The Broken Love

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     I wake up as normal, and go to get in a shower. I slowly walked over to my bathroom, thinking about videos I could create today. With blurred eyes, I stepped into the shower and turn on a nice, hot stream of water. I stand there, letting the warm water roll down my back for more to do the same, over and over...
     "Okay..." I said while I stepped out to the cool air of my house. I dried my body, and dried as much of my hair as I could. I went to go get dressed with a towel around my waist. Even though this is my house and I could walk around naked, I'm not comfortable with that. Amy isn't around to mess with me like she usually does when I get of a shower, so I felt good.
     "Uhm..." I whispered softly to myself as I looked through my clothes. I picked out a Cloak hoodie and some normal sweatpants. The hoodie had a purple and white marbled look to it while my sweat pants had a gray/grey base with a black stripe that went from waist to ankle, on the outside of the legs.
     I went to the kitchen to scavenge for food. I made bacon with cheesy eggs. While the eggs and bacon cooked, I sliced an apple in half. One for now and the other for lunch, when ever that would be... Depending on how much work I do. I took my breakfast to my recording room.
     While I ate, I checked my social medias. Instagram, Tumbler, Twitter, etc. When I was done eating, I looked for random scary games for a video.
     "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and today," I paused for a dramatic effect. "Three scary games found their way to my computer and I need to play them. Let's get started." I looked at the camera and smile.
     "AHH! FUCK, FUCK, FUCKY YOU!!" I yelled, throwing my headphones off and jumping back from my computer. "Jesus Christ, well..." I adjusted my headphones back on my head. "I guess I'm not going to finish that level today. I might make another video just for this game, I didn't realize this would be such a big game. After all, the game just showed up on my computer."
     "What..?" I turned to see a slight shadow open the door behind me, in the way back. I hear a noise inside. "Huh," I said still looking back, then turing back to say, "Weird, well that is it for today's Three Scary Games. If you like the video, I might go back to find out what I couldn't today in that level. Don't forget to subscribe with notifications on. And with that, thank you so much for watching, see you in the next video. Buh-bye!"
     I turned off my computer and camera to go see what is with my door. I look inside and see the normal stuff. I close the door, took my phone, and headed down stairs to watch TV.
     I reach the couch and heard a knock at my door while I tried to crouch to sit. I groaned and got up to go to the door.
     I opened the door to see no one, and I looked around to see if I got a package. I shrugged my shoulders, thinking it's some kids doing ding-dong ditch. Turning around to go back to try and watch TV again, I hear a glitch type laugh. I stood there, not knowing what to think. I shook of the anxiety rising in my chest as a mind trick because I just played horror games. I slowly walked to couch to make sure it was the games.
     I sat and watched TV for awhile. I felt a little hungry, so I got up to make lunch. I glanced at the clock on my way to kitchen. 2:37 p.m., fuck. I lost track of time.
     I made a quick lunch and went back to my TV show. But when I got there, there was a person there. He was looking around, kinda confused looking. He looked a lot like Seán, I called out to him, "Seán? I-is that you?"
     He turned to look at me. He had a slit on his throat and he had a glowing green eye. The glowing eye stopped glowing after his eyes adjusted on me. "Hi..." He said. His voice cut in and out. I stepped back a little in fear he might hurt me. "Don't be scared!" He exclaimed with his hands up. I turned my head to the left a little to look at him sideways.
     "Who are you?" I asked in a shakey voice, still holding my food. He walked up to me slowly, probably trying to gain my trust. I let him get as close as he needed.
     "I am Antisepticeye, Anti for short. And you are Markiplier, Mark for short, right?" He said slowly. I couldn't believe what he said to me. He was Seán's made up character. So, I did what any logical person would. I tried to touch his cut.
     "Yeah, that's me," I said in a lessed than impressed tone while I reached my hand up to his neck. I focused to be slow so, if he was a real person, I wouldn't hurt him. He saw what I was trying to do and lifted his chin to let me see better.
     I flinched my hand back a bit, then went back to the cut. I took my thumb against his cut gently. His neck twitched a little and I felt an indent where a cut would be. I took my hand back a bit to look this man in the eyes.
     "You are a living, breathing fiction character." He nodded. I placed down my food and went to go get some bandages. If he was going to be here, I did not want to see that cut. "Where we going, Mark?" He asked as I went to my bathroom.
     "I'm going to clean and cover that cut. Even if it doesn't hurt, I don't want to see it," I looked back to him poking the cut. I placed my hand beside my head, "Don't do that."
     "Okay," He was being awfully nice for being Anti. I got a clean wash cloth, bandage wrap, gauze, and medical tape. Along with some rubbing alcohol to clean it a bit.
     "Okay, sit here-" I pointed to the edge of my bath tub. He sat and waited patiently. I sat next to him and wet the wash cloth with water then a little alcohol. "This might hurt a little, but," I held his face up with my left hand and hovered my right one with the cloth over the cut. "It'll help." He nodded and I placed the cloth on his skin around the cut and slowly wiped the blood away, getting to the cut. Finally, I grazed the cloth on his cut.
     "Ah-" Anti said in a weird way, almost like a moan. I took the cloth away to clean it up. "Ah..." He said touching his cut slowly, using the same moan like way to say it.
     "You okay?" I asked, glancing up to look at him. He looked at me a nodded lightly. "Does it hurt?" I asked while I made the cloth just damp with some alcohol. He stared at me, "I know you talk." I joked. He laughed with a small glitch. "But seriously, does it hurt?"
     "A little," He said softly. I went to go and put my hand back on his face to hold it up, but he grabbed it suddenly. "Uhm..." He blushed lightly, "B-be careful please..." I smiled and nodded. He let go of my hand and let me clean his cut.
     He flinched a little when I was cleaning the very middle of the cut. "You good?" I asked every time he did. He always said he was. Soon enough, I was done cleaning the cut. "Okay," I said, getting up to get the bandages. "We are going to wrap your neck in hope that it will heal and be a good." I came back over to cover his cut.
     "Okay," Is all he said. I was worried for him. He wasn't green, like the editing Seán used. It was just him. I slowly wrapped his cut. A few minutes later, I was done.
     "Thank you," he said softly. He touched the gauze a little and I grabbed his hand softly.
     "Don't touch, okay?" He nodded and followed me out of the bathroom. "You hungry? I can make you some food." I said. I looked at where I left my food and it was gone. "Or I can make us both some food."
     "Okay, that would be nice." He sat at the kitchen table.
     "Mind if I ask you some questions?" I asked while getting out a pan. I was going to make breakfast for lunch, which was basically dinner now.
     "I was waiting to see when you would ask," He slouched and propped his head up with his left hand, looking at me with a smile stained face.
     "Okay," I said turning on my stove. "Where did you come from?"
     "The void Seán left me in." He said flatly. "He never really liked me as an ego and left me to rot in the void. I finally had enough and left to find some one who would care for me. You seemed fitting because you care for everyone. I had to put up an act for that bitch. I'm not that mean, I was just beat to blood to be mean."
     "Oh my god," I gasped a whisper. "Seán beat you for you to act?" He nodded.
     "Can I live with you to feel safe for once?" Anti asked, straighting his back.
     "Yes! I don't want you to be hurt, that is awful..." I finished making pancakes and some bacon and served him more than me. Is it weird to say I started to like him? Like more than a friend?

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