, here are the waters, do we know what we want to eat yet?" The girl came back a few minutes later. Mark looked at you and you nodded. He nodded too.
     "I want the bacon egg combo please," Mark said. You giggled.
     "I would like that too," you said. He smiled at you and the waitress left to go put in your order.
     "Did you plan that?" He asked you. You laughed.
     "No, we didn't talk about what we wanted to eat," you told him. He held you and you laid your head on his shoulder. You sat in silence for awhile.
     "Hey," the woman came back with the food, "sorry, did I interrupt something? I'm sorry if I did."
     "Not at all, looks good," he looked up to the woman, "thank you."
     She left the food so you guys could eat. You dug in as well as Mark. You felt so comfortable with him. "Hey," Mark asked.
     "Yes?" You turned to him. He kissed your lips softly.
     "I love you," he whispered, you blushed and covered your face with your sleeve. "What? Am I not allowed to say that?" He whispered.
     "We are in public, Mark..." You whispered to him. You put your face in his arm. He held you tight.
     "So?" He asked with a innocent voice. You giggled. You finished your food and Mark paid for it.
     "How much was the tab?" You asked as you were walking out the Cáfe, holding hands.
     "It doesn't matter," he said. You were determined to find out. You leaned on him and he stopped. You gave him some puppy dog eyes.
     "But I want to know..." You pouted. he smiled.
     "20$," he said. You felt happy with your ability. You stayed there for a second though. He brought you to the wall of the building so you weren't in the way.
     "Well, that was easy," you said to him. You nuzzled his neck and he moaned softly. He held you back a bit, most likely because you were in public, but you pushed to his neck again.
     You had to fight to get to his neck this time. You succeeded and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed it. He moaned a bit louder this time. That made you happy.
     He held your back so you didn't fall. "I love you," you said to him. He smiled and kissed your forehead. "So, you and Amy didn't work out?" You asked.
     "No... She was a gold digger," (no she isn't. I have nothing against her, she is a beautiful and talented woman. That was for the story)
     "Aw... That's sad. I heard that Seán's girlfriend is one too... That sucks," you said. His face lit up.
     "You know who Seán is?" He asked, really excited. You laughed a bit. You hugged him tighter.
     "Of course I do. He is in so many of your videos. He's funny as hell too. A sweet little Irish potato," you stated.
     "Oh my god, I'm so happy! You know who one if best friends is! That's great. Let's go," he said with glee. You happily followed him to his car. His arm around your shoulders.
     "Hey M-Mark?" You both heard a lid say. You turn to see a 12-year-old with a phone, "c-can I have a picture with you?" He asked.
     "Oh, gladly!" Mark said taking his arm off of you. You smiled at how nice he is. They took many photos. That also talked for a bit. You didn't mind.
     "Okay, I need to get going, nice to meet you!" Mark said to the kid. He ran off to a group of kids. Mark put his arm back on your shoulders.
     "That was so sweet to watch. I bet that kid doesn't know who I am," you joked with Mark. You got into his car and he turned it on.
     "Oh he will, they all will," Mark said. He drove you home and stayed with for a while.

(Hey, this was, so far, my longest one shot with 2009 words. I'll make a part two because of how long this is. Thank you for reading.)

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